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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!

Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Belle on November 13th, 2010, 4:47 am



Basic Information and Character Development

Character Development :
Belle is not your average Konti, even if she looks the part. She's the kind of girl who's had a really rough childhood and now has that bad-ass attiude to her. Her father died when she was very young, about four so she doesn't have any memory of him but when her mother died her world falls appart. The Isle is just a place of suffering and sadness to her and she runs away from it.

She's done just about every drug and got drunk plenty of times before quitting. It only helped the pain for a little while but then it'd come back twice as hard. She's not really afraid of anything except dieing, if it's going to be slow and painful.

She doesn't trust just anyone. She thinks the world is full of hatred and evil. She'd use anyone to her own advantage except for her friends. If you do ever get to be her friend, then she'd basically die for you because your the closest thing to family she's got. The only thing that keeps her a gentle lady (on the outside) is when she either wants to trick someone to benefit her or remembers what her mother would think.

Watch out for her mother's Suvai. Unlike other Konti she's coldblooded and would kill you if she had to without a second thought and she'll use the water to her advantage. She's feel no guilt and finish you off with her signature words, "Everybody's going to have to die sometime right? Why not now?"

She's a wonderer that goes where the waves take her. She goes back eventually to her home in Syliras anywhere from half a season (in a busy year) to a full year(rarely).

She's rarely ever truelly happy exept for a gentle, menacing laugh or sarcasm. If you do see this rare sight you can't help but be happy and smile or laugh with her.

Her ability (which she doesn't really use often) is to look into someone's past or future. It's not by choice however. It depends on the person, time, season, place, her, and the god/desses themseves. She has a single gnosis mark on her left palm which is also the palm she must touch you with in order to use her power. She's just happy she's right handed so everytime she shakes someone's hand or something, she doesn't see anything she's not supposed to, or want to for that matter, see.

Race: Konti
Birthday & Age : 14 495AV
Gender: Female

Character History
Belle runs away from home, after her father dies, it's a time for mourning but when her mother dies, she's all alone and everything falls apart causing her to run away and find a new home. She tried every drug, and has gotten drunk but gives it up when she thinks of what her mother would say. She finds work when she can and go where the waves take her. She travels from place to place and decides to start her settling down in Sylira after a long time of wondering around.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Weapon (Suvai)-30 (0/100) {starter pack}
medicine-10 (0/100) {starter pack}
fortune telling-20 (0/100) {starter pack + 10 racial bonus}

Lore of Animals- Exceptional with animals
Lore of the Sea- Excellent swimmer

Gnosis- One gnosis mark given from birth by Avalis. It is and intracate design of an opened eye in the palm of her left hand.

Equipment and Possessions
{starter pack}
Her dress and fur boots designed to hid her scales on her stomach, and legs(not because she is ashamed but to better hide from slave traders and fit in)
1 water skin
1 backpack that contains
food for a week
flint and steel
1 20x20 room in Syliras(hearth,bunk,chest,chair,and small table)
100 gm[starter pack]

Thread List
5th day of the Season of Fall- The Search For Work
Every second is worth it, because you might not be living the next.

Would you kill a person?NoWhat if they tried to kill you?Then I'll kill them back.How could you kill them back if you're killed first?Then I'll kill them first.Then you would kill a person.
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I'm sorry but I'm leaving Mizahar :(
Posts: 7
Words: 4519
Joined roleplay: November 12th, 2010, 6:59 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Konti
Character sheet

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