Hello, I know what I'm about to suggest delves heavily in the realm of a part of Gillar' creations, the Isur and everything revolving around said race, but I figured it couldn't hurt to get more opinions on this matter I'm about to 'propose'. I'll get straight to the point: Since Sultros is basicly a region consisting of 5 cities and with at least 5 still active Isur Clans in it (Lost Clans not included), I think it'd be pretty neat to have the 5 Clans differentiate even more so thanks to the racial bonus they get at creation. I think these are pretty valid suggestions, I turn to the Akalaks and their female brethren, the Akontak, to add reason to these ideas: Akalak have their own racial bonuses, while Akontak get a different set of 'racial bonus', eventhough they are of the same ancestry. I do realize this suggestion can be brushed off by saying that there are clans in many races and that does not necessarily warrant a different racial bonus just for that. But do consider that each Clan has a different 'part' of Izurdin embodied in their body (their arm's tone and veins). Also, a quite wildly different upbringing/situation, depending on which Clan the character is in. I feel like I'm being incoherent, but what I'm trying to say is: The Clans are so diverse that I believe it to be quite plausible to give them different racial bonuses. This idea came to me because I saw that out of the current Izur, living in Sultros, regardless of Clan lineage...They almost all specialized in smithing in one way or another. Somehow I do think adding this variety would bring more players to the Isur race and possibly more variety in the way people build their Isur PC. ~~ Please feel free to input your thoughts, advice, constructive criticism. Thank you kindly. |