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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Meadow on September 9th, 2016, 1:29 am


Hey guys! I wanted to make a small announcement about the modded event on the 75th. There will be five spots open. One spot has currently been claimed already by Azmere. So that leaves four spots left to go guys.


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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Meadow on September 9th, 2016, 6:24 pm


Hey everyone. Just popping to give an update on the 75th. Below are the five spots and who all is in on the Zith attack!

1. Azmere
2. Lorcan
3. Merevaika
4. Rufio

One more spot left to go.


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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Meadow on September 9th, 2016, 10:57 pm


Alright guys! I am happy to report all positions for the Zith attack on the 75th have been filled! I'm so happy to see such a diverse group ready to fight for the city.


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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on September 11th, 2016, 3:02 am

Codex Update

Two new pavilions(locations) have been added to the codex; Rainshard & Lilacwind. The more I comb through the lore, the more I realize that the Drykas would not have signs or names for their businesses. If you need an item and weren't sure where to go, you would ask a fellow Drykas. This person would say "You need to go see the so & so pavilion over in the ----- clan."

More information will be added to the Codex soon (hopefully tomorrow but no promises) including a Look & Feel section about the layout of the city from the perspective of a person sitting outside his tent and a general description of the Sea of Grass which has really been underplayed. Stay tuned and happy writing.

That is all.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Aoren on September 11th, 2016, 3:21 am

Howdy Endrykas,

Is anyone interested in doing a thread? I have most of the season available and am happy to engage in anything from just a simple meet and greet to things of a bit more grand in adventure. Toss me a PM and let's hash something out. :)

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on September 12th, 2016, 2:04 am

Hey everyone!

I am not moving as quickly as I would like on some things so I wanted to put up a group of NPC Watch members for all of you. These are city NPCs and can be used in any plots you have that needs a little intercession. Remember, the Watch is not law enforcement. It's not military. Play the NPC according to the write up and no Watch member is going to be corrupt or vicious though some might be difficult or less helpful than others.

Name: Brutus SandrunnerImage
Age: 18
Rank: Ra'athi
Clan: Topaz
Skills: Tracking - 51, Riding:Horse - 38, Weapon:Gladius - 36, Endurance - 29

Brutus is a small fellow compared to most Drykas men. Well under six feet tall, he is slight of frame and is easily regarded as a teenager. Perhaps this is the reason that is a slightly obnoxious person. Though his pavilion is known for their generosity and kindness, Brutus is selfish and often mumbles under his breath. despite these traits, he is an expert tracker and thus, very useful. A strong hand is needed to corral this youth but when it counts, he can find what you need.

Name: Aiyena ShadowsmileImage
Age: 19
Rank: Ra'athi
Clan: Diamond
Skills: Stealth - 48, Dual Wield - 43, Weapon:Dagger - 43, Riding:Horse - 36, Information Gathering - 31

Aiyena is a Drykas of a different feather. While most of her clan and pavilion favor strength and power in fighting, the frail-looking girl preferred tactics and surprise. It wasn't a slight but she wanted to be more than just a means to enrich her father so Aiyena trained hard to get into the Watch. When she wants to not be seen, it's nearly impossible to detect her. The woman can become a fly on a wall, a snake in the grass or a spider in the bed. If you have suspicions about a lover or business partner, Aiyena can acquire the answers you seek.

Name: Frolie ArrowwindImage
Age: 24
Rank: Ra'athi
Clan: Amethyst
Skills: Riding:Horse - 55, Animal Husbandry - 51, Veterinary Medicine - 29, Logic - 26, Socialization - 4

Frolie has no sense of humor. The young man is serious beyond his years and reacts poorly around people. He wants nothing more than to treat and help animals. Frolie's family are all in some form of service to livestock so it makes sense that the heir to the small pavilion would follow in this path. The young man is awkward around people in any circumstance. It's said only the animals see him smile. The truth boils down to the fact that he is one of the best at accessing a problem with any four-legged companion.

Name:D'nang StarheartImage
Age: 27
Rank: Ra'athi
Clan: Opal
Skills: Foraging – 77, Riding:Horse – 44, Herbalism– 36, Weapon:Short Spear – 28, Investigation - 24

An Opal clansman at his core, D’nang loves to help people. He never had an affinity for medicine like others in his family but he found other ways to serve his community. Shy about himself but very curious about other people, D’nang will ask endless questions especially about those who aren’t Drykas. A natural affinity for discovery comes in very handy among the rolling steppes in the Sea of Grass.

Name:Halief SpringbreezeImage
Age: 25
Rank: Ra'athi
Clan: Ruby
Skills: Falconry - 71, Braiding - 47, Cosmetology - 40, Riding:Horse 39, Hunting - 34

Halief is gorgeous. Most people are stunned to seek out a Watch member and find her. The woman always has her hair done in some splendid fashion and tends to create some kind of alluring paint around her eyes and mouth. Her husband was killed several years ago on a hunt so she acts as a co-ankal with his ailing father to their pavilion. They thrive under the joint leadership but Halief is more known as the pretty one. Halief is not arrogant about her appearance. She tries very hard to remain humble and let the world see her mastery of her many birds. There are few who can command raptors and owls the way that she can.

Name: Sparrow HowlingmaneImage
Age: 28
Rank: Ra'athi
Clan: Emerald
Skills: Weapon:Short Spear - 66, Riding:Horse - 52, Wilderness Survival[ooc]Plains, Swamp[/ooc] - 35, Webbing - 33

Sparrow is a loyal solider and very knowledgeable of the world around him. He has many friends and is easy to get along with for most. His biggest credit is that he loves to train and have fun while doing it. He is also great to have along on long journeys through the grass. Sparrow is shy around women for the most part but respectful and not to the point where he cannot be effective at a task. If you're headed into a sticky situation, there are few better to bring along than this tank.

Remember: These characters are free to use in your plots. Please ask ST permission before involving them in anything major. Also, I reserve the right to intercede in any plot where I feel the NPC is being abused or portrayed incorrectly. There will be more to come.

Aoren...that's one sexy boxcode. ;)

That is all.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Sisquoc on September 13th, 2016, 12:56 am

I don't know if this is the right place to put this at all, but in doing a little research, I found some fun, primitive fortune telling methods and wanted to share them with you all. Most of these I can see the Drykas using, especially since they are largely related to nature.
Divination methods :
Ichnomancy - Divination by footprint. Used to determine perks and flaws in personality.
Cephalonomancy - Divination by boiling a donkey's skull. Used mainly to find a criminal or guilty soul.
Haruspication(Haruspicy) - Divination by animal entrails, usually the liver of a sheep or cow. Used to determine the will of the Gods.
Uroscopy - A medical practice used to read a person's urine. Often used to "divine" the length of a person's life or good health.
Xylomancy - The reading of burned patterns in wood, or the pattern in which wood lays before someone. A form of omen reading, used to divine the future.

And just for kicks: Rumpology - The method of divination in which the shape of a person's buttocks is read.

Now, for the real purpose of this post. I originally wanted to say that I'll be sending Sisquoc to Ferem's Fortunes for one unrelated location per the seasonal challenges. However, I need a second location to visit. If anyone would like to draw Sisquoc to a random location, or would like to do any of the other seasonal challenges, please feel free to PM me so we can set something up.

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Taurina on September 14th, 2016, 2:08 am

Hello Everyone! Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I’m super excited to have Taurina in Endrykas this season and get the chance to meet at least some if not all of you. I’m open for threads so if anyone is interested just shoot me a pm and we’ll work something out. I’m up for anything be it purely social to an adventure to doing mundane, everyday tasks.

I also have an open thread here that is basically the tail end of Taurina’s long journey along with her entrance into the city and her first exposer to the Drykas people. It is open for anyone who would like to join.

Looking forward to this season and getting the chance to write with you all! Let’s have some adventures :)

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on September 14th, 2016, 2:24 am

Welcome to Endrykas Taurina
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Brocton Firestone on September 14th, 2016, 2:25 am

@Aoren: I'm always up for threading, but note, I don't think Brocton would be back at Endrykas till mid-late Fall as he's on a journey to Itone at the moment, and I'm pretty sure that'll be the point where Brocton finally gets bonded with his Strider. :)

But, hook me up with a PM if you have anything interesting otherwise we can always do a seasonal challenge.

@Taurina: Welcome Taurina hopefully things go well with your character, if the timing is right I'll drop by perhaps, otherwise as you see above, the timing might not be fitting for Broc's schedule. But, I can always double check to inform the both of you. :)
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