by Chandray on December 18th, 2013, 8:02 pm
Thanks Fallan, that was a good advice too.
I have listended to Tarot's vLogs about djed and auristics, and got the OOC explanations, but now I have new questions regarding how to think when writing IC.
The aurist is actively manipulating her own djed in order to be able to gather information from the auras and the method for doing it is to focus her attention on the subject she wants to gather info from. Does this mean the auristics are only active when she puts in effort to turn it on and the rest of the time it’s totally off? Or is it a constant sensitivity for auras that she can increase and decrease, but not totally turn off? Tarot's example with a blind person made me think it's the latter, auristics always there "at low volume in the background" ?
If she finds explanations to what djed is, from IC teachers and books, this will need to be explained in other ways than Tarot’s explanation to the players. The IC explanations would need to use other things than code as examples. Things that people in Mizahar can know about and relate to. I’m wondering what that could be. How do other writers do this?
How would a wizard from Mizahar describe and explain djed ? What would they compare it to ? Would it work to say that sheet music is the information about a tune, and by reading the sheet music the trained musician can get how the tune would sound ? A food recipe is the information about a dish ? The construction drawings and calculations for a building or a ship is the information about that building or ship ?
Also, the “reading” of Auras seems to not change the auras or the djed of the things that is being read. But I’m curious and wondering if it could happen? Is that possible? Or is auristics “read only” ?