Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Xi and Say have their second training session

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 15th, 2013, 2:45 am


Xi finished his motions and stepped in swinging in an upper cut like a monster and a sharp slicing sound followed it. Xi's breaths were slow and controlled, Xi exhaled slowly his shoulders resting with a slow motion. Xi even managed to catch the sight of say's last flourished kick...She was growing...He made the right choice. Xi smirked and turned towards her to face her motions as she reset from the amount of training he put her through. Xi then decided to re-double his efforts. and brought his right arm over in a sharp snap allowing the momentum of his body to follow through and slam the punch into the air. Xi closed his eyes and brought himself to a steady standing. And spoke to say. "It'll be interesting to see how you change as a person learning with revy. As i said she seriously hs a bee in her bonnet when it comes to me...As i said she gave me the scars i pointed out...I kinds broke her arm...Through her fathers shield...One punch..She's kind of angry with me about that." Xi stretched adn exhaled. " Also you do know that everyone else in the school is out at the moment. Revy is currently off st the tavern drinking. As she's want to do. Sav is in the city working. And Bones is out hunting. I had wanted to get the training done earlier in the day whilst there were still people around that i could have involved to hel me prove a point however at the moment it's fine."

Xi rolled his shoulders and stepped up to Sayren offering her his hand to help her stand. "Hows the confidence issues? You seem to be a little bolder at least in my eyes. As much as you think my raining methods are a little strange they work. Once your comfortable about and with your won skin then everything else follows into flow." Xi took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second. His mind mulling over ideas and plans about what he could do next after all he still had the better part of a bell to teach her. "Right this is free learning time. If you have anything you'd like to learn from me whilst the lesson is ongoing, or anything you'd lie me to explain ask away."

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 15th, 2013, 3:25 am


She smiled up at Ximal, happy because she knew he watched her last two kicks. He told her he wanted her to train with Revy for a bit, just to see how it would change her. He started to point out a few scars he earned form her. They seemed rather bad. In return though, he did break her arm...and also broke her father's shield. She could sympathize, if someone had stolen her father's short bow, she'd be a complete was the only thing of him she had taken with her.

Then Ximal told her that everyone was currently outside of the school, leaving just the two of them, so if she wanted other techniques, now was the time to ask. Then she remembered that kick in the air he showed her, "I want you to show me how to do that kick in the air? The one that you said no one would expect?"

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 15th, 2013, 3:40 am


She wanted to learn about his technique that he showed her the kick ? Xi smirked and then responded. "That's a high level move, mostly because of the skill it takes to pull it off. Feel free to try and make it move however it is a very sharp and hard move. It requires split second timing. And it's name is "Ice Blue"." Xi stepped back and ran through the move again one fact and then he slowed it down to step by step. "You set up the same as your initial kick, the same set up however from the paused position i had you practice you then have to launch your whole body weight up into the air by leaping with your grounded leg and then rolling your body in the same direction as the kick's path. At the beginning your gonna hit the ground HARD and a LOT. So be ready to for the pain of a hard impact. However. It's a very high tier move of mine because it looks simple but it's very hard to pull off." Xi smirked and stepped back. Folding his arms across his chest. His mind now weighing up the options of showing her the simple move. It was in essence a simple pair of moves just pulling them off in combination was a staggeringly harsh motion though. Xi smirked and cracked a small comment. "So later, you planning on being a little bolder on your pose ?" Xi smirked and kept his arms folded.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 15th, 2013, 4:22 am


Sayren nodded. She had a feeling the move was rather high in discipline, but she was determined to try her best with it. The name of the attack was so delicate too, Ice Blue. He started to explain the move to her step by step. It seemed simple enough, but it was the timing that's going to throw her off. It had to be precise, or she was going to fall relatively...hard.

She had herself set up in the stance. Getting ready for her first attempt, when he asked if her next pose later would be bolder? She blinked. It completely derailed her from her thoughts. She shrugged it aside from now, "I'll think about it after I try this a few times..."

She went to reset her stance. She took a few deep breaths. Then she struck with a kick, then launched herself, she tried to swing the next kick but her timing already missed it and she fell onto the floor. She groaned at first, but quickly got to her feet, blowing some of her lose bangs aside as she went into the stance again. She kicked once again, launched herself again, this time, she tried to spin, all that did was twirl her around in the air, making lose focus of where was what and she fell again. She growled, "By the 7..."

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 15th, 2013, 4:31 am


Xi watched say's reaction to his out of the blue question. He asked it to see if it would catch her off guard and it did magnanimously. Xi watched her motions over the attack be so carefully planned and then saw her over shoot the first time and over spin the second. Xi spoke up. "I told you it's a very very advanced move. Practice the basic kick to the point you know you can stop it mid air with all your weight behind it. Then try that one. Stand before you can walk, walk before you can run, then run before you try to fly. Learn to do then basic motions first. Also little tip. Keep your foot pointed as opposed to turned like for the basic kick." Xi stood up from against the wall and sighed slowly before pulling her with him into the training room. "If your gonna practice a move like that practice it in here, at least here it's a lot easier of a fall and you don't have to worry about hard points in the floor. " Xi sat down in the corner of the from watching the motions she was making to make sure that the small motions of her kicks were angled right, because if the angle was wrong the power was screwed.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 15th, 2013, 7:03 pm


Sayren heard Ximal repeat himself about how the move was rather advanced for someone like her. Then he gave her a tip, to keep her foot pointed as opposed to having it turned like in a normal kick. Then the giant sighed as he pulled her into the training room, telling her that it would be much better for her to train for the move there, less likely to get hurt.

Sayren took a deep breath. Readying herself for another shot at this technique. She dragged her foot across, raising it up and striking, like a normal kick, then for a quick moment, she pointed her foot, then shot herself into the air. She was certain in her timing for the spin, but she kept falling forwards and she hit the ground...again. She growled in frustration as she stood right back, her knees were a little red from her landings, but she was dealing with it. She slid her left foot back, and her right forward. Swiftly, she brought up a left kick, pointed her foot once more, then rose into the air to strike, she felt like it was perfect this time! But she just kept falling forward. Hitting the ground yet another time. She slammed her fist into the ground, "Petch!"

She then gave a quick sigh as she stood up and bowed to Ximal, "Apologies...I allowed my anger to make the better of me..."

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 15th, 2013, 7:28 pm


Xi kept his eyes closed using this time to simply mull over his own power, she hadn't even mastered the basic kick yet she wanted one of his techs that advanced ? It wasn't possible and she was likely to get hurt. Xi instead though sat still pulling his flux about within himself targeting specific muscles and then racing off to other s at the far points of his body, right now he was building up how fast he could control it the speed of which it would snap about him. As he did though he heard a loud thud and a loud curse. Followed by a sigh and a apology. Xi lifted his hand slowly and quite literally waved it off. "Don't worry about it' it's a difficult tech and i knew you'd get frustrated so just take five have a slow breath and then try again. Unless you've realized where you've been going wrong?" Xi's spotted the flaws on her first attempt at doing it. She'd forgotten something important to holding and reversing the power flow. If you want to find out what your missing what are you willing to do to find out ?" Xi smirked but held his eyes closed pulling the djed about his body with slow motions trying to focus control on more specific points. The angles of his strike also flew into his mind as he began to mentally fine tune the power flow of his punches. For when they took in flux for their use.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 15th, 2013, 7:42 pm


Sayren watched as her master waved off the apology, telling her not to worry, and that he figured this would've happened anyways. Then he asked if she had realized where she was going wrong? Her mind was racing for an answer, but she just couldn't seem to figure out what it was. Then he asked if she wanted to know, what would she do to find out?

She raised an eyebrow to this question as she crossed her arms, "What would I HAVE to do to find out?" She really wanted to know. The quicker she could learn this, the more she would have against Savio. It was already quite noticeable how Savio was trying to pass her. And it was irking her pride...what little of it was left.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 15th, 2013, 7:56 pm


Xi slowly opened his eyes glancing up at her his eyes sharp and piercing. What would she have to do to find out ? He smirked and stood up. "Your less concerned about what you would be willing to do as what you would have to do?" Xi smirked and then laughed a little. "It seems you take everything i say way too seriously. Loosen up, your too tense. But you're taking the point i made about angles being important. And your looking at what i said from a different angle. What you'd have to do to learn what you've done wrong is practice it until you learn to figure it out. However what you CAN to to get me to tell you. That's a little different. " He patted her head lightly. "All you have to do to get me to show you is prove how far you've come in getting over your embarrassment. As that will hold you back the most. Do that and i'll show you where you've gone wrong." Xi stepped back and took a slow breath letting his musculature relax and pull into focus what she hadn't been doing, the one thing that would allow her to pull it off. Or twist her into a complete knot.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 15th, 2013, 8:22 pm


Sayren narrowed her eyes. She knew how to word things, better to have someone tell you what HAS to be done, rather than to say something like she would be willing to do anything...ANYthing...well, there are some lines to be drawn. Then he told her she was tense. Taking things more seriously than she should? That one she had a hard time believing. However...if she wanted him to tell her, she'd have to prove to him how far she had come in conquering her embarrassment. By the 7, why this?...She gave it a thought and figured...why not? Revy was out, Savio, and even the snake...maybe it'll even help her relax a little if she tried.

Before common sense could drag her out of it, she unclasped her leather brassiere and tossed it aside then worked her shorts and undergarment off next, kicking them over to where the brassiere was. Already without that damn leather constricting her chest, she felt a lot more relaxed. More free. Breathing much easier as well. She took a deep breath as she looked up at Ximal from the distance. Trying to prove herself determined, "This isn't me giving up, this is me showing how far I've come."

She was still rather uptight in some of her muscles, but that was because she feared one of the others WOULD return and she would have to make a dash for her clothes. She wouldn't have minded much with Revy though. That would be a rather curious surprise. Realizing she was zoning off, again, she redirected her attention to Ximal, waiting to see what his answer was.

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