Closed Tales from the Northern Wastes

Hunters Lodge Calander Event

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Nemori on June 13th, 2016, 12:19 am


19th of Summer, 516

Nemori had perched herself on a low tree branch, her pink eyes staring up at the sky. her vision followed the trail of smoke that danced towards the north. It was not the first time she had seen the smoke, although she assumed at first it was merely a camp fire. The smoke never moved. It was always in roughly the same location. Of course they were rumours that accompanied its presence, distance travellers, the lodge, an illusion. Nemori had listened to many accounts of the smoke, many account of what happened to people who went looking. In her lifetime she had never met someone who claimed to have found the source, perhaps those that had remained silent on the issue. Perhaps they spread the tales wider in hopes of scaring off potential adventurers.
It’s too close to be dangerous, we’d know about it. She reasoned as she stared. I should just go, then I will know. It won’t be a story anymore. Purple shined from her eyes as she jumped from the branch. She landed feet first, followed by her hands lightly touching the ground. Getting better at that. She mused. When she stood upright she looked around, finding a small stick from beneath the trees. With this stick she started to trace patterns into the snow. The Frostfawn hold, the trees nearby. Her eyes found the smoke again and she frowned. How far away was it? A few bells perhaps? She marked it on her snow map and studied it for a moment. At least if she got lost she might be able to vaguely recall it.
Her hands reached towards her short spear, storing it on her back before starting to trace towards the smoke. The flat land helped her mission, it was not difficult to keep the smoke in sight and every so often she would glance back towards the hold. Part of her was terrified of getting lost but another thrilled at the prospect of adventure. Before long she started to see tracks, long lines where cloaks had been dragged along the ground, strands of stray fur that had slipped from someone’s person. The more tracks she started to see the more nervous she became. Where these fighting tracks? Was that why they swayed in different directions and sizes? She was not sure. With a gulp she pattered onwards, fighting the bubbles of fear bubbling inside her chest.
To her surprise she was not mobbed by creatures, nor did she come across some horrific sight. No trail of blood led her into darkness. Instead sat a large wooden building. How does nobody talk about this? Pink eyes studied the building. It had three floors, she could tell by the decoration. It was a large building, larger than any she was used to being around, and decorated. Someone had obviously made building this as a labour of love. Upon reaching the large double doors marking the entrance she held her breath, gently placing her hand against the wood. Surprisingly it was not some illusion caused by the reflection of the sun and the door creaked open with a push. The sudden dullness of the lodge blinded her temporarily. The contrast from glaring light from the snow to fire lit room blocking those within from her view.
Last edited by Nemori on June 20th, 2016, 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Junco on June 13th, 2016, 9:22 pm

Was it a shame to love being at work so much? Despite being employed by the Hunter Savant Lodge, Junco found himself in the lodge often while not working. He enjoyed the competitive atmosphere and decorations of impressive kills as well as many of his fellow hunters and friends who frequented the place. The lodge this day was filled with perhaps 20 or so Frostfawns, Winterflames and other members of different holds who had somehow found their way here and were welcomed enough to stay a while. One small group of hunters had returned a bell or two ago from a small hunt in the Wastes. They were over in the corner chatting away to some young hunters about a large elk they saw, though lost, while out wandering. Junco suspected they were simply trying to impress the one girl in the midst, and perhaps intimidate the young boys.

The lodge had a serene and smoky atmosphere. A hearth was raging against the snowy air outside and more than a few Vantha and Kevlics were happily lighting up pipes in the building. Many guests were lounging in the plush chairs around the hearth telling stories with their listeners sitting or standing raptly around them. Everyone else sat at the cheap wooden chairs and tables, helping themselves to ale and meat while chatting with fellow hold members or seeking advice from elder hunters.

Junco himself sat at the lodge's bar, speaking occasionally to Sarkon Iceglaze as he downed a couple of drinks, as well as a female hunter from Frostfawn who sat next to him. The three, with Sarkon darting in and out of the conversation, were speaking of the Coolwater hunt that they had returned from a few days prior as well as the upcoming Midnight Sun. The hunter, Tinili, was an aquentice of Juncos. He normally saw her within their hold, or accompanied her in hunts throughout the seasons. Although they were not very good friends, the two enjoyed talking about previous hunts or upcoming events in Avanthal that may be interesting. Sarkon would pop in every once in a while to offer his advice on a way to survive in the Wastes or an event that was taking place in the Savant Lodge that the pair may not have known about.

The small hunting group in the corner had brought back a sizeable doe and chose to donate it to the lodge, and feed the hungry hunters who were lucky enough to be present at the time. They had also killed other animals, some small hares, foxes, another young elk. Junco and Tinili were waiting for the free meat, putting their faith in the Winterflame volunteers to cook it.
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Nemori on June 15th, 2016, 10:53 pm

Nemori drank in the smokey atmosphere, stepping forwards tentatively. A few people had looked up at her appearance but gone back to their tasks. Her presence did not seem to be objected to. She was still uncertain for a moment, expecting to be told off at any moment. What was this place?They were several groups of people, some of which she recognised but some of them were strangers to her. It seemed odd to have so many people she did not recognise. The Hold was always so small everyone coming and going tended to be familiar, or soon became familiar. She shut the door behind her, cutting of the whirring of wind as it ran past the building. She could hear it starting to pick up outside and wondered if it would start snowing soon.
Nemori initially turned her attention to the people gathered around a large doe. They were slowly preparing the meat, removing the organs carefully to avoid spoiling the meat. Nemori wondered if they would allow her to help, her skills were nowhere close to the Winterflame hold members but if she did not touch the sections which could poison the meat she should be able to help. The lodge murmered with chatter and she started to move across the room towards the cooks but her movement was cut off by sudden shouting.
“I tell you, it wasnae elk. Elk do not get tha' big” Someone roared and the lodge’s attention was drawn to the circle of people. “It was on two legs an' all” He continued, ignoring the stares of people from around the room. Nemori stopped her movement, staring at the group at full. The outburst seemed sudden and she wondered what they had been discussing before. She was not previously close enough to distinguish their conversation amongst the many others. The group looked the most dissimilar to her, with none of the members being familiar to her.
“I told you, that was just a trick of the light. You need to drink more. Or less” One of them mocked with a snort. They took a swig from their own drink as they waiting for their friends response.
“Some kind of snowbeast was about, you guys must have seen it?” The first one reiterated. His voice was quieter now but the silence of the room allowed it to travel. Nemori crept closer to the group. Snowbeast? Nemori wandered on the word. Such a creature surely would not be mistaken for an elk? Indeed, she knew of no elk that had gone missing from the stable recently.
“It was just an illusion of the snow” Another one confirmed. Ignoring the protests of their friends.
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Junco on June 17th, 2016, 9:57 pm

Juncos talk with Tinili and Sarkon was cut short when a shout erupted from across the room. Drawing the Lodge's attention, Junco turned as well and stared at the culprit. It was what Junco reckoned, the youngest member of the hunting group in the corner that had shared their kill with the Lodge. The boy was shouting about that elk the group had been bragging about. Apparently he was yelling about how it wasn't an elk but something more mysterious.

Junco who had always been extremely interested in the beasts of the Wastes and Reaches so his interest was instantly peaked. Although he figured at first the boy was exaggerating to impress his audience as he spoke Junco's mind raced with images of the beasts he knew in the wilds.

When the hunter said it was a 'snowbeast' Junco automatically thought of his most sought after prize: the Talderan Sabretooth. Although that contradicted with his previous statement of the beast being on two legs. Junco did not know any animal around here that looked as the boy has described.

The Talderan Sabretooth, in Junco's opinion, was the greatest beast in the Wastes and Reaches. But if the hunter was not imagining things like his mate assured the now ever apt lodge, then whoever could track this thing down, would be legendary.

Junco, obsessed now with this idea, turned to Sarkon. "You think the boys got any truth to this?"

Sarkon looked glumly at Junco. "Nah, I've seen all there is out there. Never heard of anythin' like what he's sayin'." Shaking his head the wilderness trainer turn his back and went to handle something else. Glancing over at Tinili, Junco saw her shaking her head with a small, amused smile on her face. It was obvious she was giving the hunter in the corner no value on his words.

Somewhat embarrassed by his obsession, Junco got up and went to approach the boy anyway. As he got nearer the hunter seemed to have calmed down a bit. He had quit yelling but was still clearly fuming at the lack of confidence his friends and audience had in his story.

Grabbing the boy by his shoulder in a friendly way, Junco inquired about the sighting. "Tell me what you saw boy, where did you see it?"
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Epifanio Snowsong on June 22nd, 2016, 2:34 am

Title and Date

Epifanio made his way through the well-traveled snow paths. He was headed towards the Hunter Savant Lodge, and of course he did it leisurely enjoying every aspect of the stroll. His right hand cradled his pipe lit with an ample amount of herb, to which he puffed on every so often as he walked. He had no problem making the walk, for he was still warm from a pint or so of liquor. Though, that didn’t much matter to him. He would make it there regardless of the condition he was in. If anything he was giddy to arrive. A large group of hunters would surely be there this eve.

As he made his stroll a few people waved at him, knowing of his song. He idly chatted with a few telling them of where he was headed. It was always good practice to let others know where you are going. After reaching the lodge, Epifanio stood outside for a moment slightly overhearing aspects of storytelling, he finished off what he could of his herbs and then opened to door.

He was met by a lot of eyes from within. “Now now, don’t let me interrupt! Where did you see what?” Epifanio immediately interceded himself into the middle of the conversation. There of course was a few objections of the snowsong met by some hunters who knew of Epifanio’s reputation. You see, a bard isn’t always the most honorable when it comes to the hunt, but if anyone knew of strange tales and myths it would be a bard. Whether or not those stories were conjured or just implications of imagination would always haunt the best of hunters.

This time, however, Epifanio was there to listen. Perhaps to get inspiration of his own, or perhaps to hear if he heard anything about the polar bear which haunted his ambitions and killed his parents. It was something to strive towards, and definitely within his daily agenda to investigate as much as he could about it in the hopes to one day seek his revenge.

Grabbing Eisen, his gamba, out of his case with a smirk the bard sat near a familiar face. Junco was there trying to talk to some sort of boy. “Don’t scare him too much, Junco. By the way where is Bastion? Here boy!” Epifanio called out amongst the chatter, and if the dog would respond he would gently pet the dog before strumming a few chords of his gamba to tune it up.
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Infilia Snowsong on June 24th, 2016, 12:01 am


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Avanthal, a place for Morwen and her people to enjoy and thrive within. A landfill of ice and snow. Cool crisp winds; crunching sounds beneath ones feet could erupt any moment as one would step across the frozen lands. Avanthal was so much more to Infilia. She embraces it with all her love and pride. She wouldn't do anything to give it up. Neither would most Vantha.

Infilia had dark long brunette hair. It was drapped passed the shoulders; without her wearing the trench coat. Though, she was now, the dark fur lined trench coat swathed over her casual clothing. Her boots crunched the snow beneath her as she walked through a trail of already made footprints. She clutched tightly, to her flute case as she trekked throughout the frozen lands.

The winds knipped at her hair, she didn't mind; all she ever cared for was to make it to the Hunter Savant Lodge; she'll be provided food. Well, she'll need to pay for it of course, and she won't mind that either. All she yearns for right now is to entertain and eat.

Her father's angle knife was lightly concealed inside the trench coat of hers, poking at her side with the flattened blade. She's hoping to make some sort of new relation with other people; as she was a bit behind on her socialization. Infilia grew tired of practicing her flute day in and day out, to just get good at it; she'll need to practice. It'll definitely help her improve her flute playing.

Snow packed on the bottom of her boots; she came closer to a mere familiar scent. The Hunter Savant Lodge. Surely, it's been a few Bells after she had exited the main Gates of Avanthal. Though, the Lodge here is in a somewhat coincidental location for weary travelers. Who would ever intentionally wander through these wintery fields though? A lot of danger could happen outside of Avanthal if one is not careful and especially if that one does not know of the geography.

Infilia peered through the thicket of mist that swelled up from the knipping winds and the cold thin air. The sight of the three story tall building. It looked like a blur from where Infilia stood, but when one would get close enough; it would become more focused and detailed. With a sigh of relief, Infilia stepped closer towards the building. She was excited; her pupils changed from a silvery white to a more yellow brown. Which expresses more if a happy mood.

She was just a few inches away from the large wooded double doors that; when one would enter through those doors they would be greeted by a friendly setting. Yet comfortable. Well, more comfortable at the most. Infilia was near the door as she laid her hands on one of them with the palms p theylaced firmly against the wood; she flinched as she heard yelling. It wasn't yelling of anger. It was thrilling excitement. Infilia took a breath and pushed open the door.

“Don’t scare him too much, Junco. By the way where is Bastion? Here boy!” Exclaimed an even more familiar voice than the building itself that Infilia had ventured into. Epifanio? Thought the brunett wearily She pulled down the hood to her trench coat and stepped over to one of the stools behind the bar. A group of mixed genders of hunters were gathered over by a corner, dissecting and carving out a freshly caught deer.

There was some chatting going about. One saying of a large elk or some sort. Infilia was intrigued, yet she bothered not to interfere with the already large crowd. She took her seat at an unoccupied stool and waved the bartender down to take her order. Infilia placed one cool hand inside one of the side pockets of her trench coat; she was playing with her coin purse. A nervous habit if hers; her pupils were still of a light brown-yellowish hue. "Aye, what can I do fer ya mad'am." Infilia sighed, she wasn't much of a drinker. "Water? Please. Maybe something to eat, it was fairly a long walk. Enjoyable, though a bit tiresome. Could you fix me up one of your hot bowls of whatever you have, please?" Said Infilia casually.

"Aye. Just a few Golden Mizas would do ya the job. Here's the water. Your food will come in a jiffy. " Infilia fished out a few coins and gently placed them in the palm of the bartender. The bartender cupped the coins and nodded, taking Infilias order into the kitchen. Infilia wandered her head over to the crowd of men and women in the corner. Is that, Epifanio over there? At least; she might know one person here.

She's not one to make conversation easy at the start. So talking to her can be... Challenging.
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Nemori on June 24th, 2016, 3:19 pm

The boy jumped as the Bard grabbed onto his shoulders. “We were hunting up in the Northern Wastes” The boy muttered. He was clearly uncertain about the sudden closeness and attempted to shrug away from the contact. The black haired bard was taller than the hunter boy. “We wandered far away from the main grounds” His words were almost entirely directed at Epifanio.
“We went chasing some strange noises” Another of the hunters called out. Nemori had not seen them speak before. “It was weird…” They paused, glancing around at their hunting party, as if they were looking for approval. A few of the others nodded. “Like…A whooshing noise? Followed by a crack? Like a whip? Or maybe a tail?” Their words were met with approval from the rest of the hunters. Nemori felt curiosity peek at this. Was it for the boys’ youth that they mocked his words and not the others? Why was a strange noise more believable then a strange creature? She did not quite understand the mentality that they carried with them.
“We spent a while searching. We kept hearing it for a while” Another chimed in. “It would stop for a while then appear again”.
“Perhaps it was hunting us” Another one teased with a chuckle. The conversation continued to cascade in this manner, half mocking and half serious. Nemori crept closer to the group as they spoke. She was nearly standing behind one of the large armchairs. From her position she could see a few of the other groups, most of them had gone back their own conversations. The group that was preparing the catch were starting to split apart, dealing with different tasks for the upcoming meal. The smell of herbs mixed into the smoky atmosphere and the occasional whirl of cold air blew through the building each time the door opened. A few more people had joined the Lodge since Nemori's appearance. Everyone else seemed so comfortable with the Lodge, like they belonged. Nemori wondered if she stuck out.
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Junco on July 6th, 2016, 1:48 am

Junco was quickly pulled mentally away from chiding the poor boy by the entrance of Epifanio, the annoying but somewhat amusing bard who had accompanied him, among many others, in the Coolwater hunt just days prior. Junco himself had grown to like the bard, while also finding him extremely ridiculous at the same time. His dog, however, seemed to enjoy Epifanio enormously. At Epifanio's call, Bastian, who had been lounging lazily by the fire like usual, hoped up and trotted, grinning and drooling, over to the man, pushing his large head firmly into the bards outstretched hands.

Junco relaxed his hold on the poor hunter boy at Epifanio's voice, released his shoulder completely and laid his arm back down at his side. He rolled his shoulders, cleared his throat and took a step back, nodding at the boy a small apology. Then he listened as the boy and his hunting partners opened up a bit more on the story.

Junco looked around a bit as the group spoke. A few more people had entered the tavern since Junco had moved first. Either that or they were all gathering, huddling closer at the men explained what they heard out in the Wastes. An audience was forming to hear the tale the children were weaving, and Junco was just as sucked in as the rest of them.

The youngest stayed frightfully confident of his sightings while his friends seemed to stagger in and out of sarcasm and seriousness, unsure whether to play it off as a danger or a joke. They spoke of tracking something through noise only, not tracks or trail. They could have simply missed it, never set foot across it or perhaps it made no trail at all. A bird or flying animal could have done that, though the sounds they were describing sounded like something large, something incapable of taking to the sky on its own. It was more likely the young hunters did not know how to track at all, Junco didn't and he was sure he was more experienced than them.

He doubted they would answer with what he wanted when he asked his next question, but he thought it wouldn't hurt to try. "Do you know where exactly you hear this? Would you be able to go back, retrace your steps?"
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Epifanio Snowsong on August 6th, 2016, 9:03 pm

Title and Date

oocSorry for the long delay

Epifanio once again listened to the story trying to piece it all together. He was absolutely enticed in the dramatic ideas of an exotic monster, but at the same time was driven with both fear and anxiety of wanting to hunt it down himself sometime.

Taking out his pipe once more, to try and calm the stresses of the story, Epifanio dryly sucked on it. It seemed that this kid was at the center of the storytelling, and most of the hunters were quiet through his tale, save for a few who had a few tales going of their own.

“Junco, I am sure if they could they would. There must be much more to all of this though.” Epifanio said while speaking through his teeth. Diverting some of his attention Epifanio once more petted at Bastion, likely spoiling him. Someday he had hoped to get a pet of his own, but until then Bastion was a great side companion alongside Junco, without the added responsibilities.

“So if this thing was as great as it was, how did you get away kid? I don’t see you for a fast runner or anything?” Epifanio questioned. Perhaps the beast wasn’t as bloodthirsty as they had thought. Maybe, just maybe, it had an agenda or a specific killing routine. It didn’t seem to be killing for survival or food, and that appeared odd to Epifanio.

A bit more of a louder question erupted from Epifanio as he tried to piece together the story. “Does anyone else have any weird stories or occurrences that has happened recently?”

Epifanio looked around and a few shrugged their shoulders. Though some started to act a bit nervously. If anything Epifanio was delving into a bunch of things that didn’t seem right, and shrugged it off as he went to get a drink from his walk.
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Tales from the Northern Wastes

Postby Infilia Snowsong on August 16th, 2016, 2:54 pm

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It was the first thought that came to the Snowsongs' mind. Infilia finished the last drink of her choosing and placed it back on top of the counter before her. The vantha then gatheres her things and headed over to the group.

"Leave the boy alone will ya?" Infilia intrudes. "If he's ready to talk, then he'll talk. It's not like he did something wrong..." Infilia looked over the young boy and observed him. "He doesn't look like much sure." She agreed with Epifanio. "But this boy does look like he's been out there for quite some time." Infilias eyes shifted to a silvery white hue. She was merely content to talking these two men from interrogating the boy.

"He's just a boy for Morwens sake." She chided them. Infilia felt that she was perhaps badgering the men a bit much, but hopefully she's sending the message to them.

This is why one of the reasons, she doesn't go out with men. They get to... Personal. Perhaps that's not the word of choice, but it's what fits at this moment. "All I'm saying is... Give the boy some space." She said lightly scanning the men before her. It's the least she can do.

Infilia took her seat by two other men, but she grew weary of them and prayed to Morwen that either of them would make a decisive decision about her. Infilia knew she was a good looking woman, but she wouldn't usually draw attention to herself. "Well boy, go on continue." She says to him. Ignoring the other men around her. Listening, listening to what this boy has to say for what he's seen outside.

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