Hello there, I am sorry to bother you but I have some general questions over the race I have chosen to play that are not covered in the 'Race List'. I seek the information because I am trying to flesh her out and create a character sheet. I want to make sure I stay within the parameters of the race. Any information would be appreciated, thanks!
- What is the average lifespan of a Charoda?
- How long can they stay out of water? (minutes, hours, days?)
- What exactly is a hyteras?
- As of 'today' how socially involved are they with the Mizahar world? The race sheet says they have built their city closer to land but it kind of stops there. I just assume they have some trading posts as well. Does this mean that finding a Charoda walking through the streets of a populated city would be very rare, and that having a Charoda take up a 'job' in a city is unheard of?
- Also, it says that a Charoda loves to hoard things. In the technics of the game can my character start off with a little hoard of trinkets that she already possesses or has inherited, or do I need to start off with nothing and build that up? (this is, of course, alongside the 'start-up' package we receive). I was going to have a bit of her personality play off of this fanatic obsession for shiny things and, since I was wanting for her to be a young adult, thought it would be odd that she *still* didn't have anything hoarded up yet.
- And, if I were to roleplay about aquatic life do I just assume the same stuff live in the oceans as they do here in RL? Is it acceptable around here to make up names for creatures and plants?
So sorry if these are noobish, and I am so sorry if there is already a guide written up that answers them. I have been doing a lot of thread searching and there is just so much out there...! If you can direct me to a guide that sheds more light on this I would love you forever :]