So a few weeks ago I heard something interesting about using glyphs to store items, and I had to ask a question. Malediction as we know it uses the bones or body parts of the deceased, it creates a legacy item that indeed has magical properties that can be stored in a glyph.
So now with that thought in mind, if it an item like this can be stored within an a glyph should it not be capable of being altered by the glyphs ability to alter magic? In a sense turning an item into a spell that can be shaped and formed by the glyph? Although eerily similar this would not be considered Mage craft, it is not the combination of one magic item into another rather the transfer of Djed from the maledicted trinket into a mundane item.
An example
You have a maledicted bone placed into a glyphs focus where it is absorbed, through some combinations of switches the item no longer solid as its no longer there it's Djed source is funneled into a mundane object say a necklace that's connected through the pattern. And then through the culmination of Mage Craft techniques the Djed source is stored within the object thereby enchanting the mundane object. Similar to make craft, however not so much as the Djed source is not created merely transferred from the reagent.
Not the same way as trying to take a Mage crafted sword and a maledicted bone handle.
Merely the transfer of a already existing Djed source into a mundane object.