[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on April 2nd, 2011, 11:53 am


Oishi's jaw dropped as a shadow cast over his work. He was used to people walking by, as they came in to see his mother, but this shadow was much larger than any he had seen before. He glanced up and was utterly shocked. A monkey! A walking, talking, monkey! He could not help but stare openly. He was not around a few days before, when another Jamoura walked into their center - not that poor Oishi had any idea that these things were a legitimate race, that they were the Jamoura. He watched silently, as the Jamoura crouched over after having called out. The monkey was giving him gardening advice. How bizarre.

"The d-door is open... sir." He hastily tacked the word of respect on the end, and bowed his head quickly. The shock at what was standing before him almost made him forget his manners. If his mother knew, she would not be happy. Herth would listen to the boys response, nod once slowly, murmur a thank you, and walk inside the Cosmos Center.

Once inside, he would be confronted by the relatively simple inside. It was desks and chairs in here, with a couple of paintings and ferns, but nothing to detract from its simple nature and purpose. Standing behind one of the desks, the others manned by working secretaries, was Youchi Dawn. Her eyes snapped up as she heard someone enter. Another Jamoura! She was not shocked this time. She bowed low, but moved ahead quickly. She was a busy woman. "Welcome to the Cosmos Center! You look like a stranger to our land. I'm assuming you need apartments and a job, correct?" She did not pause as she hastily grabbed for ink and paper. "I can happily give you residency at the Solar Winds Apartments. Rooms range from 5, to 10, to 15 kina, according to their extravagance. Would that be to your satisfaction?" Youchi waited, smiling, for the Jamoura to give her an answer. Upon settling, she smiled and began to speak again. "May I take your name? And what were you looking for in a job?"


She smiled at the young boy. He seemed surprised to see her turn up, all red faced and nervous before her. She tried to be as gentle as she could in the way she spoke to him. "Of course, sir, I can get you a place to stay." She smiled at him, watching him amusedly as he went all topsy turvy to grab any and all kina he found. "Rooms at the Solar Winds Apartments range from 5, 10 or 15 kina, depending on the luxury you would like, per month of course. Of course, if you're looking to stay somewhere a little less permanent, there is always the Shooting Star Inn, a little more upscale. There it is 5 kina a day, or 25 a week." She noticed the boy had mizas, not kina. "Also, sir, if you would like, I can change your miza into kina - the currency we use here."

Neville Whitevine

OOCYou can post back, accepting it, and then this modded section is over. Do one - two work threads this season, and at the end of it, you'll recieve both a SS thread and your wages. Happy threading!

Despite the man being different, she raised her eyebrows at his bluntness. She was not a simple serving girl at the Tea House or something. She was Youchi Sakana Dawn, par tof that noble house. She may have been jovial and helpful, but class was still important to any Lhavitian ... wait. She smiled widely at the man.

"Sir, hours are flexible at most of the serving houses right now. Certainly, now we have openings in the Mhakula Tea House. I would be ever so happy to offer you a position as a waiter there. Payment per day would be 3 kina - not particularly exciting, but certainly the job gives you flexible hours." She waited for his response, ready to finalise the deal.


Youchi suddenly spotted a newcomer, hanging awkwardly around the main room. She strode purposefully over, lifting a hand in greeting. "Welcome!" she exclaimed, returning his bow just as deeply. She ignored his apparent flat attitude. It was not her place to be upset by the way people spoke to her. She was simply here to help them settle into Lhavit, something she did willingly and lovingly every single day. She listened patiently as the boy rambled on, giving forth every piece of information that popped into his mind - which surely made her job easier. She laughed, however, when he trailed off.

"Yes, I am the one to speak to. And I'm certainly not a secretary. I'm Youchi Sakana Dawn, and I run this place." She bustled over to a desk, expecting Julian to follow her. "A musician, you say? Cello is certainly a beautiful instrument." She thought for a moment, then an utterly romantic notion came to her head. It would be almost self indulgance to offer the boy the job, but it was something both he (hopefully) and everyone else would enjoy. "I can give you work at the Shooting Star Inn. If you were to play your cello each night for them, serenade people as they enjoy dinner, you could earn four kina a day. How does that sound?"
Last edited by Ophelia on April 10th, 2011, 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Herth on April 2nd, 2011, 5:43 pm

After the boy had directed him inside, Herth wondered why he had seemed so frightened. Surely everyone knew of the Jamoura as a peaceful and scholarly race? But they wouldn't He realized suddenly. He knew that very few humans came to the spires because of the dangers associated with the jungle surrounding it. Yet somehow, he had always assumed people knew of the Jamoura and how they lived, thought, and worked. However, he now understood that very few people outside of the spires would ever have heard of them.

This realization weighing heavy on his mind, he entered the Cosmos Center, almost forgetting what he had come here to do. When Youchi bowed and asked her multitude of questions, Herth thought for a moment, replying to each one in turn.

"I am new to Lhavit, and I would like both a job and an apartment if possible. 5 kina sounds a very fair price for a basic room, and I would like to arrange for an apartment there as soon as possible. My name is Herth, and I'm not sure what I am looking for in a job. I am comfortable working in the outdoors, and I have some skills that would be useful in protecting people. Perhaps a bodyguard for those traveling between cities?"
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Neville Whitevine on April 3rd, 2011, 2:26 am

"Very well, that is acceptable." Neville was not particularly excited to work in a tea house, but it would do. "I am only looking for a job to cover my expenses here so high pay is not a necessity." He was unaware that the woman in front of him was anything more than a common worker here. After all, he had only been in the city for a couple days. When the deal was finished, Neville gave a slight bow, as was what seemed customary here, and headed for the door. He had not come to socialize. He was there for a job, and he had gotten one.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Julian on April 5th, 2011, 5:59 am

"Four kina?" was his first reaction. The sum felt paltry, but he knew it would be substantial enough when paired with his semi-daily busking in the Plaza. It would certainly be enough to suit his needs, but what did she say? Ser... serenading? Oh, how appalling. The very thought of watching two young lovers eyeing each other like hungry wolves or lovesick doves (whichever happened to be the case) was enough to make him want to gag. Then, he laughed inwardly at himself. When had he become so bitter toward the idea of romance? He was being ridiculous. If his music inspired someone, that would honestly be enough.

"It's perfect," Julian smiled pleasantly, with a curt nod. "As it happens, I'm already staying at the Shooting Star during my stay in Lhavit, and it would be a perfect opportunity to meet people as well as play my music. I'm happy to hear there was an opening." This was turning out better than expected, actually. He never really felt that playing music was a "real" job. It didn't result in a tangible product that people could use in their daily lives. To Julian, though, music was a rare and beautiful gift. What he did was perform a service. He was very fortunate that Lhavitians were so artistically inclined. "Will you make the arrangements with the Inn's owner?"
Last edited by Julian on April 6th, 2011, 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Soren Thundersong on April 5th, 2011, 7:08 pm

Soren gave a big smile and spoke to the woman. "Thank you but i prefer Miza's, if thats okay. An apartment would suit me better, I think. " He had grown more confident after the warm welcome. She was a very pleasent and helpful person, but it was her job. "Five Miza's for the common room, you said?" He hastly sat the coin on the counter, accidently dropping some to clink across the floor. A nervious chuckle, and he bent to retrive them. Straighting up he put them with the rest. "Sorry about that."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on April 11th, 2011, 12:47 am


Youchi quickly jotted down what the Jamoura wanted, nodding and smiling along with the man's words, writing as he spoke. She liked how direct he was. He clearly had a plan, a vision, an idea. She respected that. He was a rather impressive young man - or would be, if he weren't a walking, talking monkey."Yes, sir, a basic room at the Solar Winds Apartments it is. When you are ready, just give them this slip," here she handed him a sheet with his name and payment details on it "and they will direct you to your new room." She held out her hand, waiting for the first payment.

"I know of a job for you. You could perhaps, starting from here, be a guide in the Misty Peaks for tourists, or travellers, or people needing a guard. You would take tours or lead people from this location. You would be paid 5 kina a day. How does that sound?" She waited patiently to see if he would take the generous offer.


oocCongrats on your new job! Be aware that you need to write 1-2 threads (more, if you so choose) in order to earn your wages for the season. You will recieve them, and your SS thread at the end of it. Unless you have nothing more you want from Youchi, feel free to be on your merry way!

Youchi waited, flinching as if expected a torrent of rage and protests at the sum. He seemed to think the sum was below him - many of the more ... arrogant ... or rather, self-entitled men did. But he would realise that 4 kina was an exceptionally good wage for a new comer to Lhavit. It was rare someone who did not know their city exceptionally well would get such a wage.

As such, she let forth a sigh of relief when he pleasantly - or at least, he sounded pleasant - accepted the offer. Good. It made life much easier when they did that. "Yes, I can make any arrangements for you. Just be sure that when you go there for your first night, let them know your name and who sent you. I am glad you have accepted this role. It will be lovely for many of the patrons to hear such music while on their romantic evenings," A soft sigh escaped her, as if she wished she was one of those lucky women taken out by a man. But never mind that now. "Is that all, or do you need to have your miza changed to kina? Anything else I might do for you?" She waited patiently. If he had nothing more to say, he could leave immediately.


She smiled at the man, confused. It was nice that he was so pleasant, but for some reason, he didn't really seem to understand. "Sir, while I'm sure that miza are a great asset to you, the local currency is kina. You will find that most places do not take any miza, only accepting the skyglass form of kina. If you absolutely insist, you may keep the miza, but I think kina would be better for you." Hastily, she added a bow at the end of it, trying to keep respectful.

She accepted the miza though, for the room, smiling, jotting down the transaction. "Very good sir. If you go to the Apartments, and show them this slip, they will give you your very own room. Welcome to Lhavit, sir."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Soren Thundersong on April 11th, 2011, 6:00 pm

As the woman pulled back up Soren bowed low himself. "Thank you for your help. your a very kind person. I understand kina is the local currency, but I think ill be fine with my mizas. if it becomes a problem ill come visit you again." He toook the slip and turned, starting for the door. Mika poked out of the pack and looked back at the woman. Smilling, she chittered at the woman, basically repeting Soren's words. "Mika don't mock me." A chuckle, and he reached the door. grabbing the handle, Soren looked over the shoulder and waved. "Bye. It was nice meeting you." witht hat he opened the door and walked out of the office.

(occ: -5 Miza's)
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Wrenmae on April 22nd, 2011, 12:01 pm

Spring, Day 23, 511 AV

The building was in mute splendor, carved from the dreams of an architect and artist combined it captured Wrenmae's eyes with such sudden ferocity he may have looked foolish, standing alone with little more than a slack jawed expression for explanation.

So it finally was, with a guarded apprehension Wrenmae left his horse and cat outside the Cosmos Center to fend for themselves. Weaver, the slightly glowing horse, had regarded him with the kind of worn eyes that promised only humiliation if left to his own devices. Ket, civilized creature as she was, only regarded him with a half-lidded approval before burrowing deeper into the left saddlebag. Dressed in his finest clothes, Wrenmae cut a curious sight...even among the gaudily dressed denizens of the Lhativian night. The full length cape on his back shimmered with the gossamer thread of silver lining. His riding boots echoed smartly on the stone steps leading into the building and with wide brimmed hat on head, he was a finely dressed and oddly proportionate mobile mushroom.

The clothes had been his choice, a personal flair for dramatics that could not decide if they wanted to be taken seriously or not. Taking a deep breath, Wrenmae entered over the threshold of the building, careful to keep his eyes from wandering. New cultures were an oddity to him, a strange story out of some book he read back in Alvadas. Customs, manners, courtesies, they changed like seasons place to place and with so many facts swimming in his young head, the storyteller couldn't place what he knew of Lhavit in the forefront of his mind.

Smiling to those who met his eyes, but otherwise centralizing his vision, Wrenmae struck the bell three times as he had been instructed below. A guard had given him the sort of exasperated look one found on the faces of those who assumed they'd seen everything, his voice a tired repetition of aged instructions of what to do once inside the Cosmos Center.

Wrenmae had thanked him, though mechanically, lulled into complacency by the sonorous tone.

Now he waited, catching the eyes of a secretary who motioned him over with the soft, but firm gestures. Wrenmae approached, apprehensively.

"My name is Wrenmae Sek," he began, smiling at her, "I may not be well enough equipped to pay for lodgings, but I would like to find a place of employ if possible." He trailed off, letting the words sit before continuing again, a hurried addition to the thought, "I tell stories, nothing fancy or impressive I know, but I'm eager to learn or help with whatever is necessary."

Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on April 30th, 2011, 6:07 am


Youchi noticed the elaborately dressed newcomer loitering idley in the main hall of the Cosmos Center. Though he looked rather pretentious, particularly in those clothes he chose to wear, he was quite clearly a newcomer, and evidently seemed a bit lost in their center. She caught his eye, beginning to move over to him but gesturing him over at the same time. They met in the middle.

"Hello, sir," she smiled, bowing slightly from the waist, hands pressed together. She did not expect a bow back. It was Lhavitian custom, after all, and as far as she knew, other cities did not do the same. She had yet to be bowed to by a foreignor - they only bowed back awkwardly after she did. Her smile was soft as she listened to his train of thought, considering everything he said carefully, wanting to provide for this new boy and make his stay in Lhavit as comfortable as possible. It may have only been a job, but Youchi truly loved what she did.

"Sir, Lhavit wants you to be as comfortable as possible. I am sure we could find somewhere for you to stay, as well as somewhere to earn a few kina." She began walked back to her desk, where she brought out paper and writing utensils, assuming he would follow behind. She gestured to the other seat, as she sat down herself, waiting for him to take it as she jotted down the man's name and his desires. "Kina is the Lhavitian currency, by the way. I can convert any of your miza into kina today, if you so wish."

"On to the matter of residency. The Shooting Star Inn is somewhere for the visitors of Lhavit to stay, but as you said, funds may be a little tight there. If you so choose, I can offer you a small room in the Solar Winds Apartments, for five kina a month. Does that sound satisfactory?"
She waited for his response. If he wished it, she would hand over the key to his room now, and if not, she would try and work something else out. She dealt with the matter quickly and efficiently.

"A storyteller," she mused. "I think that is a very noble profession, and I am sure you are already quite skilled. And you will only improve through practice." She smiled a gentle grin. "If you would like, you could tell stories at the Shooting Star Inn? Another young fellow, new to Lhavit like yourself, has begun to play cello there. We could add to the arts repertoire there and have a story teller. I would be happy to pay you four kina a day. Is that alright, sir?" She waited for a response. She liked the bard in front of her. He made things rather easy.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Wrenmae on April 30th, 2011, 8:49 pm

Throughout her speech, Wrenmae nodded. It was a simple gesture, owing mostly to his excitement at being in Lhavit. It had taken awhile to get the hang of the day and night here, the way people reversed the understood norm. In fact, his face still smarted with the fading bruises of such an ill-conceived attempt to get used to it. Only experience, the harsh mistress, had taught him to be awake now rather than later.

Sheepishly he deposited his mizas onto the table, already agreeing to her terms. A small apartment for five kina a month and a job for four a day...Lhavit certainly lent itself well to visitors looking to stay. His first real job outside Alvadas, Wrenmae hoped he would be able to perform to the expectation of the Lhatvians. His entire journey to this point was the product of wandering. Lhavit was the first location he genuinely had settled in for more than a few days.

"Both the job and the room sound great," he told Youchi with a small smile still tugging at the corners of his mouth "And if you've any recommendations for what a storyteller could do or should see in the city, I'd be grateful for a little directional help."

It was true, the streets were not Alvadas and so, for some reason, Wrenmae couldn't make heads nor tail of them. He was embarrassed to say that it had taken him nearly a month to make it to the Cosmos center on his own.

Around him, lights flickered and hummed with a quiet sort of radiance. The city was calling to him in her own way, through the sonorous murmur of speaking and the dancing of light.

Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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