Location [Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

Postby Isolde Seibold on August 3rd, 2013, 2:56 am


{32nd of Summer, 513 AV
Early morning}

Isolde hesitantly pushed open the door to the laboratory. She was warring with a strange mix of emotions. She hated to have had to come through the Bazaar, and though it was morning and not yet choked with activity, there had been enough people milling about to make her journey here unpleasant. At least none of them had bothered to shove her out of their way, this time. It had just been all the curdled faces, disgusted or frightened or angered by her mere presence, noses wrinkled and eyebrows brought down in scorn when they noticed what she was, as if they'd come across a walking, talking glass of stinking, spoiled milk. So that experience had conjured up a lot of bad feelings, though the Nuit tried not to let herself feel too downhearted, unloved, and upset.

At the same time, she was the happiest she'd been in forever. After an entire Season, she was finally, finally on the path to achieving her goals. Gods, it was great. The excitement was something she had to wrangle and wrestle with, rising up in her, trying to make her wiggle in pure joy like a puppy...

And at the same time, too, there was the usual nervousness and hesitation. Because she'd never been to this place, and she'd never met this Dev-something-or-other mage, a powerful man, and she didn't know what he'd be like, or if he'd even be willing to help someone like her. No matter. She would try. The Nuit would do anything for her goal. Anything.

So she stepped into the Dra-Kalinor, and stumbled through the sudden darkness of the place towards the rather large desk perched in the room. Her movements cast strange shadows which seemed to writhe and creep and undulate oddly in the eerie, soft blue light.

There was a figure behind the desk, tall even when sitting, and the Nuit parked herself uncertainly on the other side, peering over at him, surprised to see one with skin so pale almost to match her own deathly pallor. "U-Uh, e-excuse me," she started, and good thing Matthew and his ultimatum weren't present to hear her stammer, "B-But I was wondering if you w-would help me. P-Please? If you d-don't mind... a, uh, friend of mine and I w-were looking to study Alchemy, and w-we don't know exactly where to start. W-Would you know anything about that? A-And actually... w-would you happen to have a d-doorway that we could r-rent, or borrow, or purchase? O-One of those alchemical rings that can be charged and used to transmute properties--? N-Nothing fancy; we're only beginners. Just... a novice piece of e-equipment to get us started."

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[Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

Postby Accolade on August 3rd, 2013, 6:15 pm

Devandil was a busy man, and was always working on two projects if not more. There were books on the table as well as scrolls, some of which he had started to write on. When the woman entered he didn't bother to look up,in fact he didn't look up until she finally finished asking what she wanted from him. "The study of Alchemy isn't for children or anyone seeking a hobby. I'm sure you can learn as much from books."He paused for a moment as he continued to write. "I may have a ring, what will you do with it?"
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[Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

Postby Isolde Seibold on August 3rd, 2013, 8:39 pm


"The study of Alchemy isn't for children or anyone seeking a hobby. I'm sure you can learn as much from books. I may have a ring, what will you do with it?"

The Nuit struggled to make her tone more firm, and gods, maybe she should try not to stutter so much. She grimaced, watching him scribble down whatever it was he was writing, and then said, "I can't s-say for my partner that he has a goal in mind other than j-just a healthy scholarly interest in the topic. But I'm not interested in th-this just for it to be some hobby. I t-take it seriously, and as such need practical application. A book won't be enough if I ever wish to--" She broke off, trying to moderate her tone and words, taking a deep breath. "--to alter the cycle of death that I find m-myself in. Alchemy might be able to aid me in my goal. But simply studying a text won't be enough to tell me if what I hope for is even possible. I need to observe for myself the effects of the ring on varying substances and matter, need to identify, chart, and analyze my findings to form a c-complete picture of how properties are transmuted, the effects on the objects, and the rate of decay." She suddenly wondered if he would find her aspirations too far out of her reach, or even silly, ridiculous. What could she do if he did? "Please, th-this is very important to me. To... us. I know the risks. We'll be careful."

She could only hope that he would take her seriously. She was serious, eager. Perhaps he would understand...? The man was apparently involved in a lot of projects. Maybe he could sympathize with her drive?

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[Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

Postby Accolade on August 11th, 2013, 2:20 am

Devandil wasn't in the mood for uncertainty, or people who didn't understand what they were asking. Such things rarely ended good for people who got involved in dangerous activities. "I don't think you fully realize what it is that you are asking. There are more things to consider and preparations to be made in order to have it done correctly. If your friend has anymore knowlegde than you do, perhaps you should sent them here for further discussion or..if you're set on doing this you can try and create a ring yourself."
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[Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

Postby Isolde Seibold on August 12th, 2013, 4:23 pm


Create a ring? Create their own doorway...?

The Nuit hesitated for a moment, indecisive... then simply bobbed her head in a short nod at the man. "Uh... thank you for your time. I s-see that you're busy. I won't bother you a-any further."

Create a ring. She was betting there was a process they could follow, and wouldn't that be better, besides? It would probably be cheaper to make their own. And more helpful in the long run. Knowing how to make one, not having to rely so heavily on their equipment simply being supplied to them. Yes. That would probably be better, wouldn't it? And plus... it was really their only option. The magecrafter here was not going to help them start up. He could barely spare the time to converse. So many projects...

So the Nuit and the harlot would start a project of their own.

Isolde saw that the man before her had already turned back to his writings, muttering softly under his breath, his words almost a grumble. She nodded her head once more, this time in respect to the man, her magical superior by far. And then she simply turned and left as quietly as she could, head buzzing. Next she'd head to Undeniable Interests and search for a book that would start she and her partner on their way.

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[Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

Postby Matthew on August 15th, 2013, 10:32 pm

33rd of Summer

Matthew had been both reluctant and excited to visit Nightshade. Apparently the Magecrafter was one of the only people in Syliras who openly would help out with students interested in certain World Magics, so that made him useful. At the same time, Matthew was immensely familar with Devandil. He wasn't so sure how familar the man was with him, but Matthew had been exposed to the Symenestra quite a few times when he was a Professor back at the University. His mother had been a professor as well, and had often spoken well of the curt man. There were whispers about him- as there usually were with his race- but Matthew's mother had never had a bad word to say. The harlot remembered his mother to be one that didn't spare a word of what was on her mind, often being quite short and almost rude. In reality, she was simply blunt and straight-forward, much like himself. The fact that she spoke well of Devandil was a good thing. But, had they been friends? Had they known each other at all? Was Nightshade aware of everything that had happened before Matthew had left? The harlot wasn't even so sure when Devandil had left to come to Syliras.

Whatever the case, it didn't really help to fret over it. Matthew banned the thoughts from his mind, a mere blink being the outward show of his inner actions. He stepped through the back hallway to come to the door, gave it a knock to signal his approach, and entered after a few seconds worth of waiting. The insides were quite nice, and Matthew was instantly jealous of the bookshelves across the back wall. The rest, though slightly odd in atmosphere, wasn't of any concern to the man. How could he hope to understand what a Symenestra deemed as appropriate working conditions?

If the man was visible, a polite and well-pronounced greeting would be given. If he wasn't, Matthew would merely stand there patiently, waiting quite awhile if he had to. He'd practically become a stone statue if it was required. If asked the reason why he was here, his response would be simple. "I wish to learn the basics of Glyphing. I have an interest in other World Magic, but I want to form a solid understand of Glyphing. It seems to be a good safety measure to have, from what I understand, and from the Glyphs I see at the Inner Sanctum." He didn't need much. A lesson would work fine if he could afford it, but anything to start himself off would be appreciated. No doubt the man was quite familiar with random people asking him to help them start. Hopefully he wasn't used to them asking to learn for safety reasons.

Continued here.

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[Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

Postby White Feather on December 17th, 2013, 4:30 pm

White Feather

43 Day, Winter, 513 AV

It is the place. And again dungeons. Dark, creepy and isolated. White hates such places, but he had no choice if he wants to continue his magecrafting studies. In this underground boys inner hunter took control and his steps became almost noise less, his head turning from left to right just like an owl and his face expression was full of determination.

He reached the desk and in quite high voice yelled.
-Is anyone here! I am looking for a magecrafting master! Hello! Anyone?
Understood that if someone is here then it will sure know of his presents, White pushed his back against one of the walls and started to wait. Slowly he fell into a fragile sleep.
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[Syliras Location] Dra-Kalinor Laboratory

Postby Accolade on December 27th, 2013, 1:59 am

Devandil had been in the storage room restocking his personal wares, the ones that he didn't allow just anyone to use unless they had a very good reason. He heard the awkward voice calling out and made his way back towards his counter with no degree of humor upon his features. "There is someone here, and who are you..what do you want?"
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