[Verified by Sentinel] Nekana

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Nekana on September 23rd, 2012, 10:49 pm

(Neka or Nek for short)

Physical Information:
Race: Kelvic
Birthday: Season of Fall, Day 67, 510 AV
Age: 2
Gender: Female

Physical Description:
Human: Not overly tall, nor very short, standing somewhere around 6 feet she is pretty average in all ways, light brown hair reaching just past her shoulders, muddy brown with green eyes. The only trait she has got from her animal form is quite sharp teeth and the habit to growl at things she does not like. Especially cats.
Animal: (Rhodesian Ridgeback) She is a big dog, her back reaches human males hips most of the time. Her fur is pretty short but thick, it's brown with a bit darker parts on her back and neck. Her yaw is strong and while her teeth are not very long or dangerous looking they are sharp enough to cause serious damage and combined with yaw strength makes the most dangerous part of her. She can run fast for long distances, but her appetite grows enormously huge often just because of that.

Character Concept:
Personality: The way she acts often varies because of the mood she is in. Sometimes she is shy, sometimes she is bold. But she always is curious, quite suspicious especially against strangers, stubborn- if you tell her to never do something, believe me that is exactly what she will want to do. She is also keen on avoiding conflicts and fights. Not that she's a coward if she needs to fight she will, but it's not her favorite pastime and she is not good at it. She has a case of a bit sticky fingers, but hey, the shiny things are too pretty to leave alone sometimes. When shape shifting in her dog form she often forgets that she is a human if she spends more than a few days in that form, although she always remembers it again, but it can be after few days as well as after months.
Ethics: Nekana does not think much about things like ethics and morals and the way that one should or shouldn’t act. She does not want to get in any trouble with law and that’s the main reason why she only steals small and easy to loose things, and why she does not rob people with her dog form as intimidating factor. People have done bad things for as long as they have existed, that’s just the way things is.
Likes: She sometimes likes to drink, nothing much usually a beer or two but sometimes when she has good company, for example someone with a good story is always welcomed, she drinks a bit too much and wakes up in the gutter with all the money she earned that day or week (or on the rare occasion when the someone convinces her to pay for his/her drink too, even more) gone. And a pounding headache. But in her opinion that is not happening as often as it could so she does not worry, life is too short to worry about addictions, is it not so?
Dislikes: She hates cats. If a cat starts yowling outside her window you can count on her to be the first one to try to hit it with the heaviest thing that happens to be in her hand. Like a stone that just happens to be picked up from the street only for that purpose.

Character History:
Pre- creation: She was born to a human pair in Nyka, who did not particularly want a Kelvic with all the automatic problems it would bring so they threw her out after she got old enough to care for herself, whether it was begging as a puppy with other beggars, or stealing and pickpocketing as a child. She had a beggar that practically took her in, he slept with her in her dog form for warmth and taught her the basics of pickpocketing in her child form, but he was also a drunk, as most beggars around them were and one day when she growled at a possible donater (he smelled like a cat, and that was all she needed as a reason) he kicked her in the head, which lead to problems with memory. She forgot that she had a human form for a few months, forgot the old beggar and started to wander around in the town. Now and then she stole a chicken from the market and a bit of begging here and there, but it got boring after a while, not to mention the fact that she was getting older and did not look as cute and pitiful as when she was a pup. So she started to wander around outside the town. After a few weeks of living off stealing and hunting small game she saw a caravan going out of the city and tagged along. After a few days of only following it she grew bolder and actually started to beg for food and just hang out with the caravan, she did not look very dangerous, and wasn’t not really, so they lived in harmony for a week or two. And then she changed back to her human form. It was surprise for all of them, she remembered her human personality for the first time in months, and they discovered that the loyal dog that tagged along them was a Kelvic actually. As she was well liked in caravan they decided to... keep her. When in child, or well barely teenager form, she was given small jobs, caring for the horses, driving them or riding on the younger and smaller ones. She spent most the time till Syliras in her human form. After arriving in Syliras she split up with caravan, while the month she spent with them was fun and taught her much it wasn’t exactly what she looked for, and they understood that and even as a parting gift gave her animal groomers toolkit, which was more of a payment for hunting them a few small wild animals while traveling with them.

Skill how much where got
Begging 5/100 (starting package)
Tracking 5/100 (starting package)
Hunting 10/100 (racial bonus)
Horsemanship 10/100 (starting package)
Thievery 10/100 (Starting package)
Riding 20/100 (starting package)
Lore Sylira Animals
Lore Horse Training
Common- fluent
Brown pants, shirt, shoes, wool cloak (*), leather gloves (*)
1 Waterskin
Backpack (comb, brush, razor, soap, food for 1 week, 1 eating knife, flint & steel)
Toolkit, Animal Groomer's
Family Heirloom (Toolkit, Animal Groomer's)
House (apartment in Syliras)
How much from what
+100 gold mizas (starting coin)
-5 silver mizas leather gloves
-5 silver mizas wool cloth
Right now I have 99 gold mizas.

/Yeah, this is my first character sheet ever made, so I would much appreciate anyone giving me any advice, pointing out any mistakes or anything :)/
Normal- Nuthin special.
/Italic/- Thoughts.
Bold- Dog language.
Italic- Whispering.
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Posts: 8
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Joined roleplay: September 23rd, 2012, 1:32 pm
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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