Closed A timely companion

Irowyn sets up camp between the gates of Lhavit and the Depths of Duality on night during his trek to the city.

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

A timely companion

Postby Irowyn on February 1st, 2013, 2:33 pm

Spring 42nd 510AV

The trip to the distant city of Lhavit had been a long and tiring one for Irowyn. Despite this fact, he knew that he had to take a detour to the Depths of Duality. He had only been this way once before. Years ago, he had explored much of Kalea with Rolf and Esli. The pool at the Depths was something that left a powerful, elegant impression on him. He knew that he would have to come back and see it a second time.

He feared that the delay might find him away from the road during nightfall. This fear was proved appropriate because this is exactly what had happened. Irowyn knew this was a dangerous prospect but he also had plenty of experience in the wild. He did not have a bright, crackling fire. Instead, his campsite was lit by the dull, faint glow of a few hot embers.

For the moment, Irowyn lay on his bedroll, inside of his light, thin tent. The flap was left open so that he could see into the campsite. His pack rested against a tree, a few feet away. The explorer knew better than to actually cook anything. Instead, he ate from stores of rice and dried meat which were carefully packaged to minimize any hints of scent escaping into the air.

For now he rested, watching the ebb and flow of light from within the fire ring of his campsite. Tomorrow, he would pack up and reach the city of Lhavit. He would stay for perhaps a season or two before moving on.
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A timely companion

Postby Samantha Grenth on February 1st, 2013, 3:51 pm


Samantha had been following the tattooed man for quiet the time. She made caution not to get close enough so he could see her but she stayed close-enough to see him.

His tattoo's is what had attacked her... that and the prospect of easy food. Samantha was getting tired of small forest animals and the occasional venison. But she was slowly getting cold. She was dumb to not have brought her traveling pack but she needed to learn to live as the animal she is.

Samantha's predator eye's watched the man as he laid in his tent with the flap open. She was directly in front of him but stayed back enough that he shouldn't see her. If she crept forward anymore the light from the fire would catch her eye's and surely give her away. Her tummy made a small feeling letting her know she needed to eat and Samantha crept back.

She had seen the pack that lay against a tree and while it was in view of him, his attention was on the fire. So Samantha prowled around the camp hiding in the brush and shadows till she close enough to the tree. Slowly and cautiously she crept forward. From her view point is was a harmless prowl, but from other's eye's she would look like a tigress ready to pounce.

Samantha had just reached the pack and was a claws length away from having it when her back foot stepped on a dry twig. Samantha's eyes flashed to the man and she opened her mouth in a silent his. Her ears drew back on her head and her tail swept back and forth in the air. She waited for him to make his move.

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Samantha Grenth
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A timely companion

Postby Irowyn on February 2nd, 2013, 12:47 am

Irowyn was stirred from his not so relaxing rest by the sound of a snapping twig. He grabbed his two falchions, both of them off of his person as he lay down, and carefully crept out of the tent. He maneuvered himself to be squatting while in the tent so that he could step out ready.

Once his head was within the soft, mesh threshold he recognized the tiger. He raised his swords up but approached incredibly slowly. He stood ready to strike if the tiger tried to pounce on him but didn't want to show any sign of aggression. He had survived in the wilderness by being smart, not by being reckless. If it was going to be possible to resolve this without having to fight off a tiger, he'd much prefer that method. He had the additional luxury of being close to Lhavit. His survival, tonight, was not based on his supplies so if he had to make due with a bare firepit, he was confident that he could do that and resupply in the city tomorrow.

Refusing to take his eyes off of the tiger, he felt around, with his boot, for a stick. He then dropped the falchion in his left hand so that he would be able to pick up the stick and poke it into the fire. He now had a large, fiery stick to try and intimidate the tiger if it was looking to snack on Irowyn tonight.

He waited, standing ready for the tiger to make its pounce or to wander off, uninterested in trying to bring down a human tonight.
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A timely companion

Postby Samantha Grenth on February 2nd, 2013, 1:38 am


She watched as he crept forward and held two knife's of sorts. Only then he dropped one and grabbed a stick from the fire. When he brought it up and tried to look intimidating Samantha wanted to roll over and die of laughter.

To show her enjoyment of sorts Samantha simply grabbed the the bag and sat up. She grabbed the back in her mouth and then turned her back on him. Dropping the bag in front of her she turned her head back to look at him with bored eyes. 'Your bright stick doing anything now?' she thought to herself.

Though if he decided to get close to her she didn't know if she would rather take off with his bag or tackle him to the ground. Either way she would have what she wanted. Her bored eye's glanced at the bag before her and then back at him.

She needed to make sure he wouldn't try to get it or come near her before she turned her attention to the bag and it's contents. Her eye's watched him as her tail flicked back and forth slowly on the ground.

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Samantha Grenth
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