Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Xi Saves an Akvatari from being captured by slavers. Seeing as she has no moey she decides to repay him another way.

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Ximal on November 2nd, 2012, 4:38 am

permission :

12th Fall 512AV

Calm...Quiet...Slightly damp. The easiest way to describe the morning. Truth be told, the air outside was cold and hung with the moistness of the persistent rain that had followed. Fog, deep and thick fog spread low over the ground but only too knee height. Rolling like a living creature, and flowing like the waves of the ocean. Xi trod carefully through the cold damp air, the soft stepping of his feet on the wet slick rocks was dangerous, but then the mud around them was more like to slide than anything else. Careful footing would be what was necessary here. Sliding his feet delicately over the stones and keeping low. The usual mandatory components of Xi's day consisted of that. Xi had his bow out again. Still unable to find the slaver camp in the area. Something was going on around here, and this camp was the key. If nothing else this was what he had to find. Stalking through the cold low mists Xi held his bow out in front of him to simply allow himself to try and find a way through the thick bases of the trees. He could see cleanly over the top of the fog he hadn't crouched down that low after all he was a big man. The cold air hung and clung to him filling his lungs with a stinging air of not quite pain but a sensation of stinging.

Stepping slowly carrying his weight and rolling his feet, Xi kept himself cam and careful. Being delicate and light of foot. Still then he saw what he'd been hunting everyday for the last fortnight. Slavers. Only a small group this time but...This time it wasn't a kelvic they had in tow, it was something altogether more strange. A woman with the wings of a butterfly and the tail of a seal? This confused Xi but not anywhere near as much as what they'd placed on her. Seven iron manacles, one around her throat, one around each wrist, three around her tail alone, and a further binding around her waist. All of them were chained to a wooden platform lined with ski's for transport. The sight was odd but not one Xi was unfamiliar with. Four slavers. two guarding the route one at the front one at the back and two hauling the sled. The Akvatari would have been screaming for help had it not been gagged with a piece of rolled cloth. Interesting. These slavers were probably better than any he'd faced prior, perhaps even better than poachers. Xi circled around behind them. Making sure to try to keep every movement he made secret and calm. However the strange lady before him spotted him and began making a plea through the gag that sounded like help. Xi simply nodded at her and made a gesture of "shush" with his free hand. Circling around behind the last of the slavers Xi nocked his arrow and drew the bow back. Lining up the shot he didn't want to chance hitting her so he aimed for the largest target on this man his torso. Puling back and holding the arrow he took a deep breath. counting down the time until the shot. Three...Two...One...Now! Xi loosed the arrow from the bow and let it fly.

Xi disappeared back into the low bushes as the sift of the slavers cried out in pain from an arrow going straight through their lung. Xi hid quietly within the brush of the bushes. As the slaver's ran back to look at the first one he'd shot, the murmured voices sounded shocked some even scared. Xi kept his face stony. He wasn't liro, he took no joy in this. Pulling back another arrow Xi lined up hsi next shot. The one on the right, Xi drew back his arrow before loosing it firing the arrow straight through the second slaver's chest but this time scratching his heart, and drilling right through him. That gave i's positioning away. still two slavers were out of commission. Two slavers versus Xi he could handle that. Looping his bow back over hsi shoulder he pulled himself out of the brush. Two slavers against him both brandishing weapons Xi had seen before. Looks like the slaver camp's armoury was either a little limited or perhaps it was non existent. Still Xi was prepared to do battle with two slavers. Then he'd set the woman free and be on his way.
Last edited by Ximal on November 3rd, 2012, 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Ximal on November 2nd, 2012, 7:39 am

Deep breaths, slow nerves. Xi watched the slavers swing their swords back and forth in a display trying to frighten Xi. He wasn't letting this transpire any further than it had to. taking a slow breath he watched the slaver's in motion. Ducking the wilds swing from the first one he used the full weight of his arm and and stepped into the blow to take the force of the swing as close to the hit as he could. Useing the steel of his vambrace he stopped the force of the blade and then spoke slowly and very quietly. "A prideful gale...Warrior Platinum." The djed moved through his arm sharply drilling in to the bicep and tricep of his right arm. The smallest trickle of djed flowing through his body, twisting his body to the right one step. He brought his blocking forearm up and out exploding the djed in his bicep and tricep shooting his fist out at the slavers jaw. He smashed into it hard and heavy. The sound of the slavers jaw breaking was painful to behold, but Xi had conserved his djed. And his hand felt fine after the punch connected. It wasn't a deadly blow seeing as he'd hit the slavers jaw, if he'd of hit his throat then he would have been dead from suffocation within a few moments. Now he'd have to finish him off afterwards.

Now Xi shifted his attention back on the slaver who'd attacked first. Xi shifted his feet slightly before watching his opponent. One slaver, and he had an arsenal of ways to get rid of him but he had to do it quickly. Blade vs fist. The blade came across with force. Xi twisted his boy o the right and brought his left fist over, grinding it into the slaver's face braking his nose and pushing the bone straight up into the slaver's brain. Now he had to finish off the last unfortunate one lying on the ground. Drawing the steel hand-axe from his side e spoke slowly.
"I'm sorry you had to suffer...Now your pain ends." Xi drew the tip and blade of the axe over the soft flesh of the man's throat. the spry and gurgle of blood erupted in a bright red jet stream. Xi closed his eye's wishing the slaver well in the next life. Now his attention shifted. Wrenching his arrows free of the corpses they stuck out of he now stood over the captured female creature. a trace of sorrow in his eyes. They may have been slavers, but he still had regrets. Looking down at the woman in her eye's he could see fear, sorrow, ad above all acceptance. It seemed as if she was ready to die by his hand herself. Xi sighed, why did every woman he met think that he was going to kill them ? Xi reached down and looked her in the eye before saying to her honestly. "Please don't scream. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to set you free." Her eye's scanned his almost as if she was searching for any hint of him lying. Looking deep into her eyes he untied the gag slowly before sliding the damp rag out of her mouth.

" Your eye's match your words. Your an honest man, are you not ?" Xi simply shrugged, he was what he was.
"To be honest. I've no idea what i am, other than the fact i know i'm a weapon." Returning to the corpses he eventually found what he was searching for. The keys to her bonds." I said i would set you free when you looked at me with plea for help." Xi now towered back over her before kneeling down next to her. He went for the manacle around her neck first. Looking at her now rather than looking to saver her . She had shockingly ice blue eyes, Feeling around her neck slightly spinning his hand around the manacle he found the key hole but not before she spoke out again. "Please be careful with your hands...I don't want you doing something in inappropriate." Xi Tilted his head with a look of come on. Xi sighed and slipped the key into the lock. Slipping her neck out of the manacle she stretched and Xi began work in the manacles along her tail.

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Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Ximal on November 2nd, 2012, 11:45 pm

Xi released the manacles one after the other and continued speaking with the trapped akvatari.
"Saviour what is your name?" Xi sighed why was he being called a saviour, either she'd been captured unaware or judging but the amount of fight the slavers had put up. She'd worn them down before hand, and still been over powered which mean she'd probably run out of energy. Still Xi responded to her.
"My name is Ximal. If you want you can call me Xi, everybody does." Snapping free the last manacle on her tail. She swung hit back and forth almost feeling relieved to be free. " Thank you Ximal for helping me out of this situation...I tried to fight them off but things didn't go so well." Xi thought that was a bit strange how could she fight without legs?
"Forgive me for asking but how did you fight them off? Not to sound rude, but you don't have any legs..." As Xi spoke she got a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Also i haven't learnt your name yet..."

"Oh i'm sorry, my name is Argents. And...When i'm out of these manacles i'll show you exactly how i fought them. My energy's back. Removing the bindings from her waist, there were only two bindings left on her body the ones around her wrists. Simple as removing a pair of cuffs. He'd gotten good with manacles since he'd started to bring in poachers. She clambered off of the sled and spoke softly.
"Ximal watch carefully. You wanted to know how i could fight without legs? " Xi was slightly confused as to what she meant before he watched what was happening., the flesh of her tail split along it's center balling out into two separate limbs. Xi's jaw must have hit the floor whilst he watched this happen. Because he knew his eye's went wide. What in the name of ivak himself was she doing...The flesh of her tail had transformed completely into two separate legs the light fur coating it receded to the light hair over a normal pair of legs, except from where you would expect the hair to be thicker. Xi was not only perplexed but bewildered. He supposed he shouldn't have been but still what he had just witnessed wass both horrifying and incredible.
"ho-how did you do that?" Xi was thoroughly shocked mouth agape and eyes the size of dinner plates. The akvatari women who now stood on two fully formed and functioning legs, just smiled and waved him off.
"Oh ? And why should i tell you? after all you haven't done anything to earn me telling you."So saving her want enough to get her to tell him how she had made a tail turn into a pair of fully functioning legs? What was it with people and secrets. However she continued after a moment of pause. "Well you seem like a competent fighter...Perhaps if you beat me i might tell you. After all it's not like you've much of a chance. I defeated thirty of those slavers before i ran out of energy." Wait she beat THIRTY of them ? Just what kind of monster is she? Still Xi wanted to learn this power for himself. It had to be a magic. She wasn't a kelvic or a human. So this had to be a magic of some sort.

"Fine, i'll make that agreement, but if i win you wont only tell me. You'll teach me." She smiled and nodded. She probably thought that this would be an easy victory. A simple win. She'd just transform her body in to something else and then attack him viciously. But no he assault came swift. Much faster than he had expected. Her right left spun around almost strangely. like she was...How could he have forgotten the wings on her back ! Xi ducked swiftly only to take a kick to the back of the head. Jusat how fast was this flying witch ?

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Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Ximal on November 3rd, 2012, 2:31 am

Roling out of the way he stood up ten paces away from her. that sleak and slwender body coupled with her wings...Damn it. How could he fight with someone who had both the air and the ground to fight in?
"what's the matter cant you hit me? I thought you wre a competent fighter, but no it turns out those slavers were just still weary from fighting me. Yes those were the ones i didn't knock out. They managed to survive till i ran out of juice." Leaping at him again she swung at him with her leg again bringing the calf of her leg around. Xi wasn't going to fall for the same trick twice. Reaching out he grabbed her ankle and plucked her from the sky throwing her against a tree.
"No there's a difference between a surprise attack and a planned one. And i will not be hit by the same attack twice." Xi kept his own djed under control. Holding his flux back and just focusing on watching her fighting movements. She was fast light and had an aerial advantage. but there had to be some sort of weakness to her fighting style. Xi rolled his torso to the right as her fist came zooming past him only for him to take a knee to the forehead. Damn it! Just sit still. XI tried to calm himself by sliding a foot back and taking a stretch of space between him and her...Wait...Space! that was his enemy in this. Xi kept calm but was now beginning to formulate a plan. And now the akvatari was getting cocky.

" Your not that good. I've hit you twice and you've not touched me once. Though i will say you are quite sturdy perhaps you'll learn that it takes more than that to use magic." Xi took a slow breath, bnow it was his turn to retaliate and now he'd used his flux. Sending a small amount of djed into his leg, some onto his quadraceps and some into his calfs. He shot forwards to her with an increadible burst fo speed. Not a lot of dhjed he used but applying it to the largest muscle in the body would give him a huge power boost. As he drew close to ehr he brought out his lfet hand and shot a punch out at her stomach. Her face at his speed increase was one of both shock and confusion. As his fist drilled into her stomach he felt something in his hand crack, and the pain that shot through him was incredible. It felt like he'd just punched a brick wall. Almost a moment later the answer came to him. He'd just punched her in the stomach yes but she'd changed her midriff into that of a jamoura. He'd just punched the core of a gorilla, abnd now he was amazed that nothing in his arm had broken... "I may have been a bit hasty in my judgement there. You said your name was Ximal. Correct?
"Yes." Xi spoke begrudgingly and with a modicum of pain flashing through his arm.
"Well, you've proven that you may be able to handle this magic after all. If i hadn't switched, i may have ended up with a severly damaged spine. My kind, the akvatari, have hollow bones. It allows us flight however it means we are a brittle people. Shall we go? I've a hut not far from here. I'll teach you what you seek when we arrive." Xi simply shook his head for the moment not disagreeing with her but shaking the sense back into himself. Those last two bws really rattled his head.
"Alright let us head off, you lead i shall follow.

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Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Ximal on November 3rd, 2012, 6:00 am

The cabin she'd lead him too was strange. On the outside it looked like a simple dead tree, large and wide in it's vast scale. Though the inside of it was completely hollow. Sporting a large space filled with many carvings and likenesses of multiple beasts that prowled the spires. from the fleeting birds of the high trees to the stalking wolves of the jungle floor. The likeness and accuracy of the creatures was staggering, most likely she was an expert art surveying them. Still Xi followed her up, apparently this place didn't have only one floor. However the second floor was only accessible via flight. Xi watched her float up there and coughed lightly. before looking around for a possible leg up. Perhaps this was part of the training to use this magic. Being creative...Still, Xi had a think. Aha. Xi pulled the rope he'd bought the other day out of his pack. lashed it to the centre of his battle axe before tossing it up through the hole. The axe went wide and caught just on the edges of the hole. Good. Xi now scrambled up the dangling rope to reach the second floor. Pulling on the rope with his upper body he was glad he'd spent some time developing his upper body strength. Weather his axe would hold his weight or not was another matter entirely as he was already hearing the signs of creaking.

Xi scrambled up the rope faster, hauling himself up there it had to be a good seventeen feet from the ground to the second floor and Xi had already covered half of that distance, within a matter of seconds and before he knew it he was on the second floor and being greeted by teh sarcastic tones of Argents.

"Took you long enough to get up here." Xi shot her a rather nasty look before saying in a very controlled voice.
"You seem to forget, only ONE of us has WINGS. " Scrabbling up the lip of the hole and onto the second floor. Pulling his weight and hauling himself up. Lifting the axe up he untied the rope around the handle, and began to wind it up before placing it back in his bag and the axe back onto his back. Coughing and clearing hsi throat he walked over to her.
"Sit on the floor where you are, i'm going to teach you this magic. Just be warned it is a very dangerous one if abused." She spoke to him without even looking at him. Using a piece of polished steel in a wooden frame to check out her own face. Either she could see him or she was just excellent with her surroundings she spoke to him again once he'd sat down. "Equipment and clothing off, if you don't when we begin you could accidentally break it. There is a space near there is a space near the cabinet over there." She began waving her hand at a large cabinet at the side of the room. At least this time she'd had the decency to give him an explanation as to what he had to do. Slipping off his bow and the other weapons they went on the ground onto that his quiver, and arrows. Then his body pack on top of that. Slipping off the knot in his cloak he placed that over his weapon and other gear before sliding off his vambraces. "Hurry up we don't have all day. The training takes at least the better part of a day." Xi was starting to dislike this woman, a lot. Still he continued stripping further, boots and greaves, shirt, pants, and then finally undergarments. It felt a bit odd to Xi to be naked in someone else's home. Taking a slow calming breath hat insecurity that he felt still haunted him, but now he could attempt to muscle through it with clam of mind. Taking a slow breath to clear his thoughts he walked back over slowly and sat in the spot she pointed out for him to sit in. He was about to speak again before he heard her speak. "Good now that your appropriately attired, we can begin. 'Appropriately Attired' He was wearing petch all. He needed to calm his nerves. He now watched her do the same sitting opposite him. He sat cross legged...She did the same.

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Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Ximal on November 3rd, 2012, 7:04 am

XI slowed his breath perhaps this would be something completely new?
"First Ximal, you must close your eyes. Morphing is an art about changing your body into that of something else. But you MUST never attempt a full body transformation until you develop a LOT more skill with it. At the moment i would suggest only trying to change your limbs into that or something else. Before adapting certain parts of your being first we ave to get tyou initiated into the art of morphing. It's not as simple as you'd think. You must, loose yourself. Those who wish to become everything, must first become nothing. My teacher told me this. Now long slow breaths, and try emptying your mind of all useless thoughts. And feel the djed flow through your body." Taking a slow breath Xi followed her instructions but it felt no different thus far to flux. He knew exactly where the djed would go through his own body he'd been sharpening his control over it's location for seasons. Still he humoured her, letting his djed flow through his body."Oh i'm sorry i completely forgot. I havent told you what djed actually is. It's the energy that magic user's wield to preform actions, with magic. The term djed actually comes from the old tongue. what it actually means is 'Backbone' It's almost like your will is what propels your body to do these things." Now that Xi didn't know. So his djed was his will. and by using less and less of his will in the form of djed he was able to force his lower up , through the process called flux. So it wasn't "flux" he was using, but his will to command the djed.

Right well, once you've begun to feel the djed flow around your body you don't want to release it from yourself you want to hold it. force it into yourself, make it change you alter something about you. Make it alter you." Xi'd been holding his djed within his body for a while now to feel the pathways it took around his body. To see the inner pattern that he held within himself. So holding it still within him wouldn't be an issue, what would would be making it change something about him. What could he change, what would there be for him to alter, what things about him would he WANT changed. Xi begun to slow his mind, thinking little to nothing as he heard argents speak again. "Your trying to change you. Your body must respond to what your mind wills it too. Your mind is your image you want to paint, your body the open canvas. The djed is just the paint and brush. Use it as such, twist it to force your body to respond." So it was no different from flux then? All he had to do was force it to where it needed to be and cause it to burst in a release of energy. But no...This was different, where flux focused on understanding every little pinpoint the djed flowed too. this was about understanding what you wanted out of the djed, bot where you wanted it to go. Xi was going to have to drop every bit of knowledge he'd picked up about flux and let it free. Flux and morphing were polar opposites. One forced the mind to know exactly where the power was needed. The other forced the mind to know exactly what was demanded. Taking a slow breath Xi begain to try to visualize something. And the only thing that came to mind was that little pain Ana. For some reason she'd stuck with him. Something about her wasw still clawing at him. Even liro could sense it. Her diminutive frame her sunken eyes, the skinniness of her, but in contrast to all that was two things, her golden amber eyes which shone almost as bright as any wolfs, and twice as bright in their cunning and arrogance. The second was her hair, also stunning gold even through all the dirt and matting that marred it, it shone brightly whenever the light hit it. Before his mind could focus any longer the akvatari woman was giggling.

"Well done. You've become a morpher...Phahahaha! But i don't think being a blonde suits you." What did she mean being blonde? His hair was black. Surely. Xi had, had enough of her nonsense and snapped his eye's open almost with an angry look inside them but before he could he caught sight of blonde hair in the polished metal. But that couldn't be...His hair was black and the akvatari womans was brown. Xi lifted his head a little to see his own eye's staring back at him. Hos own still deep royal blue eyes. He'd done it... He'd become a morpher. Yes the change was small but he'd done it...His eye's went wide and he smiled almost uncontrollably, but not wide. A grin of achievement was all that crawled onto his face. He'd done it.

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Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Ximal on November 3rd, 2012, 8:15 pm

Ximal with morphing you can do more than just change the colour of your hair, you can alter every single piece of yourself into some thing vastly different. So long as you understand how it works. For example you could make a pair of wings, if you knew how they worked. You could even make yourself female, if you knew how that worked. Morphing is all about understanding how things work. Once you know that you can apply it to yourself and use your djed to change your body. You are a blank canvas. Your djed the brush and paint. Your mind is your inspiration. Now we start your next lesson." Next lesson? wasn't this already his second lesson? "You changed the colour of your hair. Big deal. Though i notice only one of the two hairs on your body changed. Your going to have to work on that. Still this is lesson two. Your going to have to study a snake. I'm going to go and get it. See if you can fix your still black hair whilst i go and grab what i'm after." So he was going to have to study a snake? Why? What would he gleam from that ? what could he possibly learn from that. She rose from her seat,n and floated off down that hole back into the main floor. Whilst she was gone Xi now had to try and focus on what he'd forgotten. He begun to concentrate, not on where the djed was going now but on what he wanted it to do...Black hair...Must become blonde. Change. from a moonless night, to a sun glowing in the morning. Long slow breaths he took as he tried to focus, the difficulty here was not in doing it but fighting off the feeling of trying to ward the djed into a blow. He slowly opened his eyes and lo and behold, blonde it was. Well...this was interesting.

As she returned from the hole she brought with her a small wooden carving of a snake. Not a real one.

"Take a good look at this carving but do not move. Also i see you fixed your colour problem. Now. Look, take a look and tell me what you see in this carving. " Xi opened his eyes to behold the carving of the snake, and for a few moments he almost thought it was real. The way it flowed the shapeing of it's scales, the shape of it's fangs everything about it was almost identical to the real thing.
"It looks almost real."
"I said tell me what you see, not what it looks like."
What did she mean by that? What did she want him to do, the only natural think he could think of was to mention the detail of the fangs and scales.
"It's scales, they flow , like stones in a road, except they fit together better, and it;s fangs arc back lightly, and taper to a point." She smiled lightly and then spoke in a very controlling manner.
"Good, not copy the scales. Put then onto your left arm, mould your flesh into the hard scales of a snake." Put scales on his left arm? Was she mad? He'd only just started to learn how to morph and now she wanted him to do something this advanced? She had to be insane. Still he had to try. He reached his hand out slowly to get a better feel of the scales, the way they laced over each other the small folds between each other. Slowing his breaths again to almost holding it. He pulled his mind into focus around them. Left arm, skin into ...scales. Flowing scales, like lattive like road bricks. Ft them together and lace them. What followed was a shot of searing pain as his left arm began to reform it's skin into scales each scales broke off and formed independently of it's neighbour, forming into a solid snake like armour over his left arm. from the tips of his fingers right the way down to his elbow. Running his right hand over it his eyes still closed he freaked himself out, he could feel his own arm but it was... Like touching snake skin. She shook off the feeling. Go Back, Scales to skin, fluid moving skin stretching. Again a shot of pain passed through his arm as it changed back from it's scaly substance and returned to the solid moving skin that coated him. Running his hand back over it he breathed a sigh of releaf, the feeling of being not what he was was odd. Unprecedented and very very intriguing. But above all frightening.

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Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Ximal on November 4th, 2012, 12:38 am

"Good you've learnt two basics. Now you must acquire more beasts and races to put into your morphing arsenal. The more creatures you have stored in your memory and understand how they work the more varied of a morpher you will be. Every creature you saw on the bottom floor i have in my memory and i understand how they work perfectly. Now i'd suggest you get dressed, the cold weather seems to be effecting your little friend. Just remember that morphing can be easily abused. She was right in some ways, he could tell this art was not one to be practices lightly. Xi could feel pain in his arm but after wards the feeling of power was almost a wash of refreshment. If Xi hadn't had a lot of time training with flux he may have tried to do more than just his forearm. Taking a slow breath the air really was starting to get to him. He could feel the cold claws against his chest now, as well as against something else. Still Xi couldn't believe his luck, less than ten feet away from a woman almost completely naked and he himself in the starkers and STILL nothing. Xi sighed as he stood up. Stretching out his frame and heading back to his gear. Underclothes, pants, boots. Xi turned his eye's back towards the polished steel. His hair was still blonde...How long would it be blonde?

Slipping on his shirt and body pack he whirled his cloak about his shoulders before re armouring himself. All his gear re attached she walked back over too her before speaking in a low controlled voice.

"If i may make one request p[lease invest in a rope ladder. i may come back again for some more lessons. And i don't fancy trying to fly...Just yet." She shrugged bedfore waveing hinm off saying.
"Who say's i'll let you back in here ?" Xi sighed and shook his head leaping down the hole back into the room of statuesque carvings. If she really knew all these creatures then she could have destroyed him...Why didn't she? Xi shook his head few of all these senseless questions before heading back out into the open air. He'd missed a considerable amount of time now looking at the sky. The sun had begun to set, and he was no closer to finding that slaver camp. Still his shift was over now and the next guy would be checking in. Xi now headed back up to the spires somewhat hanging his head and feelign a little... dejected. He'd learnt a new magic but he knew next to nothing about what it represented. He'd now need to learn a lot more to be bale to use this magic to it's fullest potential. A lock of his now long blonde hair fell into the view of his face. When would it fade back to it's natural black ?

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Think outside the box...or rather the body ( Solo )

Postby Capricious on November 22nd, 2012, 2:36 am


Character Name

Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Morphing 2 • Contact: Argents
Observation 4 • Morphing Can Do What?!
Stealth 1 • Akvatari: Hollow Bones
Weapon: Bow (Please specify your long or cross bow) 2 • To be everything, you must first be nothing.
Flux 2 • Differences Between Flux and Morphing
Unarmed Combat 2 • First Morphing Technique: Changing Haircolor
Meditation 1 • Morphing: Snake Scales

3 Sprained Knuckles (Will take 14 days to heal on own, 7 by doctor)
Sore Arm (3 days)
Headache: 3 Days
Extreme Rash on Arm (Cannot be healed by a doctor, will take 15 days to heal)
Blonde Hair: 8 Days

Witty Remark Here
I really enjoyed seeing Argents and Ximal interact and I believe you played Argents very well. All skills should be self-explanatory. I did give you meditation for trying to clear your mind. However, you never specified which bow Ximal was using and, as you have both the cross and longbow skills, I could not specify in my grading. Please direct the points to the necessary weapon skill.

You played out of your range for morphing and Ximal will suffer 9 bells of headaches for over-giving. Even though Ximal is familiar with Djed, Flux and Morphing are extremely different. Morphers will have extreme difficulty learning Flux and vice versa. Using Morphing for the first time while being a Flux user means fighting against your knowledge of Djed use as well as the natural difficulties of learning a discipline. I docked you one point in Morphing because of this. Keep this in mind for future threads.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. :)

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