[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

Postby Haeli on August 29th, 2011, 4:55 pm

Haeli let his question go unanswered. Instead her mind dwelled on intimacy. The first word he asked of her she had no meaning for. Sexuality even sounded foreign to her in Common. The second one though, was a lesson learned because of Dor. It was also a lesson well learned because of Brig. Sentient creatures had no idea what true intimacy was and it held true to her that he wouldn't understand either.

Instead, she offered him a smile that was slightly sad, and moved away without commenting. There'd be time for that later.

Hearing about the bear he'd seen saddened her. More often than not she could not related to people and their activities. She had no idea what a circus was, but she figured it was some warlike group if that's what they made the bear do. Caiyha would have been angered, and Haeli knew if she witnessed something like Emeric had, she'd have been forced to act.

They moved on, she splashing down into the water to truly enjoy it while he settled on the shore, pant legs rolled up and limbs in the water. She came here often to bathe, not having fully developed the concept of baths in the city. Getting clean to her was swimming in the waters of a river or ocean and letting nature take from her what it willed. And the warmth was amazing, not like anything found in the Gyvaka, where wintertime baths were few and far between. Here, in Lhavit, there would be year round cleanness. Had she studied a sleek water form, Haeli would have shifted and enjoyed it. But Big Jaw would have been an incredibly uncomfortable in the warm water. Here, she'd need to find new shapes, new tools, and learn to use them as well as the ones she learned to use in the Gyvaka Swamp.

Emeric was ignored for a time. She played and enjoyed the warmth of the water, letting the bruises be soothed in the heat and the blood washed from her skin. It wasn't the first time she'd made mistakes and gotten a sound beating.

Bears. Maybe that would be a good form to learn.

She'd learned things from him on this trip, about him, and knew he couldn't be pushed or bullied or talked into things. He could be asked and suggested and things could be explained, but in the end he would do what he willed and that was fine with Haeli. She wanted a relationship with Emeric so she could learn from him. That relationship needed to come in the form of respect first, then friendship, and before she could be friends or earn his respect he had to learn to trust her. Watching him, even from the shelter of the water, Haeli knew he didn't trust.

He also didn't understand intimacy if he thought staring at someone's skin meant that.

She knew intimacy as something else. Haeli wanted to tell him, but she didn't want to seem to be lecturing him. But it saddened her heart that he thought seeing someone as the Gods created them bridged some sort of social barrier between them. Looking at Emeric, she knew he was a lot like Lhavit itself, walled in and aloft up against the stars. She wondered if he knew that or if it was something that he'd only see when or if he began to trust some of the people here enough to come out of his own city and walk around in the world awhile.

Haeli moved up close to the shore close to him, where they could talk. She folded her legs so she was settled on the bottom, rocks and mud against her rump but comfortable enough still. Water covered most of her skin so he'd feel no unwelcome intimacy as he defined it. She arched her head back, catching all her wet tangled locks in the water behind her then lifted her head again so nothing was in her face. Then she quietly began to speak. It seemed the appropriate time, now that he looked so relaxed and admitted to being glad to be out here.

"I don't know what that first word was you used, Emeric. But I know what intimacy is. Intimacy is not looking at someone's bare skin. That doesn't imply anything, not really, other than people have spent too much time hiding behind walls in cities and need to hide behind walls of cloth on their own skin as well. We were born without clothing and we should only use it when we are cold or need protection like your armor. We can use it to adorn ourselves and depict signals to each other like profession or occasion, but why else would we need it? I don't dislike clothing, but I've never had much need for it or many opportunities to own cloth." Haeli said softly, cupping the water in front of her and washing her face one more time this time scrubbing it slightly with some of the warm sand all around her that was mixed with the rocks and soil at the bottom of the water.

The sky had slowly darkened and the night was well upon them. Stars winked into existence as the day creatures slowly departed and the night creatures came out of their hiding. The transitional periods lingered in Lhavit - twilight - they called it. It hung for an eternity as if warning all the denizens that a change was coming. Night in the Gyvaka was dangerous and it was far easier for her to be out during the day. Lhavit just seemed equally welcoming both day and night so there was no fear in her at the transition. The world in the wild was welcoming, music spilled out by hundreds of insects and it was the type of music no human bard could reproduce on strings or through their breath.

When she was done washing, she took a moment to look at him thoughtfully, a smile playing across her lips because he was so relaxed. "Intimacy means so much more to me than just looking upon something. Here, out of the city, we are surrounded by the Gods. Makutsi enfolds me here, warmed by Ivak's fire. Semele holds us cupped in her hands so that none of the waters drain out. Leth and Zintila shed light upon us while Zulrav's winds warm us. Can't you feel all of Caiyha's wild around you infused with Kihala's life? Such intimacy, Emeric... such deep and abiding intimacy. Its not something you get just staring at skin. It is a gift, to have a place among the living and to experience all the world has." Haeli said softly, meeting his gaze in the falling light with her gold one. Her gold gaze glowed with reverence and appreciation. If he was half good at reading people he'd understand what she was trying to tell him. There was nothing to read into her actions other than what her actions were. This was no seduction scene, no means to lure him into something he'd best find with coin where there was a beginning and a set ending and everyone walked away in the end. Haeli was just being Haeli, and as much as she struggled to understand what that was, he too was still finding his footing when it came to such things.

Being on ones own did that. Being free did that. Once you had all the choices in the world, the world tended to pile them on moment by moment, breath by breath. And even being who you were was a choice.

"With Caiyha's mark comes a gift, a language that all things know. You know it Emeric, even if you don't understand you do. Sentient creatures find it disturbing. But the plants and animals all around us speak it to each other often. Just touching one and invoking the mark on my leg lets me see them in a way you can't look with your eyes, Emeric. You see inside, into their hearts and they in turn see into yours. There is light there and darkness, secrets and desires, and all things people aren't meant to know or want to guard. You know things about them, things that are sometimes hard to know or brings an easy smile to your face. If I touched you with Nura, Emeric, you would know intimacy and it would put what you worry about or what you feel is implied in perspective so that you could see it is nothing. But I touched someone once with it, someone like us, and it was not a good thing. It scared her and she was afraid. My place here isn't to make anyone afraid. I'm here to help. Nura is a tool for that help. They mark us, Emeric, so we can help them and they can help us. They put us in good and bad situations so we can learn and be strong." Haeli said, trying to make Emeric understand what she was trying to tell him.

"My heart holds secrets. I am lonely and want to know my family. I've never had parents and when I see families in Lhavit with two people and their children, I wonder what my mother and father were like. It is a secret pain, bitter and sweet both in my heart. Because of the storm and the ship sinking, I ended up in the Gyvaka. I became a witch, growing into it, which is not something I would have had happened if I'd have grown up with a family. Loosing my family was a gift of sorts. A painful one, but it was a means to an end and I know Caiyha needs me. It is not because I am special or important, but it is because I can be open and learn what she has to teach me and in turn can use it to help. I think I was sent here by her to help Lhavit, to balance its people and its wilds. I need to have a purpose, Emeric. I need to know that what I do and what I can do has meaning. I think that is something human, for other animals don't feel that way."
She said softly, moving slightly in the water. Everything was still covered, still concealed, still minding his own modesty.

She was talking... more talking than she'd done in a season.

"Emeric, won't you come into the water and bathe? Enjoy it. There's no one here but the Gods and I suspect they find human hangups interesting. I have a man's shape if it will make you feel things are less implied. And we can swim together and float in the heat as brothers. Okay?" She said, trying once more to gently coax him into the water... all of him, not just his legs.
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[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

Postby Emeric on September 1st, 2011, 7:37 pm

His eyes could pick out the silhouette of one of the peaks, hazy behind the clouds which seemed to hang on them perpetually. Far from where they currently stood, and he wondered whether anyone had climbed that high and looked down on the world like the gods. “Perhaps intimacy was the wrong word.” He said, listening to her views on the way people saw each other, and agreeing for the most part. There was truly no reason to be ashamed to look upon each other but for the social conventions, which still hung heavy upon him.

“You know not of sexuality, but you must know of its concept. The connection between men and women, attraction taken to a higher level – beyond thought or emotion. In society, as it is now, looking at each other like that is a major facet of sexuality, an action to stir our more… carnal senses. Perhaps if we were not bound within clothes for so long, then we wouldn’t be so affected by seeing each other without.” He mused, locking gaze with those honest eyes once again.

Emeric opened himself to see the world through her eyes, and indeed with such a dispassionate view he could understand how strange the simple concept of clothing was – though she could accept the practical benefits in a city like Lhavit. He wondered how she’d fare if she ever lived amongst the Benshira.

The warm water lapped against his feet, and he could easily envisage retreating here after a long day. Moonlight filtered through the flora surrounding them, sinking into the shimmering heat of the hot spring. He slipped off his gloves and found himself unbuttoning the top of his shirt, letting it hang more open in the cloying heat. His hand ran across the bank of the pool and slipped into the water, suppressing a wince at the heat on his brand.

As he watched the small waves travelled a few inches up and down the bank, letting his thoughts wander and finding images of Ravok. The canal system which threaded through the city like veins, which he could see if he craned his neck at the small window in his room. Evenings where he couldn’t sleep would often be spent staring at the hypnotically still waters beneath, light from Leth and lantern alike glinting and winking at him.

In his earlier years he’d felt like the water itself was goading him, inviting him down to the water – fully in the knowledge he could not leave even if he wanted to. As the years rolled by however he found more comfort in the canals, one of the few items of solace in his time in Ravok. This place was far more wild, with not a building in sight. Emeric spied the fleeting silhouettes of bats, weaving between the trees with guile – a sight he could never have imagined flitting through the buildings of his erstwhile residence.

The musings on his past inevitably led him to all the feelings of anger and regret that he had spent so long running from and the relaxation seemed to drain away, replaced by tensed muscles and a dead gaze into the sky. For all of Haeli’s faith in the gods and their divine gifts and rights, Emeric’s own experience still left him with a bitter taste whenever he was found to think upon them. He forced himself to quell the negative feelings bubbling within him and once again tried to put things into perspective, as Haeli suggested.

In most every way they had lived entirely different lives, and so he determined to listen to her and learn from her as much as she wished to learn from him. Haeli spoke of the gift bestowed upon her by Caiyha, and once again Emeric was impressed at the range of the young woman’s abilities. Spying the gnosis once again as she shifted in the water. There was once a time, when he had a quiet moment, where he would envisage the marks on his own body carrying their own divine powers. Where he imagined the half-sun on his hand would let him burn his captors and escape, or the queer map traced on his back would let him travel anywhere across Mizahar in the blink of an eye.

Emeric’s mouth twitched into a slight smile as she continued, with but a few words he had launched her into a great speech. Like there was no barrier between what she was thinking and what she was saying, no thought for propriety or to hide herself – literally as well, in this case. She was simply answering his queries in the most full way she knew, and he appreciated it – making note to try and emulate it for her own questions which would invariably come.

He rose as she spoke, tracing the edge of the pool with his steps as he circled the spring. Despite her words, however, he couldn’t yet make such an extreme step and join her – and in the recesses of his mind, there was still a fear associated to his lack of ability within water. Though the information that she could morph into other humans was intriguing, and he knew there would be many a thief who would enjoy such a power.

“You needn’t bother,” He replied, “Another time.” Emeric met her eyes as he spoke, to assure her that he wasn’t simply dismissing her; that he would genuinely wish to return to this place with her. The heat was intense, and becoming a little uncomfortable, but he knew as the days got shorter and cooler, a place like this would be most welcome. He could feel the steam from the spring sticking to his skin, and plastering his hair onto his head.

And something she said had taken root in his mind; I need to have a purpose. Emeric had been so inclined for a few seasons, but at a total loss for what that purpose may be. “Purpose is good,” he said simply, “It is good you can impact the world. It is good.” He repeated, more for his own benefit – trying to distil the most simple and pure expression of the word.

His toes sunk into the soft, sandy ground just beneath the waterline as he walked, and he relished the small pleasure – allowing the brief spike of anger to dissipate in the oasis Haeli had shown him. Even his anxiety about the dangers behind them, and paranoia about the dangers before them, had all but vanished in the cloying summer night.
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[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

Postby Haeli on September 1st, 2011, 8:47 pm

She kept pace with him, slightly, out in the water. It was her arms gently pushing her body through the water that caused the waves to lap the otherwise undisturbed silt of the edge of the pool. Night fell gracefully and mysteriously, as it always did. Lhavit wasn't like the Gyvaka, unsafe after dark. Here, the city and its fringelands were as welcoming in the darkness as they were in the light. She trailed him in the water not because she wanted to force him in, but because she wanted to hear his words. Emeric was usually lost within himself, quiet, resourceful, and full of thinking. So when he did talk, Haeli listened.

Haeli wondered if all men thought as much as Emeric did. His pensive quiet demeanor left her wondering often what he words were going through his head. It also gave her great insight into more about who he really was by his body language and infrequent comments that were more life footnotes on his life than real exchanges. If he was outgoing and liked to talk, he'd have far more words to share with her. But that was not who he was. Instead he was tied up in himself, bound, by chains she had trouble seeing but could sense clearly enough. And because of his stillness the words he did share with her had meaning, but there was very little of himself in them. Guarded. Withdrawn.

"What about you, Emeric? I've talked a great deal... too much. What about your purpose for coming here? Sometimes I'm not sure, but you seem almost to be trying to leave something behind. You are strong, but sometimes the way the light falls on your face... you seem uncertain or afraid. Maybe fear is the wrong word, but concerned. Like just now. Is it something bad, that you think about, the past blending into the present? Like the brand on your hand has meaning?" She said softly, questioning him.

Haeli watched the way he blended into the shadows as the night fell. She wasn't afraid of the night, but loved its essence. Emeric seemed to be part of the night, moreso than most, as he paced along leaving a singular set of fooprints.
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[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

Postby Emeric on September 4th, 2011, 6:53 pm

Emeric found her perceptiveness disconcerting, stopping in his tracks as she began to ask about him. Truly wishing she hadn’t asked about his past. He had spent over two years travelling to the opposite end of the world to escape that spectre. And it was only in quiet moments like this when the fear which had driven him so far became so apparent, and a step closer to loosening its grip on him. He exhaled slowly.

Taking stock, he saw how little he had exploited the freedom in the ways he used to dream, instead just hitting the road and assimilating into the life of a merchants guard. Finding himself by a hot spring on the side of a mountain, with a young, naked, woman was unexpected, but not unwelcome.

“Would it suffice to say you’re right?” He replied after moments of quiet contemplation, bringing his hand up and looking upon the scarred skin. “This is a mark of all that I left behind, a life best left forgotten.” He looked again to Haeli, tracing his route through the water – peering inside of him with her golden eyes.

It seemed incomprehensible to have forged such a connection, but there was a definite kinship with the wild girl. Diametrically opposite in most every way, yet linked on some primal level – with fears and hopes for their own lives forging their paths onward.

Emeric knelt on the ground beneath, cupping his hands into the water and splashing it onto his face. Rubbing at his eyes and up through his hair. Listening intently to the slight splash of the water as Haeli shifted in the water, and the birds above called to each other, and in the distance the more dangerous fauna of the forest howled and whooped with excitement.

Only now, he didn’t feel such anxiety at the sounds, instead feeling like a spectator to the forest rather than prey. Like the forest itself had deigned the pair harmless and was content to leave them be. The symphony of the wild pitched him, once more, into deep thought – looking into the unreachable distance. He chewed over the idea of a purpose, with the inclination to leave the city waning, but still finding it entirely difficult to imagine anywhere he could make the kind of difference that Haeli seemed intent on making.

After all that she had shared, it was difficult for him to avoid her questions but he knew he couldn’t vocalise the memories and feelings which plagued him for so long. At least, not yet.

He rose again, and resumed his quiet walk around the edge of the spring – feeling as the breeze picked up and mixed with the heat emanating from the pool. Disappearing from the view of the moon as an overhanging tree cast over him, plunging him into blackness.

“I’ve run so far. I don’t know what to do now.” He said, this time turning away as he spoke – feeling fleetingly, utterly lost.
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[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

Postby Haeli on September 5th, 2011, 6:05 pm

The warm water was getting to her. Senses lulled as she kept pace with the strange man she'd only just met. Haeli relaxed, probably for the first time she'd been with Emeric and smiled up at the stars as she rolled in the water, turning on her back to float and kick lazily with her feet. The swamp waters were not nearly as friendly as these, though she was not afraid of the snakes and crocodiles that inhabited their depths. Instead, the crystal clear mountain water reflected the stars perfectly on the surface of the steaming water, even in the undulating waves Haeli made by gently stroking the water then later kicking at it with her legs. Back arched, arms out, she floated with her wheat gold hair darkened with night clouding the water around her. She looked to be embracing the sky as her neck arched to see the entire view of the heavens.

She could hear Emeric pacing, deliberately, thinking too much and feeling too deeply in his quiet stoic way. The witch no longer watched him, curious, wondering what he as about and who he really was. He answered none of her questions, not really, which just told her simply that he didn't know the answers or was as unsure of them as she herself was. That made things simple in her mind. No more questions. No more expectations. He'd find his own way and make his own decisions and in time he'd either tell her or not. She wasn't angry, not at all, just accepting of him and who he as. She liked that he didn't fill the swiftly falling night with empty words that were devoid of meaning and intent.

Instead he just walked, sometime agreeing sometimes not, and more often than not when he poke it was as if he said things only to himself for his own purposes as if voicing the things inside gave them life and a reality that was more potent than existed in his own soul.

She smiled when he washed his face. Being clean was important to the girl. Many of the sailors she'd met were unwashed, filthy, and stunk of themselves and others who were in teh same scenario. Lhavit was the first place she'd seen truly clean people - clean like Ozantha and her kept their bodies - who cared about things like health and smells. Haeli also knew that washing his face in the water would help link him to the water much like drinking it would. The more he embraced such thing, the more such thing would embrace him as their own and life would be better.

She reached out over her head lazily stroking the water, propelling herself further along slowly. It was times like this Haeli wished she could sing for she'd compose a song specifically for the beauty of the world and sing it in that instant. Instead she lifted her eyes to the heaven and thanked Zintila for the beautiful sight.

Haeli didn't know what to say to his last words. Ozantha would have said something profound and inspirational or mocking. But Haeli wasn't Ozantha. Her head swiveled from its starry view to look at him sideways in the water. She rolled, stood up, and waded from the water without saying anything. As she slipped out of the pool, steam rose from her heated flesh but she paid it no mind. She'd spotted a feast on the ground, good enough to feed them for a day or two. Haeli gestured to the nest she'd found of duck eggs and lifted her voice. "There's a whole nest of duck eggs here. Fresh laid I'd say too. Will you collect them and we'll start back? Might get a rabbit or two on the way of we're lucky." Haeli said, waiting by the nest as she slowly concentrated and began to shift back to Fang's form.
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[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

Postby Emeric on September 14th, 2011, 1:29 pm

The route he took planted him between the hot steam drifting upwards from Haeli’s pool, and the crisp mountain winds which passed through the wood like there were no trees at all. The strange shift between temperatures sent bumps across his skin and caused the hair to stand on end. The girl was floating, taking in the scene as he did, examining the stars and more inclined to let him be.

Emeric resolved however, that he would never intentionally lie to the girl, and would tell her instead if he didn’t wish to answer a question. He hoped it wouldn’t come too often, and she seemed to be curious about the whole spectrum of humanity. The feeling of loss he felt when he briefly confronted his own life was powerful, but brief - and Emeric soon found himself calmer and more open to Haeli’s unique views on the world than before.

As she was wont to do, he looked keenly at the stars, tracing patterns as many in the caravan once did - creating stories of the Valterrian and great warriors or sweeping romances which tore apart the gods, who in turn tore apart the world. Every man had a different view of the stars, a different character in the sky and a different story to tell, and each swearing it was true with vehemence. Emeric took few at face value. Often he wondered if the gods themselves shared their stories, or spoke of that time years ago when the world shook. Or if they simply bid their followers to conduct themselves in a godly manner, with magical gifts and little explanation.

She didn’t press him, when he spoke, for which he was thankful – it was a moment which he would rather forget and he was glad for it. The girl rose out of the pool and instinctively he looked away again, almost entirely circled around the hot spring and making his way back to the belongings he had placed carefully before. He took the items and strapped them upon his back in stoic silence as she spoke, glancing over to her to nod an affirmative. As he looked he saw the bare back shifting and her entire form dropping carefully to the ground, turning back into the animal he had seen earlier.

In the strapping’s which covered him was a small backpack, with basic items of survival and dried food which had not been appetising when he’d first bought them, months later he was even more reluctant to taste them. He followed where she had gestured and found a cluster of eggs, pale and fragile looking - though full of flavour. With care he plucked them off the ground as she shifted into the form of the jaguar, placing them at the bottom of his pack and tying it securely to his back.

“When I was travelling, we once came upon a city where the merchant I worked for was highly regarded. They feasted him, and gave us guard’s seats and food as well. Though we had very little of the boar they roasted or the ducks they had caught and seared, they furnished us with three things in great abundance: bread, eggs and ale. I don’t think I’ve ever been so full… or so drunk. The eggs, especially, they cooked in a peculiar way which I’ve never since seen…”

He spoke, reliving the memory as best he could despite the haze of alcohol. Feeling that he ought to share something in his mind, and filling the time as her body slowly shifted and shuddered into the shape of an animal.

He took the sword from where it had sat, and pulled on his boots again, entirely ready to make their way back. Feeling from the blackness of the sky that they had been away for a few hours at least.

“No bear cubs, though. Ok?” He said, with a wry smile, before pointing his sword out in front of him, “lead on, Haeli.”
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[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

Postby Haeli on October 6th, 2011, 7:40 pm

Haeli finished her transformation back to the leopard and took a moment to wash her face with her paws and groom away the humanity in the typical style of wild things. Being Fang came easy to her and she was comfortable within the spotted skin, probably more so than she was in her human shape or her Dhani form. It was far easier being one of Caiyha's children this way than with two legs for humans were blinded to nature in a way that only a wildling would understand. Scents assaulted her in this form and her ears flicked back and forth tracing the surrounding sounds. With her, alone was good. Alone was how she understood it. Taking someone with her hunting had turned out to be embarrassing and awkward. Emeric was truly closed in on himself, bound up in things Haeli couldn't understand. Talking to him made her feel insignificant, like she didn't know what he would find interesting to discuss or if he wanted to talk at all. His mannerisms fascinated her but they left no real room for approach or friendship and that's what she needed badly. Companionship was a poor second to conversation that invited intimacy on a level she could learn more about humans with. What were they thinking? Feeling? What drove them? Emeric was closed down, so much so she was afraid to ask such things to him would be to intrude into his guarded past.

She had this immediate desire to be accepted by him, one that seemed contrary to her nature as a Phylonurist. It disturbed her that she cared what he thought when there wasn't a soul in the city she really needed to impress or would have tried too. Being Fang gave her something of a break. This way she didn't have to decide whether to make conversation with Emeric or not, if her questions bothered him, or other other small mannerisms she had no idea about. For instance, did a woman walk beside a man? In front? Behind? Haeli would have asked him but there was a stoic sadness to him that she didn't want to disturb. As Fang, she wasn't bound to human rules she didn't know. The big cat could leap off into the brush and never touch paw to trail. The silence was nice too, peaceful and not at all threatening. She had no desire to fill that peaceful silence with words, so Fang's soft huffs were used instead. She had no idea if Emeric was one of those people or not, though she was getting more of an idea of his personality the longer they spent time together.

Rising and stretching, still a little lazy from the warm water, Haeli trotted off. She started out in a zigzagging pattern using her nose and her excellent hearing to see if she could spot any rabbit sign. Hare scent was all over the region as were the tiny little round pebbles they left as droppings. Nibbled leaves, mostly grasses, and the lure of the cloud berries made the rabbits abundant where they were. Before long she was on the scent of a large one and carefully working her way around the grass trying to flush it out.

Soon enough a large furry form bounding like a rabbit with its tell-tail white flagging tail was racing from the brush, straight towards Emeric.
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[Misty Peaks] Stalking the Mist (Emeric)

Postby Whimsy on December 14th, 2012, 12:17 pm

Experience Award



  • +1 Herbalism
  • +3 Hunting
  • +3 Morphing
  • +1 Navigation
  • +3 Observation
  • +4 Rhetoric
  • +1 Storytelling
  • +2 Swimming
  • +3 Tracking
  • +3 Unarmed Combat

  • Flora of the Misty Peaks
  • Ecosystems: Interconnected
  • Recognising Scents
  • Unarmed: Fighting in Jaguar Form
  • Communicating: Nura
  • Ignoring Pain
  • Cloud Berries
  • Emeric: Does Not Trust
  • Meaning of Intimacy
  • Human & Animal Rules of Decorum

It is genuinely disappointing that Emeric disappeared. This was such a full thread; with action, knowledge and character development. Haeli's speech on the nature of intimacy was truly lovely. Emeric can PM me for his grade if he ever returns. PM me if you have any questions or concerns.

"Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away."
Louis de Bernières

[ Floating AS of Kalea ]
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made of tiny stories
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Joined roleplay: December 10th, 2012, 1:04 am
Location: Kalea
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