Balinidyraen (Raen)Race: Dhani, Viper
Position: Master Summoner
Skills: Summoning 85, Glyphing 70, Rhetoric 55, Negotiation 50, Teaching 50
Gnosis: None
Other: Raen is a cantankerous old man that its no wonder he has very few students. People often wonder how Dryedh even puts up with him. He believes he is always right and others dont know what they are talking about because they haven't seen all that he has. Despite his study being atrocious and old man ways, when it comes down to summoning he actually lightens up some. He has a strict rule of only having two students, besides Dryedh, at any given time.
Sabafaesdryedh (Dryedh)Race: Dhani, Viper
Position: Assisstant Summoner
Skills: Summoning 55, Glyphing 53, Rhetoric 47, Negotiation 45
Gnosis: None
Other: Raen's niece, Dryedh is an aspiring summoned under her uncles mentoring. The Viper was introduced to summoning at a young age right about the time she learned to switch to her Dhani form. She is a quick learner which had initially impressed him. She seems to be the complete opposite of Raen, which is why they probably enjoy each others company so. Outside of summoning she is a sweet woman, but once the summoning circle is set she's all business.