Hal Edwards It was getting late in the evening, and he'd managed to win several mugs of ale off of his acquaintances. Tonight was his night, Hal had won almost every round. He knew this seemed suspicious but he was having some of the best luck of his life. With thoughts of going tavern to tavern and starting to play for coins filled his head, he was dealt another hand. His face was cool and calm, he gave no indication of what he was playing with. His hand was good... Real good. The odds of someone beating him were now down to two possible hands. "Half pint, sound good boys?" They looked at each other nodding in agreement. He decided not to discard anything, and raised. " How about we play for a whole pint?" one folded five remained . [color=#FFFFBF]"How about, we play for two pints?" The man to his left coolly said, he was a good player but tonight his luck had been pretty sour. Final discard, only one did so. It seemed the hands were either very good or the best they can get. Final bet. "How about, we go all in, two pitchers of Ale?" One more folded, Now there were Four. They met him. It seemed like an eternity as they waited for dealer to call the flop. He was busy ordering himself a drink, having folded at the start. Then it came. "Flop!" Instead of everyone relaxing and the cards being shuffled, the air filled with tension. For some reason the hairs on the back of Hal's neck rose. He looked from his own cards and to the others. He beat everyone except one hand. A hand that was exactly like his. Which was impossible for they both had four of a kind of the same card. The man to his right had cheated, yet he was the one less known to the men around the table. His eyes locked with, the man next to his. Things were going to escalate quickly, he could already feel the table spin out of control. He took in the sight of the man, beads of sweat now formed on his forehead, a thin beard covering his pockmarked face. He was on the fatter side of big, he had a few wispy strands of hair on the top of his head left, in response it seemed he had grown out one side of his hair longer and begun to comb it over. His fingers drummed nervously. Hal had played with this man for a few weeks now and never seen him this fidgety. He'd cheated, and Hal knew it. He went to open his mouth but instead the man beat him to it. In a hush voice, so only the men at the table could hear he said, "You cheated! I won this hand fair and square!" Hal was tense but not nervous, he felt a fire burning low in his belly. "You're calling me a cheater?" The fire was building, every one of his words was a log added."I don't even own a deck of cards, I usually am the one on the losing end! What about you? You always have those mirical hands when things are high stakes!" The ugly mans brow scrunched, it seemed to take him a moment to understand what he'd been accused of. "Listen here you scum! I've been playing this game longer, I'm better, I'm the best! You, are a lowly cheater who only wins when they cheat! I should stab you right here and gut you on this floor!" Before Hal could react, he felt the hard Mug smash into the side of his head. His head went to the table, and his hand immediately found a jagged piece of the cup, he raised his head looked the man in the eye. Whos eyes looked like they were going to explode from his head. He obviously had gotten carried away, but now so was Hal. He rammed the jagged piece into the top of the mans hand, pinning it to the table. With quick succession, he followed up with a blow to the mans face, knocking him backwards and taking the table with him. The man to his left grabbed him by the shoulder, and he brought the full force of his elbow crashing into the mans jaw. The blow threw the man off of him. At this point the other four advanced on him. He threw himself from his seat and into their ranks, swinging fist, and boot. Now the man who had, had just jaw busted was up. He felt their fists, Hands and kicks tear into him at all angles, He shoved his fingers into the mouth of the man infront of him, and used his boots to push him away as the man vomited across the floor. He could hear Old man Kevith rushing in and wading through the rabble. Now several people had gotten involved and things were start to spin out of control. He got a blow across the brow, cutting him, and he brought his boot to the crotch of the man who did it. Hal's was seeing read and he tried to fight everyone and everything in the radius of the fight. His shirt was getting pulled and he was being sucked back into the throng of the battle. He was a wild man, now. Friend or foe, he kicked out, threw out his fist. The man who had his shirt, got a swift blow to the gut from Hal's boot. He now had some room and fell into a boxing stance guarding his face, he threw out a few punches. Finally someone hit him in the knee and he struggled to stay up right, he grabbed a hold of an attacker and used him as support, this in turn got him several blows to the face. He'd be bruised but fine in the end. He could still hear the screams of the man with cup broken into his hand. |