Location The Lonely Shack

Lhavit's mysterious fortune teller.

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

The Lonely Shack

Postby Elysium on February 5th, 2013, 8:11 pm


Embedded in the heart of Alheas Park stands a strange shack just waiting to be discovered. Despite Shinya attempts to evict the owner, the structure seems to endure, only revealing itself to those devoid of foul intent. It seems neither business nor residence - the front lit by jars of prismfly and graced by a rickety sign. The markings are nearly illegible but to those who squint, read: "Fortune Teller."

This part of the forest never seems quite the same and is silent in contrast the otherwise bustling public park. If one were to try to intentionally locate the shop, they'd fail. This mysterious place seems to reveal itself at will. It is rumored to be nothing more than an illusion.

ImageUpon entering, the door chimes. The front room is as sparse and wooden as the facade, adorned only by a small table and a stick of smouldering incense. There is an archway draped by translucent fabrics directly ahead, leading into the typical fortune-telling domain. This cramped, circular space is dominated by one table and multiple shelves, all laden with boxes and bags. The scent of pungent herb ruminates in the air. There is a mortar and pestle, a pipe, a cup of tea, and a deck of cards laid out for show. After all, what is a craftsman without the tools of their trade? The tablecloth is green and gold, ornately designed and embellished by fringe. When seated, a woman emerges, androgynous and solemn.

The woman is known as the Ahleas Crone, a Lhavitian legend. It is said she existed far before the actual formation of the park and will exist far after. The truth of her nature remains a mystery, suffice to say those who know have lips tightly sealed. Her presence in local legends is overwhelming. It had been asserted by some that she is a prophet rather than some lowly fortune teller. Others dismiss such a foolish notion, maintaining she simply isn't real. But those who have met her know that reality falls somewhere in the middle.

Truth be told, the actual history is relatively straightforward. Three hundred years previous, the place was erected in what is now Alheas Park. It was chosen in particular for the wild djed that courses through the atmosphere, fueling the magics that keep it so artfully concealed. A singular priestess of Avalis arrived to aid Zintila in her earthbound mission. This Priestess took on an apprentice to assume her place after death. The figure of the Alheas Crone has been nothing more than several incarnations over hundreds of years, resulting in a folk legend. This is not common knowledge, however. The Crone is a popular wives tale, sometimes used to scare little children into obedience.

The Crone decides who to reveal her shack to; otherwise, at all times, it remains shielded from sight. When someone stumbles upon the location of her home, the Crone determines whether or not they have ill-intent. If they do, the shack remains shielded; if not, she is likely to drop her shields, and the shack will suddenly appear before the person's eyes as if appearing from thin air.

ImageName: Sookie
Race: Mixed blood (Dhani/Myrian)
Birthdate: 485 AV
Birthplace: Taloba
Occupation: Fortune teller at the Lonely Shack
Gnosis: 2 marks of Avalis (Divination level 2)
Skills: Auristics - 50, Fortune Telling - 75, Shielding - 62, Tracking - 45, Unarmed Combat - 50, Weapon (Spear) - 68, Wilderness Survival (Jungle) - 22
Languages: Common (Fluent), Myrian ****I***********************(Fluent), Kontinese (Poor), Snaketongue ****I***********************(Poor)

Tall and lean, Sookie is not as ageless or ambiguous as her predecessor, but she still has an androgynous air to her. She has thick, straight brows and a square jaw, softened by a full mouth and dark, doe-like eyes. She always wears a solemn expression on her face. Her long, sleek hair, always worn loose and straight, is held out of her face by a silver headdress that coils around her head in the shape of a snake. Unlike the previous Crone, Sookie does not care much for adornment, and this is the only piece of jewelry that she wears.

Born in Taloba, the daughter of a Myrian woman and a Dhani man whom was only meant to be a fling, Sookie had a difficult time growing up. She was treated as an outcast among the Myrians, though she tried her best to prove herself and her worth, and often bullied. As a result, she never quite connected with her mother's culture, and always felt distant from their traditions.

At age twenty, Sookie decided that she could no longer live in Taloba, and slipped away into the jungle one moonless night, never to return. She doubts that she is missed, even by her own mother. For the next ten years, Sookie wandered from place to place, searching for somewhere she could call home. Eventually, five years ago, she settled in Lhavit.

Early on in her journey, she met a Konti woman who was travelling in search of her Call. The two bonded quickly, becoming traveling partners, and the Konti taught Sookie about fortune telling. Intrigued and curious, Sookie spent the next years of her life pursuing the art and honing her skill in it, earning a few Divination marks herself from Avalis along the way.

While she and her Konti friend eventually parted ways, the impact on Sookie was lasting, and the mixed blood continued her travel, now as a fortune teller. Eventually, she made her way to Lhavit, where she heard rumours of a mysterious Crone who could tell the future.

She sought out Cala, and the two got along well. Sookie started an unofficial apprenticeship with Cala, not quite committing as she feared she was inadequate compared to the older woman. Throughout their time together, Cala taught Sookie about the Dhani culture of her father, gifting her with the sole piece of jewelry she wears.

While Sookie knows she is not quite ready to fill the role of the Alheas Crone, as she is not yet a priestess of Avalis and she still has things to learn about fortune telling, after Cala's death she felt it was her responsibility to take over her friend's role and keep the legend of the Crone going. As of summer 520 AV, Sookie made her first appearances under the title of the Alheas Crone, and moved into Cala's old shack, taking up her duties.

★ ★ ★Note: As of autumn 519 AV, Cala was murdered by the Magekiller; therefore, she may only be used in flashbacks prior to this date. ST permission is only required if you wish to make use of her gnosis.

ImageName: Cala
Race: Dhani (Viper)
Birthdate: 298 AV
Birthplace: Zinrah
Occupation: Priestess of Avalis and fortune teller at the Lonely Shack
Gnosis: 3 marks of Avalis (Divination level 3)
Skills: Astrology - 80, Auristics - 80, Fortune Telling - 85, Herbalism - 50, Shielding - 78, Unarmed Combat - 25, Wilderness Survival - 76
Languages: Common (Fluent), ****I***********************Snaketongue (Fluent)

Little to nothing is known about Cala or her history. She is one of Lhavit's best kept secrets. Despite the outward effort to relocate this enigmatic seer, she is a revered member of the society. Cala is a relatively ancient Viper Dhani, groomed by a Priestess of Avalis before her.

She is seeking an apprentice in her advanced age, which has led to more frequent appearances of her shop. The actual cause of its ephemeral nature is expert shielding - when Cala senses the arrival of a customer, she simply chooses whether or not to conceal the place. This has led to the promotion of fantastical myth and yet it serves its purpose. Cala wishes to remain anonymous.

In person, the Priestess is soft-spoken and cryptic. She favors smoking a pipe and lounging about indolently. In many ways she is snake-like, down the the sheen of her hairless skin and the curling of her fingers. Her hairless head is clothed by a scarf and she sports an overwhelming amount of jewelry, both out of preference and to keep up her rather bohemian appearance.

Her shoulder bears three blossoming lilies, the petals melding from purest white to a tiger lily orange. She favors the clever over the brave, and those who she reads for receive more detail dependent on her assessment of their personality. Her role is a guide to the a person's destiny. Nothing more. Cala sees anything too direct as a form of interference.

She is sworn celibate, as were those who came before. This legacy of Seer have aided in some of Lhavit's most tumultuous events, including but not limited to the Day of Discord.

Fortune Telling

Tarot or oracle cards reading
Tea leaves reading
Palm reading
Runestone casting
Bone casting

All of the Crone's services are free; she uses the method she feels best suits the customer and the situation, though a specific method can be requested.

On rare occasions, when she feels the person is worthy, she will use her Divination gnosis to look into their past and/or future. ST permission and potentially moderation is required to make use of the Crone's Divination gnosis.

This location is free to self-moderate and requires no permissions, except in the case of using the Crone's Divination gnosis; in that case, please contact your ST.
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