Arthur's life has been one filled with adventure. From the day he first set off to become a thief to when he found his way to the bandit holy grounds, his life was always crazy. But what was life like before all that? How did the aspiring King of Thieves fair before leaving for the world? Believe it or not, he was once a simple farmer.
Born in Denval to Fiona Grassblade and Hann Graystone, Arthur's life was actually uneventful growing up. His parents weren't overly strict or too lenient, they never had any money troubles, and conflict was simply non-existent. Since his parents were both farmers, Arthur even had his own future planned out for him. There was only one problem. It was boring. Not just the preparation to become farmer, but the complete lack of drama whatsoever.
Salvation didn't come, though, until he was sixteen. By then he'd already started work as a farmer. A horrible farmer, mind you. Though his parents had prepared him for it, he hadn't payed much attention to them. He always just zoned in and out during instruction. It would actually be this lack of interest that helped him come to terms with the decision to be a thief.
So how did Arthur get the idea to become a thief exactly? You can give the local bad influence credit for that. Noll was his name and larceny was his game. But he wasn't good at it. In fact, he may have been the worst thief in all of Mizahar. Yet somehow he always managed to get away even after being caught.
Now when Arthur saw Noll, he saw something in him that he wished he had. Noll was actually happy to be a thief. He loved the Mizas he got from pickpocketing. He loved the treasure he found in homes. He loved the wind on his face as he ran from danger. He loved all the good and the bad of being a thief. Arthur hated everything about farming.
At first, Arthur was drawn to Noll out of curiosity. But, as he spent more time with him, Arthur actually began to show interest in the art of thievery. Finally, with some convincing from Noll, Arthur began to pursue a life of crime. Taking on the role of apprentice, Arthur began to learn all the wrong ways to steal. It took a couple years, but Arthur eventually became the new world's worst thief in the world.
Luckily the bad years with Noll didn't last long. Though Noll had managed to somehow keep his place in Denval for a while, he was eventually booted out simply because the tag-team needed to be separated. That would have left Arthur to pickpocket alone if not for Noll's last words. He wanted Arthur to actually stop the thief training. Noll was convinced that Arthur was ready to set off, but he wanted him to prepare for the outside world beforehand.
So Arthur spent another two years in Denval, learning how to use weapons, hunt, and anything else he thought was important. He only learned the basics of everything, though. Just like with farming, Arthur didn't pay much attention during the training. Even so, he figured it was time to leave simply because he didn't want to spend another minute in the village.
Thus the journey to become King truly began. As you can imagine, it was a rough start for the apprentice of the worst thief. In fact, he really didn't learn that he was bad until he found himself wandering into Wind Reach, which he somehow mistook for Denval. You can imagine how he felt seeing kids do his job without getting caught once. And it just got worse from there.
As it turns out, misfortune was drawn to Arthur. For instance, there was one day when he had all his food stolen by scavengers. Another day he had to hide in a tree for two days straight because of angry bears. However, the worst event of his life came when he had to take on an angry Zith. How was he supposed to know freeing a slave would get him a would-be life-long enemy? It's only recently that he managed to take care of him.
Now even though these experiences were bad, they did have their upside. For instance, finding the Zith showed him just how powerless he was. If it wasn't for that he wouldn't have been motivated to become a stronger rogue, which he found was a title fit for him. The same goes for the encounters with bears. They motivated him to become a better hunter. Each encounter contributed to Arthur's growth and his eventually status.
So now we get back to the present. Believe it or not, it's only been three years since Arthur set off to become a thief. All his crazy adventures and lifelong encounters happened over the course of a few years. Now Arthur is a better rogue, but he's still down at the junior level. But that's why he's made his way to the great bandit kingdom...Sunberth. |