Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

Postby Ayana on October 11th, 2012, 10:17 am

Fall 37th, 512 AV

Ayana wasn't much of a window shopper. Not that she didn't enjoy looking at items, perusing through wares and trinkets. It was mostly for the fact that once she saw an item she liked, it was very hard to resist the temptation to simply make the purchase. However, Nasrin had made it very clear about how much they were to spend. She was the one with the level head about money, and normally do the shopping. It was due to her being bed locked with a broken and bruised that had Ayana out on her way to visit the butcher to acquire their nightly meal.

It seemed strange for a place so focused on nature and beauty would condone to having such a shop in their midst. It was out of place with everything around it. Though, thinking about it, the apes and their teeth looked very capable of tearing into a juicy cut of meat. Forcing herself to move away from the fine fur shop she had so desperately want to enter, the Eypharian woman found herself peeking her head inside the butcher shop. Her nose instantly crinkled, the metallic stench of blood assaulting her sense.

The less time she spent in here, the better. Her bottom hands gripped her dress, lifting it slightly so there was no chance of it to drag on the floor, as she shuffled inward to browse their selection of fish. She enjoyed fish, and was pretty certain Nasrin had mentioned that she did as well. However, these were not the fish of their desert home, and likely wouldn't taste the same. A small frown set in her features as she searched for something familiar, and found none.

Well, fish was fish. She'd have to make due. Looking up, she caught the eye of the male shopkeep, waving him over.
"How much?" She asked, pointing to the smoked salmon. Neither her nor Nasrin knew much about cooking. The less they were forced to do, the better. "That's 3 golden Mizas for a pound." Ayana nodded, reaching to her coin purse, tied around her waist. Her and Nasrin didn't eat much, one pound would be plenty for them for a while. "One pound, please." She handed him the three golden coins, watching as he carefully wrapped the meat for her, handing it forward. "There you are. Enjoy."

She gave a nod of thanks, turning to head out of the shop, eager to return home and begin preparing a meal for her and Nasrin.

OOC3 GM deducted from ledger, 1 pound of smoked Rainbow Salmon added to possessions.
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Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on October 11th, 2012, 11:10 am

Another lesson with nasrin today Xi ground his temples with his finger and thumb he'd been learning much over the last few days but his head was splitting from having to listen to her incessant bitching... and unfortunately she hadn't taught him a remedy for a headache yet...Perhaps this was her version of a grand punishment at him for harming her. Either way both her and liro were now ebbing away at his sanity in tandem, in class it was her, outside of class and at his own work liro. Both forces wearing his rational mind thin. He needed to just beat the living hell out of something. Hopefully he''d get to visit the training grounds again soon and possibly just pound on some unsuspecting gorilla in training. Either way it would do him the world of good to break himself out of the slump he'd been in. Still this want a time to think on that. The all of a sudden he felt himself thump into something after not having watched where he was headed the sudden thump snapped his mind back to the present events around him.

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Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

Postby Ayana on October 11th, 2012, 12:08 pm

All at once, Ayana's good mood was shattered as something large blundered into her path, hitting hard into her right side. She was knocked off balance, two arms clutched tight around the package, the other four reaching out to grasp anything solid to keep herself from falling. Steadying herself on her feet once again, the Eypharian whirled on whoever it was that had so rudely ran into her, and found herself having to tilt her head up to look the large man in the face. Her eyes blinked, darting to his shoulders. Two arms. Human.

Her anger flared. "How dare you! Here I am, minding my own way and you blunder into me?! You imbecilic, uncivilized Foysha!" One hand rose, an accusing finger shoved into his face. "Do you not have eyes in your head, or are they there for show alone!? Or perhaps your head is merely full of empty space! Is that it? Is that how you are able to blunder around into innocent people, you great buffoon!?" It was about this time she realized that in her anger, she had slid into the arumenic tongue. It was very likely that this stranger had no inkling of the verbal berating she had just laid on him.

Lowering her hand back down again, she took a step back, breathing deeply to regain her composure. The anger was still there, rolling deep and dark in her eyes, but it was held back to a sharp edge in her voice.
"Well, are you going to stand there, dull and slow? Or shall I have apology?" She didn't really care if her word choice was wrong with her common at this particular moment, her arms crossing over her chest, fixing her dark eyes on her face.
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Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on October 11th, 2012, 12:26 pm

Lifting his eyes from the ground and behind his hand he didn't even have to see the person to know the language and that it was probably a string of insults. then dropping his hand slowly he saw the signall which answered it for him...multiple sets of arms. Eypharian brilliant, more arumenic more shouting at amd more insults. His eys shot a look at her of shut up.

"Look i don't understand a word your saying but i know exactly what your saying so please stop the insults, arumenic has been drilling into my head for the past week." Squinting his eyes he looked at her with a look of pain and annoyance. As she then slipped into the common language, he understood what she was saying easily before he leered at her lightly mostly from the pain of the arumenic induced headache. "Look i'm sorry for bumping into you, i wasn't watching her i was going but please lower the voice a little it's playing havoc with my head." Glaring down at her but not down his nose he leered into her eyes his own black-blue and seemingly endless the hint of rage withheld behind them, not at her but in general. Raising his hand back to his head again he begain to massage his temples slowly. "when will that bitch teach me how to make a headache soother, seriously this is killing me." Awww, grow some balls you maggot you've no self control and this is the least of your worries just wait till i snap back into control and then play with your body like it's a meat suit. And just you wait, ive almost all your knowledge at my disposal.

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Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

Postby Ayana on October 11th, 2012, 1:07 pm

Ayana raised an eyebrow, processing what he had said. He'd been hearing arumenic? This was deffinately the first time she had met him, so the only other possibility was Nasrin. Her eyes narrowed further as she studied him, ignoring whatever else started spilling from his mouth. He certainly looked like the monster Nasrin had been describing to her, the man who beat her down in their first meeting. Her eyes travelled back up to his face, narrowing in anger. "It was you! Nasrin speaks of you often."

She waited for that sentence to sink into his thick head. He had to have been thick, in her mind, as he had managed to anger two Eypharian women, one to the point of trying to attack him, within one season. "Not surprising it should be you. Your lack of thought and... obvious rudeness seems have no bounds." Ayana made a note to herself that it was difficult to insult someone in common, wanting to slip back into her old tongue to give him a good verbal lashing. For running into her. For hurting her friend. But the point of insults were lost when one could not understand.
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Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on October 11th, 2012, 1:33 pm

Her voice sent daggers through his skull piercing deep into his mind not from the words not from the tone but the volume, the sheer loudness coupled with his headache. Then her words clicked. She' knew nasrin ? well there was no suprise there two eypharian women. Of course they knew each other but why would nasrin speak of him often ? Surely he wasn't that much of a student or maybe it was because he was a major hassle or pain.

"If she speaks of me often then i assume it's only bad things...After all i'm not the worlds greatest student." Rubbing his temples harder he gazed out over the palm of his hand slowly with his right eye, as her next sentence rolled out of her mouth Xi could already feel liros claws in the back of his skull, and with that and her tone his demeanour slipped and changed. Growing much... sterner and sharper.

"Look no offense ment but i'm not as thick as you and nasrin make me out to be. that and the rudeness is over an issue that doesn't concern you. So i'm sorry if i'm being rude but please tone the voice down." Xi straightened his standing adding another inch or two, to his height now he really did tower over her looking down at her with his dark eyes, the searing pain of liro burrowing into his head sending spasms of pain along his spine. He wasn't thick when it came to women he was just immensely unlucky, constantly having problems left, right and centre. Still rghht now he had to get to nasrin for his next lesson. "Look if you want to constantly yell at me and call me an idiot and 'lesser' can you do it whilst were on the move i'm late as it is." And with that Xi gave her a look of please let's get going or i'm going to get another earful of arumenic from a differnt also very bitchy lady.

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Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

Postby Ayana on October 12th, 2012, 4:52 am

Ayana tilted her head slightly. "Yes, it all bad. But she has reason, no? Having hurt her so?" There was a defined accusation in her voice, though she said no more on the subject. She doubted she really needed to, Nasrin being who she was had likely not let the subject drop since she met the man. "Well, you've lasted days. Must not think you're horrible." With a soft shrug of her shoulders, the woman uncrossed her arms, relaxing.

"Fine, we may walk. I needed to be home as well." She glanced down at the salmon in her arms, wondering if the man would be staying long enough that she'd have to share some with him. A frown pulled at her lips. If he did, she'd need to be more creative in her meal plan. "How long does lesson last?" Maybe she could convince Nasrin to cut it short, get him out of the house before they started their meal.

Motioning with one of her free hands, she turned and started making her way back, letting the man trail behind her.
"What are you called?" Of all the times Nasrin spoke of this man, she had only called him by insults and jibes. She felt it would lower her to no better than him if she at least didn't act with some civility and ask for a name.
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Breaking Tensions (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on October 12th, 2012, 5:35 am

Xi almost winced at the comment and accusation both from her words and the fact she'd not lowered her voice much. The words stung but they were true. "Yes, i'm the reason that nasrin is hurt, she...did something, and a lot of repressed anger got launched at her...It was meant for another." A visible screen of guilt was rising in his face, he had lashed out out of anger and repressed rage over another persons sins, it was eating away at him. And now more visibly than before. Then her next sentence hit him right where it hurt something of a cross between reassurance and encouragement ? WHAT ?? "That's true, she mustn't think i'm that bad if she's kept me around for almost a week. Thoughthe constant nagging in a language i'm only just learning isn't helping my situation , and i'm developing a huge headache over it." Xi kept his pace wih her as they walked or was it her keeping pace with him ? Her next question seemed like a simple one, she simply didn't want him around for too long he surmised after listening to it.

"The lessons are only about three hours long and after that i usually head down stairs pick up a pitcher of ale and a bit of food before heading off somewhere to sleep. Her lessons are good but there exhausting, she expects me to take in both the common name AND the arumenic name for every herb she knows. I'll admit it's worked thus far." Xi raised an eyebrow as she asked for his name , does not one of these people have any manners? "My name is Ximal, Xi if you prefer, and what would your name happen to be if you feel like i'm worthy enough fo learning it perhaps ?" Slightly honeyed words and more so lightly poisoned pleasentries. Beign around people like this was doing a number on him and his sanity was re making itself with a slightly cynical edge.

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