So I made my knightly character and thought of my character starting an order of knight's called the The Order of the Konti Isle Priskil Knights.Yes they are similier in nature to the Sylira Knight's I admit. But there are a few key difference's. They do not follow Sylir or Tyveth mainly. They worship Priskil as there main god with Avalis as there second main god. They do worship Yahal and Eyris on a much smaller scale.
There goals are similier where both want peace but the Priskil Knights will do what iever is necessary to bring peace. They consider themselves to be the true warrior's of the force's of Light.They do worship Honor as the Sylira Knights do but not clearly as high since they do whatever it takes to bring the peace even if it would cause the destruction of an entire city well besides there home. They are sent all over Mizahar to get rid of any threats which are often called crusades. They will go into cave's or blown up ruins and clear them out, they will search forest's near towns or not and kill any monsters or bandits,especially undead or any dark characters.They often use there Konti member's as special priestess to see the future of a member or just the futre period. I guess there like a hybred between the Fighters Guild from the Elder Scrolls and the Jedi from Star war's to some degree.
There headquater which is a chapel is located on Konti Isle in the city of Mura. Most of the knight's are female since Mura is home to the Konti which is an all female race. Many of the konti women that joined are either wonder's or haven an interest in martial art's or the art of war and the tatic's behind it Many non-konti women join also but that doesn't mean that there isn't men also. Virtually most race's can join within reason at any age as long as they can bring some type of skills to the table. They do a mix of everything and not just killing goblins or zombies. You could be a blacksmith, a priestess, a trainer, hell even an historian or writer if you want as long you can use it within the order. There ranking system is similer to Sylira knight's but have more and ranks made for certain actions.
Normal Ranks
*Round Table Master
*Warden Master
*Sergeant Knight
Rank's used during war
*Lord Knight-equal to a Round Table Master.
*Commander Knight-often second in command of the Lord Knight.
*Hero Knight-A knight sent on certain or important missions. equal to a Captain.
Ranks for crusades
*Divine Crusader-
*Lord Crusader-
*Captain Crusader-
*Warrent Crusader
if you got anymore idea's to add, post it. If you think this is BS or stupid then please don't critize it, am just using my creative part of my brain.