Circe Ananasi
Physical Information
Race - Kelvic. She is able to shapeshift into an albino Arctic Fox
Birthday & Age - She was born in the winter of year 488, although the exact day of her birth is unknown. She is twenty three years old.
Gender - Female
Physical Description - Born as an albino, Circe carries the traits of albinism in both her human and animal form. When a human, her hair is practically white and is perhaps somewhat lank as it falls down her back over pale, almost sickly looking skin. It is easy to see the pale blue of her veins as they cross beneath her skin. Her pink tinted eyes only adds to her sickly appearance. Her frail appearance is somewhat magnified by her small stature, as she barely reaches five feet tall and weighs a mere one hundred pounds. Usually she is seen wearing a long black cloak, which is easy to shed when she prepares to shapeshift. Shoes are not needed due to the rough pads on the soles of her feet.
However, when she shifts into the form of an arctic fox, her sickness is much less noticeable as pale skin is exchanged for a fluffy warm coat as white as snow. Even in her fox form however, she is tiny, weighing only eight pounds. However, her thick fur coat often makes her look slightly larger than she really is.