Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Xi explores nyka looking around to find something more to do with his time, and come scross someon...Who shares his view of things.

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Ximal on April 14th, 2013, 8:59 am


16th Spring 513AV

The day was early, the sun hovered low in the eastern sky, a subtle line of clouds forming over the sky and making the morning feel darker and colder than it already was. Xi headed out into the streets of nyka, bow and arrows with him and the steel on his fists gleaming in the odd rays of the sun that crested over the cloud line. Xi's headed towards the southern quarter looking mostly for something to do, he had a job but he didn't have to go until later and he needed something to try and pass the time. And to try and help him forget the transgressions of ana...His hands clenched at her. Show could she be so heartless ? Xi felt his shoulders slump...She should have known better than most. Xi crossed the bridge into the southern section looking down over to see the aperture below, and still a feel of him being pulled into it dragged out of him, His mind screaming at him to stay away. Xi just shook his head and carried on. Trailing into the southern quarter Xi watched around for something unusual. Something out of the ordinary...However in a city he himself was new in what exactly was out of the ordinary?

Stepping through the crowds of the southern quarter something caught his eye as he flicked his gaze across...a fur cloak...What the heck was a fur cloak doing in a city like this ? The land of bright colours for all but the monks a fur cloak was strange... Xi began to tail it, not sure of whether he should approach or not. But every time he reached the corner where the cloak had vanished he saw only the end of it keep disappearing around the next corner...Was whoever was in it running from him ? Well he did look like an overtly large monk with a bow an arrow so they were probably zigzagging to tray and make sure he couldn't fire a shot at them with his arrows. Now though Xi was massively curious and began to take off into a run, using his well conditioned body to run, he couldn't run for a long while but he could use that little bit of extra speed to close the gap between them. Xi took off into a sprint this time and caught more of the figure as he rounded the corner it was small. Well small by his massive stature. Xi followed it and then It vanished. Xi looked around trying to see where it had gone...But something about him was telling him it was still near by. "Come out...I know your there. Why are you running from me?" Xi's voice as usual was low nad slow however it was in a authoritative tone.

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Preconceptions. (Vivina)

Postby Vivinia on April 14th, 2013, 9:34 am

It was a typical, Early-Spring day. Vivinia had just arrived in Nyka, she was here before.. And stayed in a place before... But she couldn't remember where it was. Or what it was called, Just shy of Two and a Half years away. Locked up, A slave. Memories rushed back into her mind, she shook her head in some attempt to get rid of them whilst she walked. The thoughts made her shiver, instincivly pulling the Fur cloak around her, she pushed everything aside to find her way. The city was confusing, nothing was similar.. She would appear like some fugitive escaping from the law to the public. Constantly taking turns and reading every sign, inspecting every path or road. And observing everyone that passed by her, she kept a decent pace.. Faster than one would normally walk. But not attention worthy to the general public, but she still caught the occasional eye. Common, she thought, for people that were aware she was a traveler... Of sorts.

It felt like hours. Even though it was probably half a hour. This place was large and forgien to her... Like a throbbing... Ugly... Bloated thumb in a sea of fancy, polished and painted fingers. She stood out, in the occasional crowd standing in one place. She took her mindless wander as a chance to think, reflect, entering a Day-Dream state. Half Asleep, Asleep enough to bump into a few people by accident over the course of her exploration, taking her time to apologize before continuing onward. She took another turn, Between two buildings into a dead end. A narrow space before finally closing at the end, She turned around, moving to leave this... Alley. She heard something then, a voice.
"Come out...I know your there. Why are you running from me?" She quickly ignored it. Looking to her left and right, To her right. Was a man seemingly looking for something, Or someone. She observed him closely, his size. Before turning away and continuing her stroll for... Something.
Last edited by Vivinia on April 14th, 2013, 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Ximal on April 14th, 2013, 9:54 am


Xi glanced around him looking for the thing that had caught his eyes before he spotted it, only small as he saw it flutter away trying to escape through a narrow passage to his mind at least. Xi had an idea of where the little figure night escape too, Xi dared around the building the space being too small for his huge size. And he'd attempted to cut her ff but he'd ended up a few steps away from her rather than in-front of the figure as he'd hoped...Dammit this fleeing shadow was almost as snaky as ana. That or he was just begin really incompetent today. Xi sprinted off after the figure, his towering frame looking more like a charging bull than a person, the wind pulling the hood of his cloak back and over his shoulders revealing his face and his deep black blue eyes. His hand clasped over her shoulder his steel plated arms gripping the small figure over the shoulder and spinning her around. "Hey! Why were you running from me ?" that's not right i was chasing her, she wan't running from me.

Xi held the small figures shoulder as he span it he saw that she was female and in some...very short patchwork clothing...Looking a bit despoiled and a bit out of it. Xi wondered now what exactly he was doing. It was something usually like this with the small thief he knew but then agian she was his little sister. This was a stranger...Xi couldn't help but pause in his mind over what he was doing. "Who...are you?"

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Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Vivinia on April 14th, 2013, 9:48 pm

Vivinia turned left, away from the man. She felt he was still near her and made constant looks behind her, something told her he was looking for her. And no one else, when she heard it. A sound like a light thump, over and over and over again. She turned around to see the man sprinting, it was a frightening sight for Vivinia to be sure. She quickened her pace, Faster... Faster... Faster... Then, there was something on her shoulder... A hand. The world stopped for a moment in a fit of panic, What did he want? Who is he? Why is he after me? Drawn back into reality as she was spun around, forced to look at his chest before looking up at his blue eyes, his voice was Low as he spoke "Hey! Why were you running from me ?" Vivinia grew confused, truely enough she was trying to avoid him when he came at full sprint towards her but... Why else would she avoid him? Looking at his expressions before he spoke again "Who...are you?" She stared blankly, his hand was still on her. Was she in trouble? Or was this just some random, slightly agressive... Greeter? She took her time, In any eyes it would seem she was making up a name. But she wasn't, she was simply confused, worried, and slightly frightened at this point. She muttered out her name, more of a whisper as it came out. "I'm... Vivinia..." She took longer pauses then expected, glancing around. Curious as to see if anyone was staring.

Looking back at the man, she suddenly grew comfortable with his hand on her shoulder, relaxing to it. Allowing it to have a easy grip, a slaves habit. When someone grabs you, you go with it. Make it easy. Or They might hurt you, she examined the figure. Every item he had on, his clothes. Face, Hair. Then, with a quiet, polite tone she spoke
"Can you.. Please, take your hand off me." She started to tug lightly against his grip. She wasn't in sunberth anymore, he won't harm her, Not like the others. She took her left foot and placed it behind her, prepared to leave. Her entire attire was exposed, including her coin purse. To big for comfort, tied by numerous strings around her waist. And a hilt of a dagger, tucked behidn her coin purse. "I'm trying to find a place to stay..... So, I'd like to go." She hugged the fur cloak against her. Hiding her Purse and patchwork clothes again, still staring at his eyes. She thought, looked like sapphires.
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Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Ximal on April 14th, 2013, 10:29 pm


Xi loked down at the woman before him his hand on her shoulder and he noticed her leg sliding back the second he let go she was liable to bolt or at the very least she was liable to strike back, as her arms moved lightly he caught sight of her tattered clothing and her coin pouch and the dagger at her hip. Still her caught her name...Vivinia. Xi looked her in the eye his deep black blue ones boring into her. His hand subconsciously squeezed her shoulder lightly as he listened to her speak watching her movements and following her motions, picking up on the subtle little motions,. Her arms then brought her cloak back together closing the fur cloak around her chest and hiding the coin pouch and the dagger from sight. She wanted him to let her go and after words she would more than likely bolt, she was also looking for a place to stay which meant she was new there. Xi took a slow breath and sighed lightly. "I take it your new here? Which means you'd best follow me. There is only one place to really stay in nyka if your a foreigner like me. The hostel. And judging by the inflection in your voice your from sunberth, like me."

Xi smiled lightly an honest and genuine smile one reserved and letting her know that he was being sincere. Xi was a little on the defensive though after having seen that dagger. And given both his intimidating size and air around him he was a little cautious. Xi let his deep black blue eye's bore into hers. She could try and argue. She could try and pull the knife, but it wouldn't be ending well for her. He was only trying to help. Xi to show his good nature relaxed his grip more and slid his arm down her shoulder , he was only trying to get her to trust him not get her to be scared of him and as such his normally serene eyes we just that calm and trying to help. "Honestly come with me."

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Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Vivinia on April 14th, 2013, 11:29 pm

He relaxed his grip on her. Comforting her, Being sincere with her, Honest, Something she never encountered in almost three years. It was natural for her to view it as a trick, a lure. Still, she had no choice. Did she? He could easily overpower her if she argued or ran. And fighting him is no option, she doubted a dagger in the hands of a unskilled person could defeat him, what struck her like a slap in the face was what he said. 'Judging by the inflection in your voice your from sunberth, like me' How? What? Who was he? How could he know, he said he was from sunberth. Could he be infact be the one type of person she despises the most? Or just like her... It was difficult to tell, still, she wen't with him, Nodding, letting him show the way to The Hostel.. The place she remembered now, but not where.

Towards The Hostel Vivinia took the time to let out the question thats been in her mind the entire time.
"What were you doing in sunberth.... How are you from there?" All the same, her voice was quiet and polite. She didn't look up at him if he replied, she just walked, her hands tucked away behind her cloak, rubbing her wrists and reflecting on the events prior to her escape. And even the escape itself.
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Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Ximal on April 14th, 2013, 11:52 pm


The trip to the hostel went smoothly though she was being fairly quiet for most of the trip. He was a little concerned, was she being too cautious? Xi watched her as she walked. Was she contemplating something or was she just... being quiet. Either he'd come off too scary or she was being submissive, placative, and obeying what he was saying. Xi shook his head. Though then came the question which answered if she'd been wondering about anything. What was he doing in sunberth and how was he from there. Xi shook his head slowly before thinking over his response. "I'd rather not say...And I'm from there because i am. Also when we get to the hostel you might wanna pay for a room." Xi smirked and lead her there slowly. After the room was paid for he lead her up stairs and over towards his room opening the door and letting her in. He wasn't planning anything other than to have a talk with her. Xi sighed and pulled the lace on the cloak around his shoulders letting it fall off and around into his arm before he tossed it on the desk to the side of the room.

"So vivinia, what exactly are you doing here in nyka ? It's an awful long away away from sunberth." Xi motioned his hand for her to take a seat on the bed and he himself would sit on the chair opposite. As he sat Xi folded his arms and brought his fingers of his left hand to his chin stroking the close trimmed beard he was sporting lightly. "Seriously i don't bite, I'm not that scary either, I'm just keeping up appearances . after all the nykan monks are...for lack of a better term, temperamental." Xi smirked before brushing his thumb over his eye brow. "You can also take your cloak off and relax, this is a some what public area." Something about her felt vaguely familiar, almost as if he was looking into a reflection of the past, Or perhaps even a ghost from the past...It felt a little strange to be honest. She reminded him of someone. Someone whom he'd helped in the past...and protected before that, or at least tried to protect.

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Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Vivinia on April 15th, 2013, 12:26 am

She followed him up to the room, She sat down on the bed looking towards him, he asked his questions. Why is she in Nyka? "I'm in Nyka looking for a place to stay... And... I guess I am just a traveler.. Thats why I'm such a far ways from Sunberth.." She didn't take off her cloak, she felt, to some degree. Safe with it on, she still didn't know the mans name. He was being nice to her, or so would it seem. She didn't know anything about him, who he was, all the information she got was he was from sunberth. So, She pressed on with her own questions. "Whats your name? Why are you asking me these questions?" She kept her hand hovering by her dagger, studying him closely for any signs of agression, Should he turn agressive. Maybe he was just some drunkard looking to petch someone? No, that can't be it. He was right across from her, In a chair. For the most part, she pulled her hood back. Her Dirty Blonde hair expanding as soon as it gained air, Seemingly growing longer within seconds. Listening to whatever he had to say in return, she took the time to brush back some of her hair that unfurled infront of her eyes. Her sleeve falling down revealing the scars around her wrists for about two ticks before pulling the sleeve over it. In appearance, If the man saw them. They would be like numerous links, chains, or coils, ripped into her flesh. Scarring her.

She grew comfortable after a while, the Coin purse was heavy. She unstrapped it from her waist, the strings were digging into her flesh. Leaving a temporary mark and burning her. It felt worse now that she wasn't moving, it stung. After taking it off she set it to the side, a table she had to stretch out to reach, Again, her sleeve pulled back revealing the scar. But perhaps the mans eye would be set on her unusually large coin purse, or maybe he didn't look at the purse, or her arm at all. Regardless, after the purse was set down she recoiled from the table, standing up. And looking at him.
"I suppose I should thank you for your help.. So.. Thank you." She motioned over to the door, her lips curving slightly into a smile. "Unless.. If you have anything else to ask... Or, anything to tell... I suppose there is not much sense in you staying here anymore." She tried to be polite as possible, even though she was basically telling him to Petch Off, Hardly a thank you he was probably expecting from her..
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Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Ximal on April 15th, 2013, 12:45 am


Xi watched her move, the motions were small, secretive and hiding. She was..Uncomfortable, he understood that. After all thsi was a foreign place and he was a strange man. He was being nice which was indicative of wanting something obviously. Xi just shook his head before hearing her ask him a question. "I'm sorry i forgot to introduce my self, i'm Ximal, but everyone i know calls me Xi. And i'm asking you these questions because it's my nature, i was a guard. It is or rather it was my responsibility to make sure people were or rather are safe. And you seemed a bit...lost, or when i first caught sight of you like a bit of a trouble maker, but i see now your not." Xi smirked lightly, he was trying to be helpful but then something , or rather a flicker of something caught his eye. Scars, or what looked like scars on her wrists. Still her hair reminded him of a much duller blazing gold of the small thief he knew. Shaking his head he looked her over trying to asses what she was doing for the most part. Then after a short bit of time passing as Xi rolled some questions in his mind she made a motion towards him and set that rather heavy looking coin purse down on the table, but it wasn't that which drew his attention. No now he knew what those marks were. Chain marks.

Then she stated her case making sure to sound as polite as possible with a rather snarky edge. She tanked him rather curly before telling him if he didn't have any more questions he'd best be off. "Well actually i do have a few questions, Firstly, how long were you in chains...The marks on your arm tell the story there, that and I've freed my share of slaves...And killed my own fair number of slavers." Xi stood and leant his huge frame and weight into the door before speaking slowly and gesturing with his hand that she should probably sit down. "That and you remind me of two people i know, so for some reason iv'e an inbuilt want to help you. Don't ask me why i don't know I'm just trying to make sure that your ok. And thirdly, it wouldn't make much sense leaving and leaving your coin purse here would it. I'm not a robber or a slaver...gods forbid." To be honest Xi was more expecting her to slap him across the face tan anything else right now, after all he'd just plucked form the air something based upon a few scars, heck they might even have been wrong. "Also i get the sense you don't like me very much or suspect I'm up to no good...I'm not...Exactly how old are you ? Because you don't look comfortable in the situation and you look a bit...dazed about the whole state of affairs."

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Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Vivinia on April 15th, 2013, 10:04 pm

She gasped at what he said. He knew, he was confronting her with it. Could she make up a story for the scars? No, it wouldn't make sense. Not after her expression, it told everything. She sat back down on the couch meekly pulling the hood back over her, and curling up. He said he killed his fair share of slavers, And freed his share of slaves.. Could it be true? Often run-away slaves are hunted down, out of spite normally. Her former master had many friends, and quite a large family. She didn't feel right considering talking about it with a stranger, a man she met on the street no less, a man that towered above her like a giant. A bit, over exaggerated accusion, That he was a giant, of course he was still larger than most men. She sighed, and let it all out. She occasionally sobbed whilst she was talking... "I am Fifteen years of age, I was a slave for three years.. One and a half as a simple servant. One and a half as a....... She grew uncomfortable, rubbing her arms before continuing on. Cutting herself off from the last sentence. "Me and my sister were captured during a bandit raid. She was older.. And, suffered more... In a way, She practiced to be a healer... And helped me with my own wounds with whatever she could use..... Just last winter, she was taken upstairs... and... I heard her scream....... She cried at this point, it was apparent once her 'gates' were open everything flew out at once. Announcing it to the world if in front of it. "Then... He made me bury her in his garden... As fertilizer for his..... Petching flowers......!" She stopped, not just talking. But crying, growing cold, quiet, never looking up at him.

After a long moment of silence she spoke, almost inaudible from how quiet she was.
"I'm sorry.." She then curled up like a ball, lying down on the bed, quiet. Almost calm, hiding herself with her cloak, embarrassed, depressed, and angry at the same time. Thinking of what might happen next, and what happened before.
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