Closed We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Sayren goes to Nyka to find Ximal, the master of unarmed combat, to teach her how to better herself.

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 5th, 2013, 3:39 pm


Sayren's eyes widen in such disbelief. This whole time, Ximal was in her presence. Heck, she GRABBED him! And now, he was standing in front of her. Waiting for her to prove herself to him, when she didn't even find out that HE was standing next to her this WHOLE time! No matter what though, she HAD to get into this school. She dug her feet into the sand, raised her hands up, eyes centered on him and his stance. Her breathing already heavy, racking at her nerve wrecked mind. He had gauntlets...those are going to hurt. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, calming herself as much as she could. Then opened them, filled with determination. She dashes forward and lunges a fist for his stomach.

Last edited by Sayren WindDancer on June 9th, 2013, 1:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on June 5th, 2013, 3:49 pm


Xi watched her loose stance form, it was shaky, somewhat open she didn't have a proper footing. Xi took a slow breath and let her shakiness fade slightly as she then took of running straight at him trying to punch him. Xi exhaled slowly and pressed his hand out lightly catching her hand in his significantly larger steel coated one. From there he was going to twist her arm around and hoist it behind her back pinning her arm up behind her back and making her admit defeat. that was of course if he managed to grab hold of her hand. If not Xi would bring forward his hand forwards and slam his open palm into her stomach. Light enough to not hurt but heavy enough to knock the wind out of her. "Well you've got guts...Enough to attack me outright with a simplistic attack. Thing is though courage is useless if it don't have skill to back it up. " Xi would the let her go if his first attack worked or he would take a step back if his second attack hit. If it was his second he'd roll his elbow in to the point it would look like a second attack, and then instead of connecting with that he'd bring his hand back around and clap her at the back of the head with his palm to make her stumble. Causing a gap to open up between them as she'd try to regain her balance. Either way he'd open up a gap between them again.

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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 5th, 2013, 4:10 pm


Sayren thought she had the greatest luck that he missed her arm! Till she realized she got a heavy slap from his open palm to her stomach. And then the slap to the head! It put her in disarray. She quickly had to regain the air she had lost. Breathing in as much as she could as she gazed up at him with fierce eyes, "Skills are helpful..." She charges at him once more. She could feel her mind racing, second guessing her actions. But she knew her target, she was going to hit that man in the stomach! One way or another, "But they're nothing without guts!" That's when she attempted to punch his gut once more.

Last edited by Sayren WindDancer on June 9th, 2013, 1:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on June 5th, 2013, 4:19 pm


Xi sighed, it seemed as if this one was not going to learn but she aqt least had a standing for a good point. Skill was nothing without guts, but guts was not the same as determination because determination was paramount to foolishness. Xi took his hand up and used his left one to pull off his gauntlet whilst simultaneously using his forearm to block her hand, In that same motion he whipped his hand out of his gauntlet he pressed into her fist aiming to spin her around, as she did he would then place a series of strikes across her back one on each shoulder blade and one at each hip. Hard enough to sting but not cause real damage. There's a difference between guts and foolishness. Here's a lesson for you. Asses your foes strength, you cant hit someone without knowledge of how easily they could defeat you." Xi then pressed his palm into the centre of her back and pushed her away with some force. "If your going to aim for the same spot, i'm going to deflect it any number of ways." Xi then pulled off his other gauntlet and tucked them into his belt.

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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 5th, 2013, 4:32 pm


Sayren winced. Staggering from side to side from the annoying stings on her back and hips. He was much faster than she had imagined. Not only that, but she felt so foolish for actually aiming for the same spot twice! Her father told her to never do such a thing, even if it was successful. Now he knows to look for gut strikes, so now we have to throw him off and aim somewhere else. Those hands are pretty fast now, but its pointless to aim for limbs. And he's going to look for arm swings too.

"Didn't you know? Foolishness leads to Greatness. For all great warriors were fools once!" Alright, foot it is! She shook off the stings and sprinted towards Ximal. Reeling her right leg back for a heavily forced kick to his left knee.

Last edited by Sayren WindDancer on June 9th, 2013, 1:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on June 5th, 2013, 4:46 pm


XI watched her stagger forwards, the light blows he'd landed upon her back enough to make her falter lightly. Xi watched her try and picture something else seeing her try to decide where to try and attack him next. Xi could see her body moving in reaction to her thoughts, small give-aways that betrayed her moments. Then something about foolishness leading to greatness. As she spoke Xi could already see the muscles on her right hip pepping for something. as she drew close trying to hit him he back stepped and let her kick sail past his legs and carry her weight around with nothing to stop the kick. Before she finished her spin though he grabbed a hold of her upper arm and landed several sharp finger point strikes down her right hand side, from under her arm right the way down to just above her hip, each one meant to be working in tandem with the other strikes. Slowly he was forcing her to stop moving and accept defeat because at four chimes he would have paralysed her for two bells. "The truth of the matter is, a great warrior was never a fool, they always had some inclination of where to strike and what to do. That is something that can be taught, however, it's something much easier learned through experience." Xi shoved her back losing his grip on her arm and now adding up the damage in his head. It wouldn't belong before her legs decided to shut down on her and stop listening to her head. At least for a little while.

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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 5th, 2013, 5:03 pm


Sayren cringed. That was alot more. It was bearable, but that didn't stop the feeling of pain. She was wobbling now. She could definitely feel that something was wrong. Her arms were slowly losing their feel, and her knees felt like they would buckle. He could do this? With so little effort? She couldn't stop now! She had to learn this! Now that she could see what he could offer her with his teachings. His stories weren't myths. They were true. Which meant she didn't stand a chance in all the Web to defeat this man, but no. That's not what she was here for. She would learn from this man. She will one day defeat him, just not this, she needed to survive. The next step was risky, but this whole journey was a risk to begin with. With no real distance between them, she hopped off the ground, leveling her forehead to his chin and headbutted him with all she could.

Last edited by Sayren WindDancer on June 9th, 2013, 1:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on June 5th, 2013, 5:20 pm


Xi had more or less beaten her by this point he could see her shaking and wobbling on her feet, he'd barely done anything to her yet. Xi sighed and watched the girl before him spin and try to leap into head butting his chin. Xi raised one hand and caught her for head in his hand.His left hand stopped her and now he took his right one and delivered a firm chopping strike to the base of her spine. Temporarily cutting off her lower bodies movement and then in a swift second motion let go of her head. Xi sighed and stepped back pressing his left hands finger tips into his temples. Xi looked down at her he'd incapacitated her without damaging her beyond repair. Xi sighed and started to speak slowly. "You only lasted three chimes, and your on your knees." Xi Yawned lightly and scratched his beard. He then crouched down to be level with her eye-line. "I can see there is a determination in you." He narrowed his eyes before hoisting her up over his shoulder.

Xi smirked and grasped the reins of her strider. And lead it within the bounds of his schools grounds carrying her over his shoulder. "Once your in, pick a room. You'll be staying here. But it's not free learnign from me isn't it's two gm per day. So you'll need to get a job in nyka. Mostly to pay for your lessons. And i teach for only one hour a day. " Xi left the horse outside the door before opening the front door and heading in and immediately to the left. Down the hall to the line of dorm rooms. "Here's the dorm room line. Pick one. That'll be yours for the duration of your stay here. The bathroom and the kitchen are the opposite side. It's a mixed school there's both male and female students.. The uniform is simple. Shorts are mandatory, and shirts are optional. You'll be moving again in a couple of hours. After that i suggest heading down to the eastern district and picking up the uniform."

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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 5th, 2013, 5:41 pm


Sayren felt utterly defeated. She didn't even make it passed three chimes. She was trying her best to move, but her legs wouldn't follow. They were completely unresponsive. She was holding back her tears when he got eye level with her. Then...he said she had determination? Then flung her over his shoulder. She was in utter confusion now. What was he going to do? Gloat in front of the other students about her not even passing the entrance exam before being tossed into the street like a useless slave? Wait...Once...I'm in?! I'M IN!? A bright smile stretched across her face as her shoulders alleviated some of her stress. She obviously knew about finding a job around town. Wasn't quite sure where or how just yet. But she had to keep these lessons. Uniforms? Alright...those will cost money of course and...did he?...Shirts are optional? Looks down at her breasts and peers over at him, eyes narrowed. "Next time...I'll make it to 5...that's the first goal...the second goal is 30 chimes..." She muttered to herself, then sighs once more, "Thank you Master."

Last edited by Sayren WindDancer on June 9th, 2013, 1:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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We're off to see the Master (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on June 5th, 2013, 5:52 pm


Xi slicked a glance up at her, before speaking again. "Make it to four. Grow a chime at a time. And the name is Ximal. Not master. I'm not above anyone. Nor is anyone beneath me. At least not here. Everyone is equal even the best." Xi opened the door toy a spare and Stepped into ti before tossing her onto the bed like a sack of potatoes...A familiar motion he'd done to a much taller woman some time ago. "This is your room, feel free to adorn it how you like or keep it bare it's your choice. But this is YOUR room. Yours alone. At least until you feel you've learnt enough to leave." Xi took a deep breaht and sat down on a chair opposite her. "But yes, i did say shirts are optional, for both male and female. Though women if they opt to go shirtless should wear something that keeps their chest's compressed and from getting in their way. I'm more partial to training with as little movement restriction as possible. However i do advocate wearing weights when trainign as it helps build up what your body can do. If you've any questions ask me now as you won't get a chance to do so later."

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