Name: Gale McCe- do I really have to fill these out again?
Face Claim Name:
Animal Form Claim:
Little About Your Character:
This would be the near decade after Hana's death. Obviously Gale would be extremely upset, get drunk often, and be depressed and not particularly smart or the best example.
For colors do you want it specific to something about your character?
Well what other colour goes with depression? Blue! Green too! No obnoxious green though, but green nonetheless. I tend to like black and white with some hints of those colours in it, unless you have an idea that uses those colours as the main idea.
Jagged, Smooth, Wavy, Straight (Text):
Straight please, Capsuula is one of my favourites but whatever you think works is fine.
Characters favorite time of year:
Gale does not care at this point. He mostly related to winter but he wouldn't say that he likes any of them.
Specific traits of character:
Quiet, secluded, downed, pessimistic. He tried to commit suicide once lass! Regret even! He just thinks his life sucks at this stage!
Character Companion:
Nothing. He doesn't have any companions of any sort.
N/A for this one
Saying (May not be included, if you want it on. Put a ^):
You don't have to add it but I found a fun little quote that could be put in it by Anton Chekhov. ^ "If you are afraid of loneliness, do not marry. "
What you don't want to see:
Of course, nothing happy. Duh, right? Once again, no nature, I don't want water in this one but the flower might work if you fit it in right. But yeah, you're pretty open with this one
What do you have in mind:
I tend to like the look of the sad look in ones eyes but anything would really work.
Style for background:
Anything that would fit with what your going to do, since it's pretty open for you
Things you liked from other creations:
Well, when going for a sad look, I made this banner that was sliced into three pieces like this so that would be rather cool to see if that would work for the theme at all.