[Flashback][Surya Plaza] Once Bitten (Seven)

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Flashback][Surya Plaza] Once Bitten (Seven)

Postby Sian The on August 4th, 2012, 4:40 am

Summer 70, 506 AV

The weather was slightly disappointing. Syna’s face was obscured by cloud cover, and rain threatened to interject some modicum of discomfort and inconvenience into the festivities of this year’s Okomo Day. Given that it was summer, this was not a particularly awful prospect. The day was not blazing hot, nor was it chilly, and hopefully the precipitation would confine itself to a few intermittent, light showers. Hopefully.

Sian trudged up one of the main thoroughfares, making his way east and upwards. One more stairway, and he would be at the Plaza. He might be a bit late. But his errand had been completed, the message delivered successfully. As he wasn’t to take part in the opening of the festival, it didn’t seem to be of great importance that he arrive precisely at the noon hour. A few minutes one way or the other wouldn’t matter. In fact, he would welcome being towards the back of the crowds gathered to begin the yearly celebration honoring their beloved mountain mounts. The Okomo had never been a favorite of his – he’d had a bad encounter with one during the very first week of becoming an Initiate. He preferred to avoid them when he could. Today, though - the day set aside to show appreciation for the service which the large, goat-like creatures gave the citizens of this mountain citadel – all the Shinya were required to be presnt. Many of their number rode about on patrol carried on the strong, sure footed beasts. The Okomo played an important role in the Shinya’s efforts to protect Lhavit and its inhabitants.

So, attend Sian would, and in all, he anticipated that the day would be an enjoyable one. Despite the goats, there would be plenty of entertainments, games, special festival food, and the general exuberant atmosphere of a festival day in the Star of Kalea. As Sian mounted the last set of steps climbing up to the Plaza, he was smiling in his grave way, in anticipation of spending the day with his sister and his friends, most of whom were also fellow Shinya – both initiates and acolytes. He himself had just been advanced to Acolyte, not over a month previously, and it was still a novel enough sensation that he felt some stirring of pride as he entered the huge square, wearing the traditional outfit that marked him as such. Basically a modest boy at heart, still, Sian was pleased that he had passed this first step on his way to becoming a full Shinya.

He knew that somewhere in the plaza, his sister Jael would be quietly observing the opening ceremonies too, and he hoped that if she spotted him amongst the others of his order, she too would feel proud of his accomplishment. As soon as he was given permission to enjoy some free time, he meant to meet her at the steps of the temple to spend that time with her. They were still very close, though he had lived in the monastery for three years now. Typically they managed to meet up at least once a week or so, when he had free hours away from his training and duties, and when their aunt would let Jael slip away from her sewing and embroidery for a short spell. Today, they would probably be able to spend the better part of the afternoon together, and Sian had greatly been looking forward to that.

Passing the last step, he saw the vast crowd of Lhavtians spread across the beautiful plaza like some vibrant rainbow of shifting colors. Everyone was dressed up in their best clothes, and the Shinya would stand out in their rather sedate blues and white. Spotting the large group of acolytes to which he was expected to attach himself, Sian hurried in their direction, and came to a halt near the back, as he had planned. It turned out he was not late, and, craning his neck and standing on the balls of his feet, he could make out the dignitaries at the center of the Plaza, preparing to begin with the blessing of the Okomo. Many and many of the shaggy beasts were assembled in the center of the plaza, ready to have their pretty horns painted and decorated as was customary. Some of his friends had volunteered to assist in this part of the festival. Not Sian. He knew, whatever path he followed once he became a full Shinya, it would not be as a rider. No way.

An expectant hush fell over the crowd as it became apparent things were about to begin. Dropping back down to his heels, Sian looked about over his shoulder, wondering idly if he could spot Jael.

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[Flashback][Surya Plaza] Once Bitten (Seven)

Postby Seven Xu on August 8th, 2012, 2:37 am

“Get down, you’re gonna fall!”

“Only if you—keep—pulling,” Seven grunted, wriggling from his young sister’s sticky grip. “Let go!”

Seven had managed to shimmy far enough up a young cherry’s sinewy trunk to latch onto its lowest branch. Barefoot and clad in a dusky orange-yellow shift of silk, the halfblooded bastard boy of thirteen years had suffered the only growth spurt he would come to know. He was lanky, forged from ivory whipcord, and his hair had grown into a shaggy too-blond mop that obscured small red eyes and a poor complexion. The robe afforded him most of his bulk, but in the tree it had wrapped awkwardly around him, and ‘Ren was reaching for every opportune stitch in her attempts to pull him down.

The object of the girl’s desire was held out triumphantly above her head: a small off-white dough ball. It had been baked earlier in the day, and was filled with a mixture of lowlands fruit and rice—sweet, with a tang of spice from the pepper that seasoned its shell. Their mother—rather, the twins’ mother—had prepared them special for the festival, and Seven had snagged the last of them.

“I’ll give it to you,” he teased, sitting upright as he straddled the branch, “if you can catch it!”

‘Ren shrieked her dismay, and Seven heaved the dough ball into the crowd. It sailed over a patch of distracted faces, seeming to float on mid-air for half a lifetime before splattering over the dirty thoroughfare. A bedraggled old cat ambled out of the colourful silken sea to sniff at it. A few leers shot in Seven’s direction. He snorted laughter.

“You’re awful,” ‘Ren chided, small hands working between the grooves in the young bark to pursue her brother.
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