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Flora of Konti Isle

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This article lists the common flora of Konti Isle. The flora of Konti Isle is as captivating and unique as the citizens of Mura themselves. Scholars and tourists alike have ventured forth from the confines of the city to explore and study the wildlife that thrives in this subtropical, yet coniferous habitat. Discoveries are, to this day, made of entirely new species as well as additional varieties of the currently known plants.

On land

Found only in very early spring, Arbutus flowers are soft and blue-edged, with a strong, sweet scent. They grow primarily beneath evergreen trees, their hairy shoots creeping up the trunks. Found in groups at the edge of forests, a balance of shade and sunlight is necessary to promote the plant's growth. They rarely produce fruit, since the necessary resources needed to grow and ripen the fruit taking years to gather, making them rare and difficult to transplant. The fruit is the size of a person's palm and a colored a soft yellow green. The rest of the plant is inedible, and contains no medicinal or nutritional properties. Only found on Konti Isle, Arbutus are renowned for their flowers but their fruit is not often harvested in fear of losing the plant forever.
A thick-leaved shrub, Ashwadha grows in open spaces. It is a healthy, silver green color reminiscent of Konti Isle grass, and reaches nearly three feet in height. Small, white flowers sprout from its leaves in late Fall, but only at night. Using the leaves from this plant can cause a person to wake from a stupor or cause enhanced focus, and the seeds can improve short-term memory. This effect is caused by stimulating the heart and increasing blood flow into the brain. The most effective way to ingest the leaves or seeds is by grinding them into a powder and adding approximately one teaspoon of that powder to a beverage of at least eight ounces. It has a mild chalky taste, so it is often better to add it to a beverage with a strong flavor. Overexposure over a long period of time can lead to heart problems, and in extreme cases heart attack.
Short trees, only reaching a height of ten feet, they grow among larger trees, spanning entire acres of forest. Small, bluish blades grow in place of leaves, but their most-known feature is their bark. Smooth and soft, Albizzia bark peels off the tree with relative ease (when a person can reach it through the dense branches) and is often brewed into a tea to promote general health and enhance eyesight.
Growing in clusters, Bareberry is found predominantly in dry soil near beaches or sand. Drooping, bell-shaped flowers bloom all through spring, while the stems fall to the ground in summer. The woody stems can then be harvested to make tan-colored dyes. A dull red berry is produced for only a few days before the plant dies. The berry is edible but has a dry and mealy flavor. Leaves are leathery, but can be used to create a yellow dye when dried, as well as being smoked for a calming effect.
Not so much known as a plant as it is for its fruit, Bilberry is shrubby and short, and the plant itself is hoary brown and unassuming. They are usually found in groves surrounded by larger trees that protect them from harsh winds. Pale orange fruit, round and rubbery to the touch, fall to the forest floor throughout summer and fall. These fruit are used for cosmetic purposes: increased blood flow, greater skin elasticity, and the prevention of wrinkles. The smell is citrusy and the taste is juicy and fresh, if a person can get past the texture.
Bunchseed reaches only eight inches in height and grows in fully shaded areas where the trees soak up most of the precipitation. Small, white flowers appear in winter, while knuckle-sized red fruit grow in spring. The flowers have a light scent, barely noticeable. The plant is purely decorative, however, because the fruit is pungent and slightly sour, making consumption undesirable.
Featuring smooth, hard-shelled nuts encased in silvery green husks that slowly brown as the nut matures, Beaked Hazelnut grows deep within the shade of the forests, sprouting large green leaves to hide the nuts from predators. The nut, when eaten, has properties that promote tooth and gum health. On Konti Isle, chewing the hazelnut once a day to clean teeth has become somewhat of a health and beauty ritual.
Breadfruit trees are a very selective plant, rare to see even on Konti Isle because of their need for specific water intake, temperature, and soil acidity. These trees need lots of water, high humidity and deep, well-drained soil. The breadfruit is ultra-tropical and will not survive temperatures below 40F. In the best circumstances, these trees can be large, growing up to three men’s heights when full grown. Leaves are large, multi-lobed, a soft ivory color, and often used in decorations. Fruiting occurs sporadically all year long. These fruit are large, usually about a foot in diameter, and yellow-green in color with hard, starchy white flesh. Fruit is either eaten freshly cooked (usually baked or boiled to soften it) and served hot, or eaten unripe as a vegetable. Eating the fruit has been known to cause a short-term energy boost, as well as a long-term hunger suppressant.
Caesia is a large bush best known for the white powder that covers its branches, flower buds and fruit. It can grow almost anywhere on the Isle, though it is usually found in the semi-shade of Hythorne groves. The flowers of this particular plant are pungent, smelling of rotting flesh that often discourages predators from approach, while the fruit is mealy and unappealing. The powder covering most of the plant, however, is extremely useful in Konti culture. It should never be ingested because it can cause respiratory complications. When placed on the skin, however, it dries rashes, soothes itches/irritations, and eases the pain from insect bites or stings.
A variant of the natural grass that grows throughout the White Isle, it is a silvery green color, with two separate blades growing from a single root. Because of the increase in precipitation that occurs during White Isle winters, Caplium is most noticeable during the winter season, as its intake of water heightens its coloring, and it can grow up to a foot high when it is not competing with other flowers for water and nutrients. Its seeds form in small pouches between the two blades of each plant, and they are used primarily for throat pain, earaches, and nasal congestion. Instead of infusing the seeds into a tea, however, they are often chewed naturally as to not detract from the spongy texture and mossy flavor.
Cardamom is a tall plant that comes in two distinct varieties, though they look almost identical. Gray Cardamom has a strong, unique taste, with an intensely aromatic, resinous fragrance. Silver Cardamom has a distinctly smokier, though not bitter, aroma with a coolness some consider similar to mint. Both plants are gray and shiny, catching the light of the sun and reflecting it. Individual seeds from the plant are sometimes chewedto treat infections in teeth and gums or prevent and treat throat troubles, but more commonly to freshen breath.
Cianberry bushes are fairly adaptable, but grow well in deep, moist soils far apart. They also grow in full sunlight, which causes their silver leaves to shine. The plant itself attracts many insects and small birds from around the Isle, making pollination its main form of reproduction. In the summer season, the bushes grow a tiny, berry-like fruit with a unique tart-sweet taste, colored a soft ginger. The ingestion of this fruit causes feelings of pleasure and love, making it a popular addition to any meal and useful in countering sadness.
Fireweed is exactly what its name implies: a weed. Usually a coarse and homely plant, it flowers only for a short time in early fall, the rest of the time sprouting only papery stems and hairy leaves. It grows freely in moist, open woods and clearings, strangling much of the other plant life around it. Growing up to five feet high, Firewood has a rank odor and fleshy roots that sit at the top layer of soil. This particular plant has only two benefits to the ecosystem: its nutrient-rich stem decomposes quickly and its seeds spread on the wind so that no one particular place is infested for too long. The flower can be broken down into an oil which is a pain reliever and astringent. Small doses of fireweed can be diluted enough to allow ingestion if carefully monitored- a useful tincture to induce vomiting and discharge from the respiratory tract. It should never be eaten in its natural form or prepared without closely guarded supervision. Thankfully, its bitter taste and foul odor are a warning of its poisonous components.
Galangal is a root harvested as an herb. It has a citrus, piney and earthy aroma, with hints of cedar in the flavor. It is similar to ginger, though it lacks ginger’s peppery heat. The whole fresh root is very hard, and slicing it requires a sharp knife. A mixture of Galangal and lime juice is used as a tonic, which is said to have the effect of an aphrodisiac and stimulant, though overuse has been said to cause mild hallucinations. A dose is normally no larger than a tablespoon per person, doubling that dose is the known cause of the hallucinations. Some visitors to the Isle have been caught overusing the herb for the precise intent of hallucinating.
A low shrub, Gorst only reaches the shins of most Konti. No leaves, the branches instead are full of stiff and prickly needles often containing a singular white stripe. Open woodlands are rife with the bush, as well as some empty clearings. Waxy, blue berries grow in winter, good for dyes but toxic for human consumption. Their needles, however, can be ground up for earthy flavoring and often have a clean scent.
Haran is a medium to large-sized creeper vine that can grow to be several yards long. The leaves are very pretty, with a glossy green surface, and a shimmering gold velvety underside. These leaves have a lemony smell when crushed, but the biggest draw to the Haran vine is actually the small nuts that are produced annually. The nuts are chewed, usually in wrapped in Salal leaves, along with some lime and spices for flavoring. They contain a strong stimulant, and the chewing or grinding of the shell releases brightly yellow colored liquid. Medicinally, the Haran nut is used to treat intestinal worms by forcing them through the intestine and out of the body.
Hythorne Trees are several man-heights tall, with stark white branches spaced far apart. They have relatively shallow roots, allowing many to grow close together, and provide semi-shade for plants that don’t thrive in full shade or full light. The light that filters through their branches is perfect for many of the other plants that grow on Konti Isle, making them compatible with much of the other plant life. Hythorne Trees are found in abundance throughout the Isle, thriving in the subtropical temperatures, but they are very particular in their climate so they are unable to grow other parts of the world. Leaves are small and leathery. The sap from this tree, though hard to recover, is sweet and fragrant. It is also known to ease emotional trauma when added to a food or beverage, though overuse can cause forgetfulness.
Jupin is another scrubby bush with silver-green leaves and deep roots. It can often be found along rocky outcroppings and near water sources. A medium tall bush, it can reach almost to a person’s hip, though it is often closer to the height of a person’s knee. Small bluish-white berries appear along the branches throughout winter, while the first thaw of spring brings white flowers. The berries are thought to combat lung ailments and shortness of breath when eaten whole or made into a gel, while the flowers produce a delicate vanilla scent.
Kinnick is a thick, somewhat shiny moss found in and near streams and shallow water sources. It is bluish green in color, reflecting the nature around it, and often slimy to the touch. Its consumption is known to calm intense emotions and increase libido.
A plant noted only for their squat clusters of silver berries which are poisonous to humans in relatively low doses. Macsum plants are three inches tall with greenish stalks and berries forming at all times of the year. Leaves are oblong and smooth. This plant is often found growing from a foundation of moss, living off the other plants' nutrients. It is not one of the edible plants on the island. At night, poisonous spiders can often be found spinning webs among the leaves, so caution is advised.
Merata is a small tree is often found on gentle to moderate slopes in the coastal areas of Konti Isle. It is known for its thick, fibrous, and stringy bark that is usually colored a dark gray. From a distance the trees may appear a bluish green color, but this is only because of the leaves. The leaves grow along the branches, alternating in no particular pattern. The foliage is actually green or grey-green with a glossy sheen, showing up as almost blue in most lights. This tree’s main benefit, other than the decorative value of the leaves, is its roots. These roots have a strong flavor, reminiscent of mushrooms and are used to flavor many foods, especially to cover the flavors of other medicines.
One of the more beautiful and fragrant shrubs on the Island, the Nootka Rose plants are reknown for their distinct flowers: five petals wrapped around one other, and each petal has a whorl of color. The colors range from light pink to antique white. Nootka roses can be found or planted just about anywhere around Mura, though they are difficult to transplant from the Island because of their need for a subtropical climate. The plant grows thorns along its branches and stems, acting as a deterrent for those wanting to eat its flavorful hips. Its leaves, as well, are popular for teas to promote joy and provide general health benefits.
Pandan is a reedy plant used for handicrafts. The trunk is stout, wide-branching, and ringed with many leaf scars. They commonly have many thick roots near the base, which provide support as the tree grows top-heavy with leaves, fruit, and branches. The flavor for the plant's fruit is mild and uninteresting, but it can be eaten. Pandan leaves are strap-shaped and collected from plants in the wild, although only the young leaves are cut so the plant will naturally regenerate. These young leaves are sliced in fine strips, dried, and either woven or rolled together to create mats, baskets, and other carrying devices.
Polygania is a tube-shaped flowering plant reaching two inches off the ground. Its flowers are a shiny purple color on Konti Isle, but when grown in other locales, the color deepens to near black. A late summer berry is often found in the center of the plant’s tube, usually the same color as the flower itself. Polygania plants prefer full to partial shade near streams or other water sources. An airy, delicate scent comes from the flowers, and crushing the fruit produces a thick jelly-like substance good for cooking or dying. Eating the Polygania berry has been thought to help nursing mothers create more milk for their babies.
Running Clubmoss grows just about anywhere on the forest floor. If there is shade, there is Clubmoss. Creeping stems spread out over the ground with erect branches and dense, gray leaves which are slow burning with a sweet, fragrant smoke that can be used as incense. Cones of white, fleshy spores grow from the end of these branches. The spores can be used to fight postpartum pains, fever, or general muscle weakness when made into a paste and applied directly to the skin. The cones, however, are highly flammable from a waxy secretion that grows inside their ridges, so that even just a touch of flame lights them up in a dramatic flash, though they burn out soon after. Using these cones for anything other than a quick start of fire requires the removal of the wax in its entirety.
Salal grows to be approximately 15 inches tall, long stalks with rows of tiny, pinkish white urn-shaped flowers. Flowering in late spring, this particular plant also produces white berries which are important food sources to the fauna of the region in mid-fall. The leaves, when chewed dry or mixed into a broth, are known to suppress hunger, though their bitter taste makes the consumption unpleasant.
Saparna, like many forest plants, thrives in open shade. These creeper vines sprout waxy leaves in early spring, soon after the changing of the watchtower, and they flower throughout summer. Like Salal, once the cream-colored flowers have died, a fruit is produced. About one inch in diameter, the pale berry can be used to promote digestion, although its main purpose is to be crushed to create a sweet, creamy scent and flavor.
Saskatan Trees are tall evergreen trees with scaly silver bark. Each branch contains clusters of tiny, spherical edible berries in a purplish black color. While they are edible, their taste is acidic and sour, and their juice stains lips and clothing, an indication of a natural dye. Branches are usually sturdy and slow to burn, while the bark has been known to ease sore throats when ground and made into tea.
Stint green can be found only in open areas, away from forests and shade. Growing in patches, the light yellow flowers are only half an inch tall. A very strong, tangy odor comes from the yearlong flowers. Their thin leaves have a minty flavor when chewed or made into tea, as well as containing properties promoting pain reduction and inflammation relief.
Thimbleroot bushes grow along forest edges rather than within their confines. Reaching a height of nearly five feet, Thimbleberry is recognized by its large, faded yellow five-pointed leaves. Pink flowers bloom in summer along with dome-shaped red fruits that resemble raspberries. They create beautiful, bright red dyes as well as a light and fruity flavor and essence.
A small flower with silky red petals in the shape of almonds, Valeriat has thick, strong stems and leaves. Unlike most plants on the isle, Valerian blooms in the middle of winter, though it is always protected by evergreen trees. It gives off nearly no scent, but the flower-head is often crushed and made into an oily broth to fight anxiety, panic attacks, and to induce sleep.
The Vian tree is an average sized tree among the flora of Konti Isle, standing about twenty feet. Its bark is colored pale blue, while its resin is silver and shimmers in the moonlight. In spring, the tree grows beautiful trumpet-shaped white flowers which turn into yellow round fruit of the size of a woman’s fist during summer. Its taste reminds most people of a subdued orange. More
White Willow Trees are found near any water source. They lean over the water, their branches drooping and causing a cascading effect from their faded green leaves. Per their name, White Willows have grayish white roots that are often harvested ground into a powder that amplifies the healing properties of other plants and herbs. It can also be brewed into a tonic to fight pain and fevers.
Yellow Nettle is a thin, sharp plant with serrated leaves. It is delicate and short, growing only two inches above ground. It is generally a champagne color, and it is often found in the middle of open fields. The needles are eaten primarily for detoxification, increasing sweat and other secretion, though it can also be made into a paste and applied directly to skin for its numbing properties.

In water

Ami is a slender, underwater, reed-like plant with rounded filaments. If held up to the light, a net-like pattern appears throughout the frame of the plant. Although Ami’s color is actually brown, ff one views it in its natural habitat at the bottom of the sea, a purple-blue gloss coats it. This gloss is slimy and foul-tasting, and it is produced to discourage predators from preying on the filaments. It mainly inhabits the rocks of a shoal or a beach, just beyond the lowest tide point. Its gloss is often harvested to enhance artwork. Ingestion is not recommended as the plant's spines are difficult to remove and can cut the soft tissue inside a person's throat if left intact.
Anthozoa, also known as sea corals, have over fifty different varieties, ranging in colors, shapes, and habitats. They are all, however, found underneath the waters surrounding Konti Isle and Charbosi. Comparable to rainforests, sea corals provide habitation for many other natural plants and underwater creatures. They can be used as nutrition for these underwater creatures, while also substituting as protection and homes for these same organisms.
Chali is a lovely flowering plant, though most of the plant itself is submerged. It can be divided into three distinct parts: the flower, the stem, and the pad. The pad is large and round, and it is connected to the flower by the stem. Its main purpose is collect nutrients from the environment to take directly through the stem to the roots. The Chali flower is usually violet-blue in color with reddish edges, but some varieties in other parts of Mizahar have white, purple, or fuchsia-colored flowers depending on the temperature and nutrients available. It has approximately fifteen petals with an angular appearance, thereby making the flower itself look star-shaped from above. Its uses vary, as it is a plant with many properties. The most common use, of course, is aromatic. Chali flower is strongly scented, with a mildly spicy aroma. Drying the plant and making it into a tea creates a light sedative, while burning the stem and inhaling the smoke boosts a feeling of tranquility and peace. They are incredibly common on the Isle, and most often found in many of the ponds and lakes.
Elodea is a weed that lives entirely underwater with the exception of small white flowers that bloom at the surface and are attached to the plant by delicate stalks. It produces winter buds from the stem tips that live on the bottom of slow-flowing rivers or lakes. In the fall, leafy stalks will detach from the parent plant, float away, root, and start new plants. This plant attracts a wealth of amphibians and fresh fish, which makes them a useful tool for fishermen. Eating the plant itself often results in chest pain.
Gorgonian Whips are fragile corals that are most often seen in shallow water. Each branch contains countless coral polyps (which are small tubes fringed with tentacles) that are responsible for bringing in food. When harvested and dried, they can be made into paste that opens the pores and clears any blemishes from a person’s face. Ingestion of the branches, however, irritates the bowels.
Hygrophila plants are long, square, submersed stems that grow primarily at the edge of streams, rivers, and lakes. These stems grow to six feet long, and their leaves are opposite on the stem. Leaves are small and flat, reaching out from beneath the slow-moving water to collect sunlight. During both the fall and winter seasons, Hygrophila flowers sprout and are bluish-white to white, and each flower has two lips. These plants are inedible to humans, but they are often used by local species of frog to provide camouflage and shelter for their young as they grow.
Isotete are mostly aquatic or semi-aquatic plants that live in clear ponds and slow-moving streams, though several also grow on wet ground near water sources. Isotete leaves are hollow and quill-like, arising from a central cone. Each leaf is narrow, and they are evergreen in the White Isle climate. They absorb more water than light, turning them a darker color than most of the White Isle plant life, including the other water plants. Their quills are harvested their salty, tangy essence which is most often used in flavoring.
Kelp is a type of brown algae that can appear anywhere from the water’s surface to the bottom of the ocean. Growing among many of the corals surrounding the Isle, kelp creates an forest-like environment in the still water, and variety of sea life makes its home in the protein-rich strands. It is often eaten as an addition to many seafood dishes that are customary on Konti Isle.
Because of its size and complex structure, Muskgrass may look like a plant that would produce flowers and seeds. However, it is actually form of algae. Muskgrass grows attached to the bottoms of ponds, lakes, and rivers around Konti Isle, sometimes forming underwater meadows that look soft to the touch. Muskgrass is named for its strong musky odor that often reminds people of garlic. This algae has no true "leaves", only branches, and despite appearances, it is relatively rough to the touch. It is often harvested, not to be eaten, but for its ability to keep rodents away from homes. Placing a dried version of the odorous plant at the outside corners of a house has been found to significantly reduce the number of rodents and insects entering the premises.
The Phora Tree is one of the only species of tree adapted to live entirely under the water. It is found near the coast of the White Isle, usually by the pure white, bare branches that stick up from beneath the waves. They are huge trees, some reaching the height of a large cliff, and by far the biggest trees native to Konti Isle. Their roots grip the sedimentary bottom of the sea surrounding the island, and stretch sometimes for miles. This, unfortunately, means groves of Phora Trees are unlikely to be found. They do not grow leaves, though they do produce a fruit once in their lifetime: a tiny, white globule of flesh surrounding a multitude of seeds. Because the Phora trees are a habitat for many of exotic species of fish and sea life that live among the roots and branches of the trees, they have little to worry about in terms of propagation. One of the many species of sealife will invariably eat the fruit and the seeds will then be expelled to fall to the bottom of the sea floor.
Plumose Anemone can grow as high as three feet tall and thrives in the cooler water at the bottom of the ocean. It is also occasionally found within the underwater caves in Silver Lake. Plumose Anemone are a luminescent white color, although they rarely see any light from the sun. While the soft pouf at the top looks like a nice place to touch, those tentacles are the Plumose's primary tool for stinging and catching prey. While they are relatively harmless to Konti and Choroda, they do cause skin irritation, and eating the anemone in any form can cause serious health issues.
Soft Coral are feathery corals that bind together to create a bouquet of brightly colored sea life. They are not as soft as they appear, having eight smaller pieces that branch off of each main tube to give the downy appearance. Soft Coral are tall, often combining into long reefs. These are the primary homes of fish and sea life surrounding the White Isle. Though they may appear inviting, not all of the creatures living in and around them are friendly so caution is advised when approaching.
Sun Coral are a species of coral that don't require much sunlight at all: They can get the energy they need by feeding on plankton, and therefore make their homes in caves and other dark, underwater spaces, just like the Plumose. They are often brightly colored and easy to spot, known for their decorative value, and are often home to the miniature seahorses found around the coast.
Vallis is a submersed plant that spreads by runners, sometimes forming tall underwater meadows. It is commonly found growing at the bottom of Silver Lake and streams throughout the White Isle. It has single white flowers that bloom all year and can reach the water surface on very long stalks. The leaves from this plant arise in clusters from their roots. They are about one inch wide and can be several feet tall. They also have rounded tips, and defined raised veins. Vallis fruit is a banana-like capsule having many tiny seeds. These seeds, while not dangerous, have little benefit to the Konti. The fruit itself is fairly mushy and foul tasting, though it has been found to calm teething babies when smoothed liberally onto their gums, most likely because of a mild numbing property.