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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Khida on November 30th, 2016, 1:11 am

I don't believe Az and Khida have been in any threads together. If he's hanging out with Naiya, though, they've probably technically met.

That said, I've got plenty of my own placeholders to set, and we've no prior arrangements here; there's nothing owed on my account. Next season would suit me fine.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on December 1st, 2016, 10:21 am

Calendar and registry are up.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on December 1st, 2016, 4:20 pm

Im taking my stance now: I trust the gods of Mizahar and believe them to be genuine
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Lorcan Gregory on December 1st, 2016, 6:13 pm


Merry 1st of December Guys!

Just a quick update and a massive apology to all my threading partners! I'm so very sorry for my absence and lack of activity on Miz over the last few weeks. RL has just totally got me running around in a whirlwind between work and college.

I can't thank my threading partners enough for being so so patient and understanding with me! I am working behind the scenes on the replies and starters and job threads etc that I owe from Fall and will post them as soon as I am able - so please bear with me. They may be slow in coming up until Christmas but I will endeavour to write as often as RL permits ^^;

As for winter I will have to be very selective in planning threads (As I have soooo much to catch up on from Fall - which will be my priority!) but please don't hesitate to throw me a PM if you would be interested in any this new season, we can always plan ahead for spring too, so nothing is out of the question :)


The Test of Faith has me completely intrigued! So I do think I will place Lörcán in the:  "I am unsure and would like to hear more about this Dual-God." category!

Again thank you all for your patience. I will try to be as active as I can and will be hopping on and off to at least keep tabs on PM's

[ 15/11 ]

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Brocton Firestone on December 1st, 2016, 7:23 pm

I'm interested in the Gods as well, and Brocton has an interest as well, ever since this summer of course. If anyone's interested in threading let me know, I'm hoping to develop Brocton more.

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Merevaika on December 1st, 2016, 7:53 pm

I have (finally!) decided on Merevaika's stance:
I trust the gods of Mizahar and believe them to be genuine.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Taurina on December 2nd, 2016, 8:05 am

Since Taurina would be completely lost without her faith in Leth, she will be taking the stance of : I trust the gods of Mizahar and believe them to be genuine.

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Haena on December 2nd, 2016, 9:56 am

Haena's stance is: I trust the gods of Mizahar and believe them to be not only genuine, but also very important too. So, she would not get on at all well with anyone who was interested in the Dual-God. :P
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Brocton Firestone on December 2nd, 2016, 2:04 pm

In order for brocton to be convinced of this Dual-God he needs to be persuaded. His final stance is: "I am unsure and would like to hear more about this Dual-God."

He believes in the Gods since the trip to Ione's tower. But, with another belief of there being a Dual-God.

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Khida on December 3rd, 2016, 2:20 am

Khida's stance is: "I trust the gods of Mizahar and believe them to be genuine."
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