[Verified by Eclipse] Tessa Bane

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Tessa Bane

Postby Tessa Bane on August 4th, 2013, 7:05 pm

Tessa Bane
Race: Kelvic
Birthday: 1st of Summer, 510.
Age: 4 Years old. Physically looks about 15.
Gender: Female
Height: 5"1'
Weight: 90lb
Alternate Names: Tess
Profession: Poisoncrafter. Owner of Tessa's Vials
Bondmate: None

In Human form Tessa has wavy, golden blond hair usually worn loose or tied back in a braid. She has a tall, thin figure with sparkling, bright, curious green eyes that light up when she smiles. Tessa has pale skin, and a scar on the back of her neck and leg, her legs are usually covered in scratches from rushing through sharp underbrush in the forest. Her face, arms, and legs are covered in freckles. In her bobcat form Tessa has a light golden coat dotted with a deeper gold-caramel color, she has scratches on her paws and a scar on the back of her neck. The cat form has long claws, that she keeps sharp by frequently sharpening them on rough tree bark and logs.

Tessa is tiny, and her bobcat form is light at only 14 pounds. And although she’s small, Tessa has strong legs from always being on the move. Although not immediately visible, she is well-built with nearly invisible muscles from the wilderness and horse riding. Tessa has small, scratched arms and small calluses on her hands from pulling rope and holding reins without gloves.

Like most Kelvics, Tessa is uneducated and undertrained, but far from unintelligent. She picks up new skill easily and is always learning knew things, either from people she meets or from nature itself.
Since a very young age, Tessa had been curious and brave. She might follow a complete stranger into a misty forest just because she was bored.

Tessa never did have a home, as her family was murdered by Zith while they were camping near Lhavit. She only managed to escape being killed because her tent was one of the last attacked, giving her time to grab supplies and escape into the dense forest. She came back to the campsite several days later to find it, albeit completely searched through and messed up, still good enough shape to collect a full camping set with a water skin and 100 gold mizas. Tessa has stayed near Lhavit since, as she does not feel safe traveling far on her own anymore. The murder of her family happened when Tessa was merely a year old, equivalent to a seven or eight year old human child. She has come to hate the Zith more and more as her life goes on, seeing murder after murder of many people she has met. Tessa has since then moved her camp around the West Coast frequently before settling down in an apartment in the city of Lhavit.

Upon her return to the destroyed campsite, Tessa also found that the Zith had left most of the horses alone, and they either lay tethered to stakes either still stuck in the ground, or had already pulled the stakes out of the ground and taken off. Releasing the horses that were left still tethered, Tessa untethered and took a golden mountain pony, who she had previously tamed and named Marigold, for transportation and for help carrying the assorted camping gear she had collected. Marigold has served as a mount and pack animal since.

About a year after finding Marigold, Tessa was camping near Lhavit when she woke to find a small animal feasting itself on her food supplies. Picking the tiny animal up, Tessa found it to be a small white and golden kitten. After setting the kitten back down again and feeding it some meat from her palm, the kitten followed Tessa for days before she gave in and adopted the thing, letting it ride in Marigold’s saddlebags and feeding it scraps of food.
Last edited by Tessa Bane on June 1st, 2014, 1:15 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Tessa Bane
Posts: 36
Words: 20637
Joined roleplay: August 4th, 2013, 4:50 pm
Location: Shinyama, Lhavit
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

Tessa Bane

Postby Tessa Bane on November 23rd, 2013, 5:44 pm

-Thick Black Pants (SP)
-Loose White Shirt (SP
-Undergarments (SP)
-A Black Ankle-Length Cloak (SP)
-Simple White Boots (SP)
-High Leather Boots
-Thick Gloves


-Marsh, A Male Tabby Kitten
- Marigold, A Female Golden Mountain Pony

-Backpack (SP)
-Knapsack [Modified To Fit Bobcat Form] (Crafted)
-Animal Snare [Small] (Purchased)

-Waterskin (SP)
-Fur Comb (SP)
-Soap (SP)
-Eating Knife (SP)
-Flint & Steel (SP)

A golden mountain pony Tessa recovered from her camping place near Lhavit. Named Marigold.

Cat-Speak, Fluent (Meow)
Common, Fluent. (My name is Tessa Bane, I live in Lhavit. It's a pleasure to meet you.)
Symenos, Basic (I am Tessa Bane, Lhavit is my home. You are nice to meet.)

The Lore of Starting a Fire With Sticks
The Lore of Edible Plants In Lhavit
Marigold, the Mountain Pony
Hunting: How to Catch a Mouse
How to Start a Fire
Lhavit: The Amaranthine River
Recognizing a Sprain


Key :
GK = Gold Kina SK = Silver Kina CK = Copper Kina

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GK 100 GK
No Housing +500 GK 600 GK
High Boots -5 SK 599 GK 5 SK
Animal Snare - Small -5 GK 594 GK 5 SK
Gloves -5 SK 594 GK
Fall Rent -3 SK 593 GK 7 SK
Winter Rent -3 SK 593 GK 4 SK
Rucksack -1 GK 592 GK 4 SK
Dress (Mohair, Dyed) -13 GK 2 SK 579 GK 2 SK
Slippers (Silk, Dyed) -2 GK 6 SK 5 CK 576 GK 5 SK 5 CK
Masquerade Mask -3 SK 576 GK 2 SK 5 CK
Beaded Necklace -5 SK 571 GK 2 SK 5 CK

*Tessa can hunt in her bobcat form for the majority of her food, so living expenses counts for the rent of an apartment only. Once she gets a steady job, more 'human' food will be added to expenses


Key :
SP = Starting Package Points RB = Racial Bonus XP = Experience Points

Skills Exp Total Proficiency
Wilderness Survival 14 SP 2 XP 16 Novice
Animal Husbandry 10 SP 10 Novice
Poison 26 SP 26 Competent
Unarmed Combat 10 RB 10 Novice
Hunting 1 XP 1 Novice
Horsemanship 1 XP 1 XP 2 Novice
Riding 1 XP 1 Novice
Observation 1 XP 1 Novice



Day 13 of Spring: Marigold

Year 513


Day 1: The Best of Days


Day 3: Food For Thought
Day 60: In the Frozen Peaks (Tess)
Last edited by Tessa Bane on December 14th, 2013, 8:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I'm so sorry to all the thread partners I've held up, but everything has backed up beyond my ability to repair it after my business plan got kind of abandoned. I'll be retiring Tessa because of this. Sorry.
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Tessa Bane
Posts: 36
Words: 20637
Joined roleplay: August 4th, 2013, 4:50 pm
Location: Shinyama, Lhavit
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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