Amora took a seat across the table from Gauge, trying to keep her distance. Everything about him so far made her fearful of what might happen to her, but maybe she could weasel her way out of it somehow. A laugh seemed to sneak up on her when he made the comment, "...or do you just make a habit of getting your head chopped off?" It was almost exactly what she did, constantly getting caught stealing from someone she couldn't defend herself against. "No, I try not to get myself in those situations believe it or not." After taking a large drink of the ale she spoke again, "I just have bad luck. I say the wrong things to the wrong people and get myself in trouble." Hopefully her lie would suffice, it wasn't like she was just going to out-right tell him she was a thief, that's something she liked to keep quiet for success. OOCSorry for the delay, it's been stressful these last few days. |