Winter 16 of 515 AV
Namorin had spent many hours over the years in the Tuvya Sasaran practicing. In that way Namorin was a true son of the Akalaks. He believed there was something to be discovered in strengthening the body and bringing it under total control. He spent less time practicing then he had before due to the fact he was working most days at the jewelers. Having the day off he had found himself up just as early as any other day but this day instead of just staying in his house he came to the Tuvya Sasaran to find others to sparr with so that he coukd actually work on skills.
Namorin paused at the entry area to take off his shoes. He personally prefered the sandels that he would done as soon as the weather was decent, actually if he could he would just walk around barefooted, but he had learned the danger of that one day shortly after he had started his apprentice ship. It had taken hours to remove the shaving sliver from his foot. Here though barefootedness was the rull and the floors were kept clean accordingly.
Namorin walked down the hall looking for an empty room, or one with someone waiting for a sparing partner. His well shaped lips formed into a contented smile as he felt the freedom his feet longed for. There was something about the skin or your feet making contact with the real world and not some confined space. 'If you stopped waisting time thinking about your feet and maybe thought about getting a girl maybe we could get some where.' Charlain comment. Which Namorin shook his head choosing not to take the bait. This would be a time for focus not trqding petty insults.
They found a room that was empty and stepped inside. Walking over to the corner he stripped off his cloak and cotton shirt and neatly folded them and placed them in a neat pile. He walked to the middle of the floor and began to stretch. He knew that starting and physical activity like this shouldn't be done with cold muscles. He worked on first on stetching his legs and groin muscles. He breathed deeply as he held each stretch feeling the gentle pressure in his muscles. He moved farther up his body, stretching his hips and then his arms and shoulders. Both souls focused on the stretches breathing deeply.
Once he had finished the stretches he still hadn't seen anyone walk in some he moved on to doing some push ups. He always enjoyed push ups. He didn't push them not wanting to weeken himself for when someone did show up. As he stood up from the push ups he began to go through basic movements of unarmed combat.