From Mizahar Lore
The Guide - now known as Ancite - is a beautiful and elaborate dagger. Crafted by a master Isurian smith, the blade is made of Isurian steel, etched and engraved lightly with beautiful designs. The hilt is made of gold with elaborate carvings, studded with rubies and turquoise. Over the years, the blade has managed to keep its original scabbard, crafted of dyed red leather and also studded with gems.
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Background and History
The Guide, or Ancite as she prefers to be known now, was originally forged in 100 AV by a master Isurian smith whose name was Armazir. The dagger was made as a gift to King Sultros to thank him for all he had done to save those that remained of the Isur. The smith that crafted the Guide had, before the Valterrian, been a deep lover of other cultures and races, and studied them extensively. The coldness that descended upon the Isur after the Valterrian pained Armazir greatly; he knew, of course, it was necessary, but deep in his heart he hoped that perhaps one day, the Isur would be able to open themselves to other cultures once again. Thrice-marked by Izurdin, it is this piece of himself that the smith honed into the blade; using his Izentor, Armazir crafted the weapon so that those who wielded it would be able to understand any language spoken to them.
The smith did this in hopes that the blade would continue to be held in the hands of the Isur's kings in future times, and that if and when the time came for them to interact once again with other races, it would facilitate such interactions. However, with Sultros' passing, the blade changed hands, given to a close friend of his by the name of Etros.
The blade stayed within Etros' family for many years; in 352 AV, it belonged to his granddaughter, an Isur by the name of Sersan. Its power still had yet to be discovered, as the blade nor any of its owners had left Sultros thus far; but that would not last long. Sersan was the first of her family to venture outside of Sultros after the Valterrian. While her love and loyalty would always be with the Isur, she felt something deeper calling her to the outside world, and so she left.
She traveled Mizahar for several years, learning of the true nature of the Guide, which proved useful on many occasions. She became extremely attached to the blade, not only for its unusual property, but also how expertly it was crafted. She was never seen without it, and it was with the Guide in her hand that Sersan perished.
Caught off-guard by a group of bandits as she traveled with a caravan, they were quickly overwhelmed, and even her expertise in combat could not save her or her companions. Sersan died in 387 AV; she fell clutching the Guide still in her hand, her blood staining the hilt and pommel. Not yet ready to leave, her soul latched onto the blade.
For several years after that, the weapon was sold, exchanging hands quickly, as it came with the incensed ghost of an Isurian woman. Gradually, however, Sersan kept more and more to the blade, rarely showing herself. Somehow along the way, she lost the ability to do so altogether; the blade was no longer haunted by the ghost of Sersan, but rather, possessed her consciousness. And so rumours switched from a haunted blade to a sentient one, for indeed that is what the Guide had become.
Sersan took to the life of being a sentient blade rather easily; it is all she has known for over a hundred years. Details of her life from before are fuzzy if she remembers them at all, and she prefers now to go by the name Ancite. The blade is particularly sought after by Isur, who feel that Ancite rightfully belongs to them.
Powers and Abilities
Ancite is a sentient blade; those who wield it will hear a deep but distinctly feminine voice in their minds. This is the voice of Ancite. She is not chatty, but also not quiet. Ancite can be somewhat snarky and aloof, often harshly judging or critiquing those of lesser skill. She is snide and has a dry, sarcastic sense of humour, but she has her moments of helpfulness.
Those that wield the Isurian steel blade will also find they are able to understand other languages; they understand tongues they are unfamiliar with, however they are still unable to speak other languages, meaning some creativity is still required in order to communicate.
Ancite, of course, has all the benefits of any other piece of Isurian steel weaponry.
Last Known Location
Ancite was last heard of in 490 AV around the city of Alvadas, under the ownership of a human male, name unknown.
Weapons of Legend | ||
![]() | Weapons of Legends Challenge | Nieve Glass' winning entry, Ancite/The Guide. |