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Jungle Fever - Roleplay Lore
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Jungle Fever

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A dicing game famous in Syka.

Jungle Fever is a traditional Syka game invented by none other than Stu. Found at the bar and available to any that want it, is a bottle containing a rolled up page with the rules written on one side and the dares on the other, as well as a 20 sided dice. The only rule to those who wish to borrow the bottle and its contents is that they return it to the Tidepool Bar when done.


  1. Players take turns rolling a dice, adding up their personal rolls.
  2. Each number corresponds to a specific dare and can only be rolled once, in the case of a double, the player ignores the roll and rolls again until they get an unrolled number.
  3. If a player refuses or fails a dare, they roll again, adding both rolls to their total. Repeat until player successfully completes a dare.
  4. The game ends once all 20 numbers have been rolled or the players decide to end it.
  5. The winner(the Jungle King) is whoever has the lowest total when the game ends.
  6. The Jungle King then gets to choose one dare(from the list) for all the losing players to do.
  7. In the case of a tie for King, the players take turns rolling dares, both doing them until one fails. The remaining player is then the The Jungle King.

The Dares

  1. Strip and dive into the ocean.
  2. Climb a tree and pick a coconut
  3. Get buried in the sand until your next turn
  4. Do 3 cartwheels in a row
  5. Spin a bottle, kiss the player it points to
  6. Dance with no music for 1 chime
  7. Spin a bottle, serenade the player it points to
  8. Do push ups until you falter(0 fails)
  9. Spin a bottle, switch clothes with the player it points to
  10. Act like an animal of the groups choosing for 1 chime
  11. Eat a handful of beach sand
  12. Cuss at the top of your lungs
  13. Spin a bottle, sit on the lap of the player it points to until your next turn
  14. While blindfolded, take a bite of a food and guess what it is
  15. Spin a bottle, be spanked by the player it points to
  16. Don’t look. Find a shell thrown by another player
  17. Pretend to swim on the sand
  18. Spin a bottle, massage the player it points to until your next turn
  19. Play the rest of the game naked
  20. Dare decided by other players.