29th Day of Winter, 512 AV Almost a third of the season had passed already. Erekez had become used to life in Zeltiva, despite feeling uncomfortable in them. There was always too much going on, too many things that could happen at any time. Living in the Wildlands had been easier on his way to Zeltiva than actually living there. If you heard a noise in the Wildlands, it probably wasn't good. If you didn't hear anything out of the ordinary, you were probably fine for the minute. In a city, even if you were paying attention, everything else happening would cover up any problems. Perhaps that was why the Yshul Cult was still active. They were able to use the city's movements to their own advantage. All of it aside, Zeltiva had proved to be an interesting place to spend the season. Erekez hadn't had any particular problems; he'd even been given a job during his first few days here, so he didn't really have any justifiable reason to complain. His time at the Memorial Library had been quite relaxing, other than occasional tiredness and cramps from writing, but that came with the job. Besides, he was certain he had suffered worse. It was just annoying that his limbs tended to ache for a while after finishing for the day. Erekez had slowly been getting used to the feeling, and even trying different ways to stop it all together. It was met with varying successes. Erekez had worked on more faded and damaged books than coded journals. Even then, he'd noticed that no book he had attempted to decrypt had been coded fully. Perhaps because coded journals aren't helpful if they can't be read. Or perhaps Lisaelis hid them away to prevent anything happening to them before they were ready. She knew what she was doing. Flicking through the pages of another damaged book, Erekez returned to his table, only to find Fianza sat there, watching as he approached. Erekez inclined his head as he approached. "Nice to see you again Fianza." "You too Erekez." She replied nonchalantly. "I have a request for you." Direct and blunt. She made it known that she was here for a reason, and not to exchange pleasantries. Erekez was not really sure how to take that. Was it arrogance, or just a desire to not beat around the bush and get straight to the point? Erekez preferred to think it was the latter. Fianza motioned towards a book on the table with a key lying on top of it. "I need you to decode this book for me, if possible." Erekez let his eyes drift from Fianza to the book on the table. Briefly glancing back over at her as he set his own book to pick up Fianza's, he spoke, "You do realise that I'm working at the moment." This book had been coded from cover to cover, that much was obvious, but what was with the key? "You work for the Library, and the Library is a part of the University. Technically, you're helping out a colleague with her own work." Erekez gave her a sideways glance. "Besides, I've already checked with Lisaelis. She says any text has access to you, whether it belongs to the Library, University or otherwise." Of course, that is just what Lisaelis would allow. Erekez smiled as he continued to scan the pages. There weren't any immediate patterns in the coding, that he could see, that would give away what encryption was used. Without knowing that, he couldn't make a start at an attempt, even if the code was simple enough for him. "This came with the book. I think you'll need it." Erekez looked over as she handed him the key. This is meant to help with a book? "Any ideas on the link between the two?" "I was just trying to figure that out." Erekez responded. He knew of no codes that ever needed an object to help solve them, but the 'key' to a code was the important. Perhaps the solution to the encryption was hidden by the object? The key to any encryption is a liability if it's written out on paper. Someone got creative. Erekez didn't have time to appreciate the idea. He closed his eyes and let Lykata have a look. The key had been made with to go with the book, and there was something about the markings on it being tricky. That was all he could get from the key. Erekez tried again on the book, finding something unexpected. "This book is connected to the thieves operating in East Street." He turned to Fianza to find her holding his gaze. "You knew." She shrugged. "I didn't ask for it to be stolen." She replied. "It came about on its own accord and I took the opportunity. Besides, as you can guess, I don't hold the original, only an encrypted copy. It sounds like some idiots get the wrong idea in their heads sometimes, thinking they're smart to try follow the instructions in some books, and that leads to bad things. So the book and the key get sent separately and come together when they get to me. It ensures you don't have incapable thieves trying to release some other-worldly creature on Zeltiva. It's just annoying the grunts who deliver the pieces don't know how it works, hence I asked for your help." The unasked question was if he would still help her, knowing that Fianza had been involved in some shady dealings. "If it doesn't affect me, it's none of my business what you do in your own time." Erekez began examining the key, knowing that the book was useless without figuring out what use was the key. The code had to be simple, if the thieves were sending messages within themselves. It would take too long to teach them all the most complex of skills, so maybe only a few knew more advanced skills whilst the rest learnt basic ones. Unless the idea was you go back to them to get it decrypted. Chances are they'd charge you about as much as the book was worth. Business had its place everywhere. The markings that Lykata showed him were present down the length of the key. They were mild grooves that stretched around the diameter of it. They were numbers. Erekez grabbed this vial of ink, dabbing ink over the grooves. After reaching for a piece of paper, Erekez rolled the key over it, allowing the ink to press against it everywhere except the grooves. The result was an ink blotch on the paper with clear numbers: 69114261. That wouldn't have been the easiest key to get from just staring at a page, but the relevance of it was in the application. He hoped the code was as simple as he initially guessed. If it were, then each individual number would correspond to the number of letters the coded letter would need to be shifted in order to get the original, looping back to the first number after using the last. A simple shift cipher, which only became complicated if you lost which number and letter you were on. Trying it out on the first few lines resulted in a smile across his own face and Fianza leaning in to see what he was doing. It was as he had hoped. Text began to appear in sentences, rather than a clutter or letters. "There you go Fianza. Feel free to let me know if there is anything else I can help you with." Fianza got to her feet, taking the book, key and number as she did so. "Your help and offer are appreciated Erekez. I may have further jobs for you in the future." Erekez hoped it wasn't anything that put him in major risk. "By the way, how is your magical research developing?" "Slow, but I'm making sure I understand the basics before I try anything beyond them. I've learnt about Djed, it's now coming down to learning how to apply it." She smiled slightly and nodded to him as he spoke. "That's good to hear. Research every aspect about what you are wanting to learn. In some cases, if overgiving doesn't do the damage, the results of the discipline will. All the best Erekez." It was reassuring to know she was checking up on his progress. It meant that she hadn't brushed the possibility of teaching Erekez familiary off just yet. He still needed to learn more, but he was at a good point now, and access to the Library was going to help massively. After Fianza had left, Erekez sat down. It was about time he started on restoring the book he had picked up before Fianza found him. Opening up the faded book, and a new, blank book, Erekez dipped the tip of his quill into the ink and started scratching away. |