When: Winter, 509 AV. Day TBD by Devandre.
Who: Devandre
What: Siku encounter.
It was early winter. There was only a faint dusting of snow to be seen. Numerous trees had shed their leaves, leaving their skeletons exposed, as the colours were beginning to brown and meld with the already-decaying foliage down below. They would eventually disintegrate, their matter going to the ground, and begin Caiyha's long cycle again. A few tenacious survivors still clung to their precarious perches, even as the wind teased them, threatening to send them to the ground. The wind itself carried the chill from the mountains, bringing the cold into the lower regions. More snow would fall soon - Morwen had begun her journey from Avanthal, and she would be bringing with her the cold, pale beauty of ice and snow and frost.
It may have been winter, but business waited for no one, as Devandre well knew. If he intended to sell his wares, he needed supplies, and he knew he could well stand to find out more about the local plants... and just how to apply them to his concoctions. Some plants were only available at certain times in certain seasons, after all. Some could only be harvested at certain stages. Sure, he could just buy already picked and prepared plants... but that cut into one's profit margins, and when you were already working on a limited budget, you needed whatever profits you could get your hands on. Besides, he learned best by doing.
This looked to be a good enough place to start. There was a large clump of green moss that he had seen available before, and it made for a useful base. It looked to be in its dying stages. But there was much to do and see out here.