[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Shiress on February 23rd, 2013, 5:31 am

Shiress stepped through the door of the welcome center, her eyes darting about for a sign or some direction to the employment office. She noticed a woman standing at a counter and slid in behind her hoping that who ever she was speaking to, might also help her.

The woman stepped away and Shiress moved to the counter. "Hello, I am Shiress and Im looking for a job. I have decided to make Syliras my home."
She said with a smile "I have noticed that there is no one tending the bar at the Rearing Stallion and I would like to apply for that position, if I may." She placed a few strands of stray hair behind her ear and waited patiently for a reply.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on February 23rd, 2013, 6:24 pm

Trega nodded to the next woman to come in and stood up from her seat for a proper greeting. "Hello Adilliana and welcome. Syliras isn't doing a lot at the moment in the shipping trade, but if you're good at fishing that could bring you a suitable wage? You can even sell your catches in town."

The next woman in line looked like trouble, Trega could feel it in her old bones, but she seemed sweet and was also behaving herself, so Trega didn't boot her out. "Hello Dear, oh, I'm not sure if you're right for such a job, but you are free to give it a look."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Azcadelia on February 23rd, 2013, 7:04 pm

15th Day of Winter, 512
Welcome Center

Azcadelia had just came into the city. She had been away for almost a year now; her apartment surely was dirtied and dusty, a shame. She had forgotten what it felt like to be in her hometown. So many different races and cultures, but too many people. She finally managed to weave herself through the crowds of mid-day -- why she traveled during the mid-day rush was a mystery to her -- and finally came to the Welcome Center.

The door creaked as she came in. Greeted with a darkened room, depressing, she made her way for the counter. An elder woman was sitting behind the counter and Azcadelia flashed her a smile before coming to the counter. She placed her elbows on the counter and hunched over to address the woman. "My name is Azcadelia Jade Rosan, and I'll be staying in the city for most of the winter. Is there any chance that I can inquire about being a," she looks around the empty room for stray eyes before continuing in a hush tone, "a spy for the Knights?"
Last edited by Azcadelia on February 24th, 2013, 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Lucy Tides on February 23rd, 2013, 8:30 pm

Winter 74 512 AV

After spending the night in her new apartment, Lucy headed out wearing the same clothes as yesterday. She easily remembered where the employment office was because yesterday the guard had pointed it out to her. When she finally reached it, she walked in briskly taking only a few strides to reach the desk. She looked at the receptionist a minute before speaking. "Hello there, I'm looking for work. Any job'll do." Lucy said in the best common she could muster wishing Adilliana had told her where she lived so they could have met up later.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Adilliana on February 24th, 2013, 4:04 am

Adilliana nod happily at “Fishing suites me fine thank you. Could I bother you for a map of the area?” After a brief exchange Adilliana left with map in hand and the name of a store where she could buy supplies.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on March 2nd, 2013, 7:53 am

Trega looked the woman over and paused a moment, she didn't exactly like people leaning over the counter, but she held her tongue. "Well Azcadelia Jade Rosan, if you want to help the Knights then you should apply with a recruiter. This office is for non Knight affairs."

Trega had been tired for the last couple of days. The people coming in for work had been twice as much as the week before and she had gotten little sleep. As someone walked in, she nodded them over and spoke with them. "My dear there is always work to be done. Why the stables could use another groomer since the last one moved on. I hear the Herald's Arms could use help, the market is always looking for people to sell them meats. Anything you're good at?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Lucy Tides on March 2nd, 2013, 10:27 pm

Lucy smiled at the receptionist giving her all these job options. "I am good at fishing but I am a quick learner so I could learn to groom horses or work at the Herald's Arms. Just point me in a direction and I will go there." Lucy said in most common but paused a bit in between sentences. 'I also hope to find a place to get me fluent in common.'
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on March 3rd, 2013, 7:56 am

Trega was a bit surprised at the woman's question, but she smiled and answered kindly. "The Herald's Arms is located at the next block over, and you passed the stables when you entered." Had she really missed the stables and the horses therein when she came into the city? "Oh and good luck finding someone to teach you common, I'm sure there are a few citizens who wouldn't mind helping you."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Lucy Tides on March 3rd, 2013, 1:34 pm

Lucy nodded at smiled at the woman warmly. "Thank you, I hope you have a good day." Lucy said and with that walked out of the room in search of the stables she hadn't seen last night. 'I really hope they don't mind I don't know a thing about any kind of animal. Oh well, it's always good to learn in practice.'
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Keira on March 13th, 2013, 1:56 pm

As Keira entered the building she couldn't help thinking of how many times she had passed this place growing up but had never actually stepped foot inside. Since returning to Syliras Keira realized she wouldn't get far without employment and so made her way to the reception desk.

Behind the desk was the friendly looking receptionist who seemed eager to offer help as Keira smiled at her.

"Hello i'm Keira, I recently moved back to Syliras and i'm in need a a job if you could help"
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