by Gate on November 30th, 2011, 8:08 pm
Gate marveled at the many mosaics upon the wall and enjoyed the dark beauty of the catacombs beneath the city. There was so much to see and explore in the city of Ahnatep and he still had not seen many of them. “I would say it has been about four years since I came here.” He walked along and listened to the echoing of footsteps thrown about. “This place must hold a lot of history for the city, all of these leaders laid to rest here. Will you someday be laid here? I know of places like this where my people place our dead on display. I have never visited one of these places but will eventually.” Gate’s thoughts then began to wonder and think of all the various Pycon ancestors he would see that reached their final true form and turned to stone at the end of their life.
Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost.