[Location] The Establishment

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Ximal on March 31st, 2012, 2:36 am

12th spring 512AV late evening

Tossing tua four gold mizas,from the small coin satchel on his front beneath the cloak, he grimaced.and fumbled around under his cloak slowly with his right arm, his left hanging lightly as it still throbbed with pain. "I'll take what work i can get." Trudging out of the building four gold shy, but at least secure knowing he'd have his job he scratched his head beneath the cloaks hood and then shook it thinking. How the hell do i get my self into this ? Trudging off into the sunset he went slow his arm still screaming at him.

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Musca on March 31st, 2012, 11:24 am

Her eyes narrowed at the clerk. Musca was in no mood for pesky questions that doubted her decisions. "That's good to know," she snapped, "I'll be sure to let the good doctor know exactly what my kind does."

At the mention of the sum of mizas, Musca merely arched her brow, half puzzled by the smile she was offered. Five mizas. It really didn't matter that much.
"Sure." She fished into her little rucksack that was strapped to her thigh, pushing through her thick cloak. With a clawed hand, she handed over the offensive coins to the clerk's table and smirked. "Is that all, human? Or would you like to comment further on my sort of people?"
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Izaya on March 31st, 2012, 1:15 pm

Izaya pocketed the money and grinned in reply. Finding this Killroy hadn't really been his goal, so he really didn't care how much a good word cost. "You may not give me the time of day for coppers, but you just directed me to Tua for free. Which I thank you kindly for. Goodbye!" He walked off in the direction of the the laughter, and found Tua after a little bit of searching. When he did, he said, "I understand you were looking for a courier?"
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on March 31st, 2012, 4:21 pm

@ Musca

The clerk laughed, "Only that of your kind you're rather lovelier then most. However, if you want to keep this job, try to have the decency of knowing how to put a bandage on. Go and see the doctor now. He'll be the one deciding what to do with you."

oocYour next post should be in the doctor's location :)The job is doctor's assistant and you'll have to at least get a point in medicine soon :P. But he does need someone to help catch his playthings too ^-^. Just don't become one of them, he's always wanted to dissect a Zith >.>.

@ Ximal
"Have a nice day there, and remember, make sure to be on your best behavior." The clerk said calling after him as he pocketed the money. "Don't ever make a bad mention of his boss and you'll be fine."

oocMake a solo thread going to the Pit Bull's at the blood pits now and I'll chime in a quick post, setup your SS thread, then it'll just be yours from there on out :).
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on March 31st, 2012, 5:44 pm


The clerk looked at Rail, sizing him up like a bit of meat and wondering if he had the chutzpah to take on such a job. "You realize this job requires strength right and being mean? You look so spindly- Bah no matter. If you got the gold, you'll get your chance even if it kills ya. Five gold and I'll set you up with a meeting with the Fence. He's looking for a few good men to help his hustling side with merchants that need to be more ... respectful shall we say to him.... Five gold."

oocIf your character pays the five gold then feel free to do a post in the Fence's location.

oocOy I didn't forget you >.<

Tua heard the man's requests and came up to him soon enough. "So you wish to be a word runner , eh? Want to work for me and do the establishment's missives? It's a tough job. You look able enough to me though, for a zith. Can't have you flying around the city though, at least not openly, you'll get shot down, might have to cover the wings in a cloak too. People round here get nervous with a Zith working for them. But I'll give you a shot... for five gold mizas to test you out."


"For two gold I,ll point you in the right direction." the clerk said before the exchange was made. The clinking of coins was always a gratifying sound to hear at the establishment. "Every tavern and restaurant is always looking for some hunters. Most hunters go to the Butcher and bake shop. It's right nearby to sell their hunts, and the taverns all get their products from there. Just feel free to bring anything you catch in the forests there and you'll be rewarded. They even keep a list of who's around as hunters in case they need anything extra. Like a buck or a hog. Anyways, you don't really need anything to be a hunter, but I'll take your name down for Tua to get to them so they can put you on their lists. Does that seem alright?"

oocIf this sounds good I'll set you up with an SS thread and then you can get going on your hunting threads :). I'm sorry I don't have that location formally up yet >.< But I will soon I promise you!

@ Izaya

As Izaya approached Tua, the man waved him to sit down in a seat at his table, giving him a rather scrutinizing glare for a long time before speaking. "Another one that wants to be my courier, well well I'm getting lucky enough to have a bit of competition, though with running through these streets my workers tend to end up dead by some stray mugger or something. As such though, it tends to keep the position open. I'll give you a chance if you're willing though, for five gold."
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Rail on March 31st, 2012, 6:23 pm

With a snort of amusement Rail pulled out a few of the mizas he had managed to scrounge out of the measly pouch at his waist and tossed them to the clerk.

"Respect, my friend, is my middle name."

With a flourish he gave his most gracious bow. A small laugh escaped as he straightened and said," Now I've paid your fee. So would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction?"

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Yeah though i walk through the shadow of the valley of death I shall fear no evil for I have Musca and she is far worse >.>
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on March 31st, 2012, 6:46 pm

ooc note :
Just remember to remove the fee from you ledger: the fence's location is here: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic213.html

You'll be the second pc working with him so you and Casper might want to communicate on job threads :) besides the original solo I'll have you guys do. Three job threads a season though :) .

"Look on the south side of the river and venture towards the commons on that side, his shops near there." The teller said, "But don't let his gruff exterior fool you. He's a hard man if you cross him."
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Shadowfang on March 31st, 2012, 7:15 pm

Listening to the man's words and advice, Shadowfang thought about his words. True, people did not like Zith and being hidden would probably be the best option. At the man's request for payment, Shadowfang almost raised an eyebrow. Since when did employees pay their employer for a job? Was this just human custom or was it something that happened only in Sunberth? Oh well. He fished out five gold coins and laid them on the table. Test him? How was the man going to test him?
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on March 31st, 2012, 7:28 pm


"Good. You passed the first test so your hired." Tua said as he took the money and placed a dagger, and three throwing daggers onto the table for the Zith to take, a direct price exchange for his five gold mizas. "Claw marks are rather dangerous for a zith to make on a corpse if they leave that corpse behind. Tells people who to look for really and makes it easy for people to track you. A bit of knowledge with a few basic weapons will save your life, and thus keep my messages going longer. A word runner carries the missives for jobs throughout the city streets. They mainly try to avoid fights, but in this city every one of them should be able to fight off a mugger or two, and a few can go through the thickest of fighting when things get dicey. It's only two gold a day though, plenty of runners in this city."

Tua reached into his pocket to withdraw an envelope. It was black, and sealed with a black wax seal so it could not be opened. "Take this to the orphanage and deliver it to the headmistress there. There's been a few of those brats becoming old enough to be hired for laborers at the docks that she paid us to get placement for. This is a list of who goes to which merchant for Ol' Legs. Get it there safely, and you'll have the job. Don't get it there... well you better be dead. That's all I can say. Now get going."

ooc note :
Add the items you just 'bought' to your CS.
1 dagger- 2gm
3 dagger,throwing- 3gm

or if you prefer: 5 throwing daggers :).

Then create a solo of running the letter from the Establishment to the orphanage, running into problems along the way and use your imagination on things. Then just take a reply back to Tua, pretty much the format for all wordrunner jobs as it's a glorified courier job. As is, I'll pm you your SS thread soon. :) Consider yourself hired at the word runner job: 2gm/day and get this one to the orphanage done soon :).
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Vuil on March 31st, 2012, 8:37 pm

Vuil felt the corner of her lip pull upwards as the clerk asked for two gold mizas for the information on her job. Fishing out to two golden coins, she slid them arose the counter to the other, waiting patiently for the clerk to divulge the information she needed. The butcher? That seemed appropriate, and the most likely place to get a good price for anything she brought in. "That sounds fine." She answered, turning away. "Thanks for the info."

OOCSounds good~ And Its alright, Arch. You seem pretty busy as of late, so I can be patient.
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