Talk Of Love and Life [Flashback solo]

Xavior continues to come to peace with his birth. He and Christy begin to talk about their pasts and reveals that she had been lying about their plans for a baby. The revelations and conclusions may be surprising as Xavior takes Christy for a ride in her own mind. (Adult situations and implied acts of love)

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Talk Of Love and Life [Flashback solo]

Postby Xavior Silhouette on February 18th, 2012, 2:48 am

Spring 32nd 502AV

Christy and Evan had treated Xavior like a prince in their household. They bought him clothes, provided him with bed, and even gave him a room with a view! He had it all, but he couldn’t help but feel less then excited. He stayed in his room with the door locked during the daylight hours and unlocked it only during night. Even still he refused to come out of his room, not for a visitor, not for anyone. Instead he remained out on the short walk out of the large window in his room. The city of Lhavit shimmered in the night’s light of the moon. The spire of Leth glowed brightly within Xavior’s range of sight. He felt a twinge of painful guilt in his heart. He had yet to visit the temple dedicated to, in his mind, his father.

Lost in thought, his head raised toward the moon. There he stood, like a gargoyle, as the star filled sky began to drift through the heavens lazily. Not a soul could break the trance Xavior chose to remain in. No one except Christy, as she walked up behind Xavior and had to tip toe to place her hand on his shoulder the cloak covered shoulder.

"You shouldn't just stand here till the end of time Xavior." She said with a soft, motherly tone.

Xavior slowly turned his head away from the sky and moon and moved his gaze to her soft, fair, skinned, hand. Slowly, as if he hadn't moved in years, he turned to face her.

"Why can't I? Maybe I want to stay here and be some sort of ornament for your home? It is better then walking among," he paused a moment as if to consider what he was about to say. "Well I mean, I don't belong here."

He looked away from Christy with sadness that overwhelmed his body. "What do you mean don't belong? You should be glad! The gods have sent you here for a reason."

Xavior smirked, "For what?" Xavior's words were still long and took time to come from his mouth. His mind worked to piece together the language he spoke many years prior. "I have no reason to fall from paradise Christy, paradise! I was free among the clouds, free of the trivial pleasure of life."

Christy looked saddened, "you mean to say, you don't love what your father has done with you? "

Xavior's expression projected his feelings of shock before they were swallowed by the stoic sadness once more. "You mean to say I am selfish?"

Christy sighed and walked in front of Xavior and placed her hand on his cheek. "True I do not know what it is like to walk among the heavenly body. But I'm sure it wasn't any different than being here."

Xavior took a moment to consider her words, "I don't either. All I have are feelings." He finally admitted as a tear formed at the corner of his eye. He pressed into the hand, like a child as they looked for comfort. "All I know is, nothing. But I feel a yearning to be close to someone."

Chrity brought a finger up to remove the tear from Xavior's eye. It felt cold as ice, only a reminder that the Eth was indeed not a normal person. "You’ll find someone, I know it,” she paused, “You’re cold, come back inside please.” Christy walked forward and pushed on Xavior. He resisted for a moment before he began to walk backward.

Xaviro sighed as he collected himself and began to walk back into the warmth of the home. Christy followed as Xavior looked around the room, "Where is Evan?"

"He is out running an errand." Xavior paused a moment before he sat down on the floor. The home like his room was bare minimum just the essentials to survive. Christy moved to sit near him, "he will be out for a while." She paused with a smile.

Xavior nodded, "It isn’t that I want to find someone, more or less be closer to the one I love. "

"Who do you love?" Christ sat back on her hands as she listened close.

Xavior bit his tongue as that same painful guilt washed over his body. Christy grew physically more agitated, knowing the answer but wanted to hear Xavior say it for himself.

After a long pause, "I love, death."

"Huh, then why don’t you kill yourself, I have a dagger on my waist." Xavior eyebrow raised then softened as he realized Christy called his bluff. “Look, I know that the feeling isn’t the greatest.” She moved to wrap an arm around Xavior’s shoulders, pulling him close. “But he never abandoned you. There comes a point when a parent must push their kin away to burn brighter then they ever could under their watchful eye.” Xavior contemplated the idea.

"Perhaps he wants me to burn as the brightest star?" Xavior muttered to himself.

“That’s the ticket. You’re just naive, or pessimistic, heck it is probably a bit of both. But that is okay!” She said cheerfully.

“I bet you can’t wait to say that advice to your own kid,” Xavior chuckled and leaned on Christy.

Christy remained quiet before she said with a weak tone, “Yes, I can’t wait.”

“What is the matter Christy?” Christy seemed to begin to go into a defensive position.
Xavior was quick to shift and pull Christy into his lap as his arms surrounded her. Though his skin was cool, it seemed to warm her spirits. As the fire flickered away in the cage of a fireplace, the duo remained seated near its warmth.

“’s a tough subject.” Christy attempted to choke out.

Xavior’s curiosity was perked. “You can tell me, you can tell me.” He changed the inflection a bit to suggest that she could tell him. “I wouldn’t judge you, I’d just want to see if I can help?”

The suggestion seemed to work for the moment as she began to loosen up in his arms. The stress that had so obviously consumed her body seemed to melt away like ice. “I know you wouldn’t judge me, I’m not afraid of that. I’m afraid that I may lose

"Well Shadow was apparently engaged with a woman. I could feel his love for her burn like fire in his heart. Though one day, for whatever reason, she left him for another man. I'm not sure what it was for, money, a better life, I couldn't remember." Christy nodded and sat back to listen to the rest of Xavior's story about Shadow.

He didn't spare any details as he explained the brutality expressed toward him. "That is awful. I can understand now why you'd think so lowly of us. But not all men are like that--"

"I do not believe you when you say that," Xavior cut her short. "All of you have two sides of you, one you show around others and another you only show to a select few. You all have animals in you, biting, clawing, waiting to get a chance to surface."

"Feh, quit such speak. I've been open to you haven't I?" Xavior looked at her as if he was about to argue, but then stopped himself and instead looked down at the ground. One of his hands was drawn through his hair as he fixed it over his horns.

"Here, I'll prove to you that I'm not hiding anything." Christy moved closer to Xavior and gripped his wrist. She brought his larger hand down to her tummy, under her shirt. The skin felt soft, like velvet, under his fingers. Oh how he missed the touch of another person. His hands freely explored her tummy and could feel each breath she took in.

"Feel normal to you?" Xavior nodded as he slowly drew his fingers from her body. "Remember when I mentioned we aren't trying for a child for a while?" Xavior again nodded.

Christy paused a moment and decided to be a bit bold as scooted herself in front of Xavior. She leaned back onto his strong chest and got comfortable. "Sorry you looked a lot more comfortable then wood."

"it is alright, you're warm." Xavior unconsciously let his arms wrap around Christy like he would with a lover.

There was a brief pause before Christy continued, "Well the truth is, like you, I've lost two others that I loved dearly. Just like you, I've been let down by the god we loved. But, we pulled ourselves out and continued to live despite the loss."

"Who did you lose?" Xavior wondered, curious as well. His arms hugged a bit tighter knowing that Christy was about to truly open up to him.

"I've had two," she paused a moment and brought her hands up to drape over Xavior's, "stillborn children. I blame my body for it. We prayed to Leth for his blessings of a healthy birth. Perhaps he was only protecting us from something miserable."

]Xavior didn't know how to respond and only remained quiet as he comforted Christy. The flame in the heart slowly flickered unhindered by any breeze.

"Who do you prey to?" Xavior finally felt the moment was right to continue the conversation. "Your faith is strong that is obvious to me."

Christy paused a moment, "we prey to Leth." The name warmed Xavior's heart, "he is our god of change. If we feel that something in our life needs change, we prey to him for an answer or blessing to how we can reach our goal." Christy shifted and moved her torso closer to Xavior's body. His chin rested lightly against the top of her head. "Recently, we preyed for a sign or blessing to finally have a successful child. We felt a draw to the cliffs to look at the night and watch the moon and stars."

Xavior paused a moment, then brightened as he came to a conclusion, "you mean Leth sent me as a sign?" Xavior stopped in thought, "that is why you were so readily accepting to take me into your home right?" Xavior felt Christy nod. Xavior felt Christy's hands move to hold his own in longing need. "What do you think Leth wants me to do to help?"

Christy paused a moment, "Evan and I believe that he wants you to bless our relationship."

Last edited by Xavior Silhouette on April 17th, 2015, 6:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Talk Of Love and Life [Flashback solo]

Postby Xavior Silhouette on March 12th, 2012, 7:07 pm

"Bless you both? How do you mean, you seem to be great together, what more could you want?" Xavior asked with a naive tone.

"Tsk, you stupid boy. We want a family of our own." Christy's body tightened up a bit. "Though I'm scared, do you think this is the right move. I've heard that many wives die giving birth."

Xavior was busy as he rolled the information in his head. When Christy revealed her apprehensions, his purpose became clear. He felt a slight tingle flow through his body, but he felt it was only a natural response. "Christy, I can help you only if you help yourself."

Christy crooked her brow, "what do you mean?" Xavior's hand moved to push Christy away from his chest as he stood.

"Here, lets go to your room I want to try something with you." Xavior helped to support Christy as she stood up. "The time for rest is near. Why don't you go to your room and get comfortable. I'll be in soon." Christy nodded and shyly walked to her room.

Xavior stood alone bathed in the thick silence, deep in thought. He wasn't sure about what he had in mind of doing. But as he quickly moved over to his room to find the book he had borrowed he made up his mind that he wanted to test something. He brushed his fingers over the leather bound book and turned to a particular page that only briefly mentioned a peculiar skill in magic.

He hadn't attempted actual hypnotism before, but as he read the brief passage he felt that he knew all about it. It was a mystery to him as to why he felt he already knew the information he gained. As he closed the book, he began to make his way to Christy and Evan's room. He knocked on the door frame before he entered.

When he did he found Christy on her bed, the gossamer sheets covered her lower portions and were draped over one of her breasts. Xavior studied her prone form as he never realized she had quite a body, one that reminded him of one he may have known before. Her state of undress didn't phase Xavior much as he walked to a near by chair and had a seat in it.

"You're quite beautiful. Leth must shine his light on you very much." Xavior crossed his legs as Christy shifted and turned to her side to look at Xavior.

"Stop that, I'm nowhere near as handsome as yourself." She chuckled, before she continued, "why did we have to move into the room?"

Xavior contemplated a moment, "I wanted to try a form of meditation with you is all. I want to help you get over your apprehensions about Evan and your future." Christy looked nervous even still her eyes wandered over Xavior's body.

Xavior noted her eyes that wandered over his body and crossed his legs to conceal a third horn that had grown under the loose cotton fabric. True, her beauty was far beyond what he remembered in woman, however he wasn't here for that. He wanted to attempt to help her through the labyrinth of the human mind.

"Christy what I'd like you to do is lay back and breathe deeply. Just focus on your breathing and a deep problem you would like to have resolved." Xavior noted as she did just that.

He couldn't help himself as his eyes roamed over the curves of her body. The way her soft tummy rose from beneath the sheets with each deep breath. It was the closest thing to perfection of beauty to Xavior. He began to feel another sort of tingle that didn't originate from his loins as he began to continue his attempt at a trance.

"Please, let your eyes grow heavy with each breath you take. In, out, in, out, you are doing just fine. Let your lids grow heavier and heavier still until they close. When they do you will fine and confident with yourself." Xavior watched as Christy did just that. The tingle he had felt before seemed to crawl under his skin and begin to localize at his mouth.

Soon Christy's lids shut, body relaxed and breathing evenly. "How do you feel Christy?"

It took a moment before she responded, "I feel so relaxed right now."

"Good. Continue to focus on that blissful relaxed state and imagine yourself with each breath growing even more relaxed. In, out, in, out."

Blackness, peacefulness, blindness, words couldn't describe the nothingness in my mind. I could hear the wind as it howled against the windowsill even the gentle flutter of the window curtains in a soft breeze. Absolute nothing. Sensations, gone it was surreal as I breathed deeper and deeper and seemed to sink into the thick nothing that surrounded me.

"Breath in deeper and relax," I heard Xavior's voice as it cut through nothing.

I was out of body, the feeling of helplessness didn't scare me, which only surprised me more. What mysteries has Leth dropped into our laps? Why has he answered our prayers in this way? Coldness enveloped my body, colder than winter, yet it was comfortably numbing. Where is this place that I am going? Have I taken a drug?

"Soon you will go so deep that you will see yourself," What he meant, I soon found out.

It was as if all of my sensations had returned in a split second. Consciousness, or what I thought was consciousness returned, as my eyes opened. I was met with a world unlike the one I know and love. Cold, dark, but pleasant, the atmosphere was dismal. A light snow fell powdering the stone of the castle that loomed before me. Sharp could on my skin, what was it? Snow, yes snow flakes as they melted on my warm skin.

I began to walk toward the open gates of the castle walls. I looked behind and noticed a snow covered forest. The trees did they move? What trickery could possibly be about? Yet my apprehensions were extinguished by some unknown force. One that seemed to levitate behind me. An invisible force that was only seen through what I felt. I past into the open doors of the giant castle made of stone and was shocked at what my mind saw.

I continued to walk and looked up, or was it down, at the floor below. My perspective had been shifted as it seemed the ceiling was beneath my feet. Tall, elaborate chandeliers stood erect on either side of me. Their flames seemed to float down toward the ground I walked across. I could see a path to another doorway in front of me as I walked toward it. I entered the next room and found I had not had another perspective shift.

Still along the ceiling, a feast seemed to go about above my head. The flames that lit the room flickered from a draft that had come from behind me. I looked over my shoulder briefly and was startled as a series of white doves flew through the window I had just crawled through. I could see the forest once more before I followed the flock as they flew into another doorway. Their white feathers was so brilliant they seemed to glow. But one stuck out like a sore thumb. A black bird almost as black as the darkness of the portal I had taken to get here.

Movement from above as figures, encrusted in ice began to move and talk with a harsh and airy voice. Female, males, kids, all of their voices distinct but only shared that raspy tone.

"To the newly married!" One of them cheered and garnered a collective cheer.

She attempted to focus on their faces but found that they were covered in elaborate masks made of ice and snow. Their masks merged into the long, flowed, icicle spikes, that seemed to act as their hair but looked more like elaborate head dresses. One of the strange figures raised their head to look up. I could see through the eye holes as a new rush of emotion began to creep through my body like a slow frost.

My eyes were lured to their own as I attempted to focus and catch any signs of humanity under the concealed disguise of a long robe, white and speckled with crystal snow. When my eyes finally focused in on the other's they were frozen, blind, ugly. The feeling that crept through my body startled me as the emotion of confidence and reassurance washed through me. I could hear, somehow at the back of my mind a voice.

"You love him, you want to be with Evan. It is a right choice." I pondered this revelation and didn't feel it was a suggestion at all.

No, the feeling was more of fact. I loved Evan, I wanted to be with him forever. No one could of convinced me further. I knew I made the right decision. The figure above began to focus in on the crowd below. I hadn't noticed before but the flurry of movement and voices had faded away. As I looked over their ice covered bodies, it was clear to me why. The one that had spoke to me began to freeze up too.

The room grew even colder as the ceiling above seemed chip and fall away in small chunks at first. They drifted lazily toward me as they formed into gentle snow flakes. The moon's light began to shine through the cracks as larger chunks began to fall away. The walls around me dissolved into snow and soon I was surrounded by white snow that glittered like stars in the moon's light.

Once more I found myself outside as the room finished it's mysterious transformation. The snow around me began to melt as if there was an invisible barrier that protected me from the cold water. I stood in a blizzard, white everywhere, I didn't know where I was.

The barrier moved with me as I walked aimlessly through the snow. The melted snow I left behind soon froze over into ice and left a slick trail behind. The howling of the wind deafened my ears.

"Christy, I love you." A voice softer then a whisper tickled my ear drum.

"Yes?" I replied to it and began to walk to where I thought it had originated from.

"Over here Christy, I love you so much." The voice grew stronger and I recognized it, it was Evan.

He called to me through the storm, "where are you? I'm scared!"

"Don't be scared, there is nothing to be scared about. You are doing just fine." The voice was at its strongest before the snow began to collect over itself.

Soon they collected and turned to glacial ice built into the shape of rose arches. I followed them and watched as vines made of ice crept up through the lattice work. The flowers bloomed into intricate ice crystals that seemed to glow at the center. It was oddly beautiful as I followed the path like a croquet ball. When I reached the end of my journey through the blizzard I was met with one last archway. I stopped and stared at it, what surrounded it was nothing yet when I looked through it I could see another room.

"I'm here for you Christy come back to me." I could hear Evan's voice come through the doorway.

As I entered into it quickly, eager to see my lover the voice stopped and what I was met with was Evan encased in ice. Their were torches that lined the dome covered, circular room. An oculus at the top with moon's light poured through it. Gentle snow flakes drifted through it and danced above the ice in cased body.
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Xavior Silhouette
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Talk Of Love and Life [Flashback solo]

Postby Xavior Silhouette on March 12th, 2012, 7:07 pm

"Save him," I heard Xavior's voice for the first time.

There was a brief moment of panic, I didn't know what to do. But as a snow flake drifted toward me I watched as it seemed to reach the invisible barrier that surrounded me still. It fell to the ground with a wet splash and I knew what I had to do.

I walked toward Evan and already noticed the ice begin to melt. Filled with euphoric happiness my arms went to wrap around his solid form. I could feel the ice melt away much quicker. The more I hugged the more my heart beat true. Clarity had been made as the fogginess of ice melted away.

"As the room begins to melt around you, you will return to that peaceful relaxed state." Xavior's voice lingered at the back of my mind.

I could hear the room around me crumble and dissolve once more until all I was left with was the warm body of Evan. It didn't depart as I re-entered the void. Inky blackness surround me, but that didn't matter to me. All that mattered was the warm body that sprawled over my own. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, it drove me crazy.

I opened my eyes and could see him as we both floated in the empty space. I brought my head up to kiss him hungrily with desire. It was as if we had first met once more. His tongue, oh how sweet his tongue tasted as it played with my own. I felt his hand wander down to my chest and play with my breasts and sensitive nubs.

I heard Xavior's voice once more, "when the next morning sun has arrived you will leave the realm that you are in. You will forget what you have seen, but will only leave the strong passion for Evan in your heart and body."

I nodded and gasped as I felt Evan's hand begin to trace down my tummy. "You will feel no remorse, you love him. You want to start a family with him. You want to live happy with him till death. You will feel those feelings even in Ukalas until you begin a new life." Xaviors voice tapered off just as Evan's fingers found my spot and began to play.

I woke in the morning feeling refreshed and full of new energy. New love filled my soul as Evan's arms wrapped around my body in protection. I felt as if my body glowed and radiated my love to the world around me...

Xavior heard Evan return home and left Christy for a moment to have a chat with him. He explained Christy's problems to him and then explained the situation before they both re-entered into the room. Evan sat at the foot of the bed as Xavior continued to guide her through her own mind. He didn't have to do much of anything, only help guide her as she did most of the work. He planted the suggestion of absolute love and confidence in their relationship. As Xavior began to guide her back into the neutral zone of the trance, he turned to even and whispered.

"She wants you now more than ever Evan." Xavio's flicked his eyes over to her body and back to Evan suggestively.

Evan picked up the hint and slowly crawled over her body. Xavior swallowed heavy as he watches with a bit of jealousy as Evan pressed his lips to hers. He could barely choke out the last lines of suggestion to break the trance as he watched Evan explore his lover's body. He could almost see the sparks between the two, it reminded him of a memory that he once had, or at least thought he had.

He had brief flashes of past life experiences bubble up to the surface as Evan's fingers gently eased into her and began to fill her body with much needed and wanted pleasure. When he finished his session he stood and left the room quietly. The house was quiet once more as he moved to his room and shut the door. He sat on the low bed and stripped off his shirt and pants. It was obvious he was painfully aroused but he ignored it, instead feeling incredibly tired. He had to lay on his stomach or side or risk puncturing his bed with his horns.

As he drifted off to sleep, little did he know that unwanted horrors lay ahead. In the dreamland.
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Talk Of Love and Life [Flashback solo]

Postby Hermit on March 14th, 2012, 3:47 am

Thread Award

Very interesting read, Xavior. I am happy to see Hypnotism used for another's benefit.

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