I'm brand new to roleplaying and somewhat new to creative writing. While I do love to imagine things a lot. My questions concern the rp. I really want to make a very zealous Myrain that mostly survives in tolba for now, but I am the weird person whose shy but feels the utmost urge to socialize. So my question is what's a good idea for a social character whom could be loved?
I've thought about it. Started a character didn't like the idea in the long run scrapped it and now stuck with so many options and ideas I love. I'm an idealist at heart, but I like to hear others opinions so any advise would be great. Something challenging even more so.
I want my myrian to be the laid back I slowly work on. While this would be the more social proactive character I wanna wake up to being able to post something epic almost everyday kinda feeling.
Any advise would greatly help. Thank everyone for their time.