I was reading up on how combat between players vs players are done and a thought came to me. They describe a lot about how diffrent weapon skills and writing a good, detailed post would make you more likley to succed with your combat actions. But what about actual combat experiance?
A squire who have trained his whole life with shield and weapon in a secure enviorment should still be able to lose against a thug who have experiance with fighting and killing people even if he have a much lower weapon skill due to the lack of real training.
The "normal" squire who might never been in combat before should freeze for a moment when attacked, suprised and scared of sudden hostile situation. In a "fair" fight (a duel) the squire might be composed and and use his skills to his full potential, but in a dark alley suddenly facing two robbers from diffrent directions he would probably not know what to do and.
While the thug might not be as elegant in a fight, relying more on brute force, he should with his experiance be able to act quicker and see strategic advantages or disadvanages were an unexperianced person would not. He would most likley rush one of the oppenents trying to come in a position were here can face the robbers from one direction.
So feel free to post your thoughts about if combat experiance should be a made into a skill or if it should be enough with the skills that exist and writing ability.
PS. My main reason for a combat experiance skill is to make it easier for Storytellers to make decisions on what a player succeed or fail with in a combat situation