[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Xi looks for a new weapon seeing as training with bull he's learnt how to use a battle axe he may as well own one.

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Postby Ximal on April 10th, 2012, 2:27 am

31st Spring 512AV

Warm, it was starting to heat up again out side, the sun blazed lightly in the air but there was still a chill in the wind. Xi strolled down the street lazily. He'd just woken up after all. It was btyfar too early. And bull had given him some time to go out and do some errands in town. As he walked down the roads he came across the knights armoury. Remembering that training session with bull he headed in. Xi strode into the armoury like he'd been here a hundred times before. The building was large and dark, even though the front office was a quiet and bright room, standing there he was deafened by the ringing cry of hammer on steel. The soft and almost feral hiss of steel being quenched. He could barely hear himself thing which was a good thing seeing as for once he couldn't hear liro clawing at his mind. The soft metal ringing in delightful chorus, deafened out the despicable bastard in his head. Awaiting someone to notice he was there he thought he'd take a take a gander at the catalogue of items. Flipping through it's pages he heard a ugh come for m the other side of the counter. A server. Or at least a smith. He spoke with a rather high pitched voice for a man of his trade. "Hello sir what would you like to purchase?" Xi smiles as he rose from he slumped position to over over him by a good foot. And spoke slowly but with authority. "i'd like to ask if you've got a battle-axe and a hand axe in stock ? The smith nodded slowly and turned on his heels like a man trained to go and check. But before he got too far Xi added. I don't care what type of material, just bring me something functional." Now Xi took a seat to await the smiths return, what treasures could he bring back with him ?
Last edited by Ximal on April 16th, 2012, 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Karva on April 10th, 2012, 3:03 am

Karva wondered in to town it was the first place that she had stopped at since she left home. She could not help but seek out the black smith of the town, event if she had the ability to live on her own for a while. She could not help but look to see the talent the locals had to offer, it was something that she would come to enjoy. She walked in with her hooded covering much of her hair, only a few strands of white hair peeking out from under her auburn cloak.

Her light gray eyes looked at the interior of the room the light almost irritated her it seemed so bright. She took a few steps into the room her boots mad a soft sound on the ground, it was almost inaudible. She had a pack which she slung over her shoulder, doing so showed the white dress that was under her cloak.

She looked over at the man in the room with her and she spoke softly, her voice was calm and sweet."Hello Sir."

She had not yet experienced heartache, seen war, or be hurt by another so her smile was soft, and genuine. Her black lips curled up into a smile as she looked over the weapons. They were not like the ones made back home, but they were much better than what she made. Maybe she could get a job here and learn from the blacksmith.
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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Ximal on April 10th, 2012, 4:13 am

AS xi ast in silence his mind quieted he kept his hood down and his eye'c closed he heard the door to the shop swing open. And heard the light shuffling of feet. Passing it off as nothing he kept his head down beneath his hood, finally having had a shave his beard was trimmed right back and close cropped. Hs thought about how much money he had on him, his mind lightly grazeing through thoughts he had about which weapon he would choose. And then he heard a soft sweet voice. And liro roused within him. Ooh nice voice let's see the face of whom it belongs too. XI had his hood down but lifted his head slowly, his own free will of course not liro controlling him. Looking ahead he saw her, she was small but not lithe, tall but not as tall as some. All in all she seemed somewhat average. Rising from his seat her looked at her from a higher perspective the one he was used too, before seeing her face he replied.

"hello to you, as well. And i'm sorry incase your wondering i'm not one fo the people working here. Unfortunaelty you kinda have to wait for them to come over." His tone was warm and low as was his usual voice. He spoke to her normally through both not seeing her face and not knowing exactly what the was dealing with. His dark black blue eyes looking at her from a higher vantage point beneath his black cloak. His black hair falling slightly out of his cloak. He smiled warmly though and glanced over to see if the smith was coming back. He wasnt yet so Xi had an idea."You could be heare a while, take my seat i'll happily stand for the moment."

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Karva on April 10th, 2012, 9:16 pm

Karva pulled back her hood, and looked up at the man her gray eyes were kind. the smile on her face radiated into her eyes and made them glisten. "I would rather stand, but thank you for your kindness Sir."

As she spoke she moved a few strands of white hair from her face, and if he looked close enough he could see the black scales around her eyes. As well as the ones that were in the shape of a tribal tattoo on her forehead . She looked up at the man, and enjoyed the contrast of his blue eyes and black hair.

"I was learning how to be a blacksmith before I left my home, and I just wanted to stop in and take a look around. I was hopping to maybe find a job for a short while as I traveled. I wanted to learn more through my travels, and maybe I will be able to come home with more knowledge then when I left."

As she spoke she turned and looked over the work of the blacksmith.
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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Ximal on April 10th, 2012, 10:39 pm

Xi stood near by looking out over, the forge behind the desk and listened to her speaking. Only then did he allowed his eyes to flick over too her. A kind face, but white hair and, was that a tattoo or were those scales ? still eh could feel the redness creeping up his face now that he looked at her. Long white hair, and black lips ? She was learning to be a blacksmith or rather she already was and she was looking for a job? Cleary she didnt know about tua. "I'm sorry, but it's extremely difficult to get work in this city without, talking to a man called tua over at the establishment. Most places wont hire any one wi-without his approval..."Hrrm let me out i could get her to do...all sorts of things... Mentally assaulting liro now he watched as the black smith returned with a selection of axes, both hand and battle. As the smith laied the items out on the table, Xi walked over and picked one of them up. a battle axe large and strong, Xi checked it for sharpness by running a edge of his cloak over it. It sheared clan through. Then he checked out the hand axes. One called to him though, it looked a little different and was cold to the touch but colder than normal steel. It felt frozen like it'd been left in the snow all winter. Picking it up and giving it a small swing he liked it.

Looking at the black smith he fished around in his money mocked on his chest for the price stated. Thirty-four gold for the battle axe and the hand axe's. Though the smith mentioned the cold one was made of a rarer material and this was reflected in his pricing mentioning it was three times the cost of the other hand-axe due to the rarer material. Xi grumbled but handed over the thiry-four gold miza's and slipped the two hand axes into his belt and slid the larger battle axe onto his back. He thought he should probably stick around for a moment. After all the lady was interesting he hadn't ever met anyone like her. Most of all he wanted to know here name befor ehe left at the very leas. With liro screaming at him for him to let him out so he could do all the things that an animal would. The struggle within his mind would not be shown fully until Xi's eyes began to close. His way co coping with the problems that Liro presented.

oocIf you wanna take control of the smith feel free though you'll probly have to apply in the job listings if you ask him for a smithing job >.>

oh and cost of the weapons
Battle axe -steel - 10GM
hand axe - steel 6GM
Hand axe - cold iron 18GM
Last edited by Ximal on April 10th, 2012, 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Karva on April 10th, 2012, 11:05 pm

Karva looked at the blacksmith, and waited until the two men werer done. Once they were she spoke up, "Sir, is it true that I would need the approval of a man called Tua to work here?"

She looked over the blacksmith, and wondered what kind of town she wondered into. It was nothing like her home. There people could work as they wished, and learn as many trades they wished. She did not understand why it was that one man would control who worked where, or if they could work in the town at all.

She wondered why the man stood there, until she felt the desire from Liro. As it goes, she did not know that he had two personalities, but she only knew the desire that he was pushing back. She turned to Xiaml and saw that he was sitting down and had his eyes closed. She then realized that it was not him, but another thing that had such a strong desire. This worried her, and she wished that she could help him, but she did not know what to do.
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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Ximal on April 10th, 2012, 11:32 pm

What in the name of the gods did i do so wrong that i'm now saddled with you? Aww you don't like me. Tough. Deal with it. I'm going no where and your going to have to deal with me untill i eventually assume control forever. Just petching die. Xi's metal war was putting a cloud of anger and torment around him that auristics would only show growing, and people without could feel without it. He could feel the corruption liro had spreading throughout him as he heard the lady speak, and that corrpution only surged further. Lifting his head his eyes still closed and a hint of pain in his still clam and low voice. "i'm sorry but yeah it's the way this town works, i could escort you to his building of business if you wish. I know the way and i'm a lot more reliable than, s-some of the people you'll meet in this c-city." His eyes were closed tight and it want embarrassment that was making him stutter, it was the pain that liro was now inflicting upon him. Piercing his skull with needles of emotion and suffering. Forcing him to realive past points of his existence so he could assume control. Liro was out for blood, and Xi needed to vent it some how. Standing slowly not revealing any hitn of what was going on within his mind he rose, his body still relaxed even though his mind was at war. "I-if you'd like me to escort you i-i'd like to know the name of the escorted. My name is Ximal by the way. People wh-who know me call me Xi."

Corruption spread throught him like liquid fire, Liro's influence as strong today. Unnaturally so, Xi one or twice even felt a stabbing pain over the mark on his chest. Just roaring at him that liro wanted out. But Xi want going to give in so easily. Not whilst he was armed.

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Karva on April 10th, 2012, 11:48 pm

Karva curtseyed as she spoke "I am Karva, and it is a pleasure to meet you acquaintance Sir. Ximal. I would be happy to take you up on your offer."

As she spoke she looked into his eyes, "May I ask you something?"

There was a look of confusion on her face, almost as if she did not believe the desire that she saw with in him. All her life she never seconded guessed her ability until now. "Are you fighting with someone?"
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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Ximal on April 11th, 2012, 12:16 am

Oh so the pray knows of the predator, this could be interesting Xi let me out now...I want to PLAY with this one. Xi could feel every muscle in his left arm tense at once, even though it was hidden beneath his cloak. His mind roared at him as the pain grew. He looked at her, and Liro almost broke free then and there. He wanted her. Liro wanted to mess with her. Innocent and pure. Liro wanted to be the one to corrupt her, and only Xi stood in his way. Your not getting out. It's rare to see someone so pure in this city. So your not getting out now stay DOWN! Xi's anger bubbled over, and liro backed off a little. See i can make you do things, i can toy with your emotions better than kolin ever did. This is why i get my way when i put my mind to it. I will break free and i will corrupt her. You just proved my power to control you. But i will be back.

Only then did Xi look up to see what he'd done, he could fel the anger in him and his hand bled where it had gripped so tight. He'd drawn blood and was now bleeding lightly onto the floor. only a few drops but still that was more than enough for him to see how much of a hold liro had on hi mind. That would pass, but the madness that was liro wouldn't. Liro wanted her and Xi was gonna make sure he didn't get her. Xi nwo spoke some what shakily as he opened the door. His low voice rattled by pain and anger. "This is some thign we had better discuss outside, quietly." Leading her out he headed down na alley to the right and just stopped there for a few seconds. Hid hand pulsed with pain and his mind ran numb. He was loosing control of the monster within him. A beat like that must never be set free. Closing his eyes again and centring his mind he waited for her to follow him. Breathing slowly and deeply he tried to calm himself. But the madness was still present....As it always was.

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (open)

Postby Karva on April 11th, 2012, 12:35 am

Karva could see the blood on the ground, she ripped one of the sleeves off, and followed the man into the alley. A part of her told her not to, if he was fighting some sort of demon then he might show. Her curiousness got the better of her, and once she saw him she took both of his hands. She found the one that was bleeding and wrapped it, " Why are the both of you fighting?"

The look of concern was in her eyes as she looked up at him and put his hand gently back at his side. She already knew what the creature inside of him desired, but she wanted to hear it from him.
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