Basic Information
Name: Rinstii
Race: Kelvic
Birthday & Age : Winter 89, 511 AV (1 year old)
Gender: Female
Physical Description - Long, and soft, black with white streaks hair. Eyes are vertical slits with the color being that of an ice blue hue. The shape of the eyes resembling closely to the shape of ovals. When in feline form, she will be the size of a domestic house cat. When in the form of a human, she stands at 5 feet tall. With a lean build like a lethe feline. Her hands and feet are delicately small compared to normal human hands and feet. The shape of her lips appearing soft and delicate as well.
Character Concept - Easily spooked, mischievous and even a little annoying. She can be a very passionate being, if allowed the chance to be. Has a big heart, tends to care for whoever owns her. Loves to dance for her owner. Curious as any feline is, that tends to land her in trouble sometimes too. She can be stubborn. Quick to flee if danger arises and she's alone. But stays to fight off anything that's precious to her, such as her owner, family, and friends.
Character History - Rinstii has a habit of lurking in the shadows to watch others quietly as she searches for someone. A special metal collar hangs around her as it keeps her from shifting into a human. Though in a feline form, she silently grieved the death of her Mistress as old age had taken her from Rinstii. As she traveled about in the Kalea region, Rinstii came up to the settlement of Sultros. And conveniently found an empty apartment within the citadel. The space small, but still liveable as it still had a table, hearth, bed, trunk and a few chairs for seating. She looked as Isurian people walked around. Making sure to stay within the shadows so none would be bothered by her. But the metal collar was starting to get alittle tight around her neck. Soon she would have to find someone to remove it, preferably before the collar choked her airways. Running out of time, Ritz darts from shadow to shadow, silently looking for anyone that seemed capable of removing the collar. And as she looked, she stumbles across a particular Isurian. Her ice blue eyes watching him work for a moment, seeing how he handled his tools. Now the question remained....go up to him? Or die? She knew she didn't have time on her side, so she decided if the collar was to come was the moment of truth.
Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore) -
Hunting (10/100) (10pts. Racial Bonus)
Trapping (10/100) (10pts. Starter Package)
Tracking (10/100) (10pts. Starter Package)
Stealth (10/100) (10pts. Starter Package)
Dance (10/100) (10pts. Starter Package)
Seduction (10/100) (10pts. Starter Package)
Lore of Small Animals Outside Sultros City.
Lore of Small Animals Within Sultros Citadel.
Equipment and Possessions -
1 set of clothes (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 waterskin
1 backpack which contains:
1 set of toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & steel
100 mizas
Family Heirloom - A choker with delicate bead-work from mother.
Fluent: Common
Basic: Isurian
Poor: N/A
Housing - An empty, basic apartment in Sultros citadel. It has the bare basics in it. A hearth, trunk, a few sitting chairs, a table, and a simple bed.
Ledger - 100 Mizas (Starter Package)