When: SUMMER 499, Day 3 - Meera has *just* turned six
Where: Endrykas, Cyphrus
Who: Aren Anazasz
She had gotten loose. Patros was about to take Meera on her first excursion out into the Sea of Grass, and they were finishing up the loose ends in Endrykas before making their move to Riverfall, then down to Kenash to pass along messages and trade what they could kill on the plains. Meera was supposed to be fetching the bow he had given her back at the pavilion, but she was young and distracted. She was in a piece of wrapped linen that tied around her neck and rope tied around her waist to keep the loose garment closed and tight against her rather mobile body. Her feet were bare and dirty. She had shoes, but she hated to wear them. She liked to feet the ground under her sole, and the Ankal provided her with hard sandals. Her long hair reached the middle of her back already, never having been cut in her six years, and hung loose and without adornment, save for the beads she had found and tied into her hair.
What could be seen of her skinny legs and arms were dusty as she bobbed and weaved through the crowd of people. She laughed she ran in front of a woman, causing her to stop midstep. Her mission of finding her short bow was forgotten, and she found herself slowing her pace as she approached a very tall man. He was probably the tallest man she had ever seen! And he was blue!
Quite like others her age, her curiosity got the best of her and she reached way up to tug on his shirt. She gave a big smile that separated her face in a long line and it caused her eyes to crinkle up. Young Meera was missing her front teeth.
"What are you?" She asked in the language of her people, full of gestures. The words she did say were high pitched and very feminine, and Meera kept her hand on what she could of his garment, switching hands as she walked around him. Large doe like eyes roamed over this blue giant.
"Are you a giant? A God?" She probed, never before seeing one of his kind. "What's with the scar?" Walking in front of him now to see his face her eyes were immediately drawn to two pale lines as a band across his arm. Her left hand kept its hold on his clothes, her thumb and forefinger rubbing the fabric in her hand.