From Mizahar Lore
Gnosis | |
![]() Money is the Root of Everything! | |
Granted by | Xyna |
Positive marks | Mathematical Aptitude, Trending, Minting |
Negative marks | None |
Pos. mark appearance | Ring of coins |
Neg. mark appearance | None |
Mark location | Neck or Wrist |
First mark | Display of Superior Business Sense |
Champion | None Yet |
Contents |
Xyna, Goddess of Trade, Commerce and Money, is responsible for the entire concept of exchanging something for something else. From this most basic of concepts established long before human memory could fathom, various systems of trade evolved. Though most of the formal systems have all but vanished from the world, the concept of trade remains ever ingrained in the minds of most sentient beings; nobody gets something for nothing. It is this basic concept that continues after the Valterrian in the form of Minting, the gnosis Xyna grants to those most faithful. Her gnosis enables those she marks to further spread the idea of trade and commerce across the land. While she is most known for the establishment of the Mizahar GDP and the universal token of commerce, the Miza, Xyna's influence can be felt across the land with every instance of trade and commerce that takes place.
Those Xyna marks are responsible for maintaining a strong economic system wherever they operate. Her priests and priestesses create new money and keep it circulating freely and securely. They alone are responsible for creating the Miza and work to combat the creation of false coinage outside of the Miza Mint. These individuals also operate, either directly or indirectly, the operation of lending institutions within the cities of Mizahar. They ensure that those local economies are not disrupted by the lending of too much money or too little. Those who are marked and/or favored work to spread Xyna's influence through the operation of businesses of all shapes, sizes and types. These merchants encourage the exchange of money, goods and services in return for money, goods and services.
Mark Acquisition
Note: Minting cannot be taken as a starting gnosis.
Xyna is quite picky on who she blesses with her marks. As a goddess who gains power and influence with every act of trade and every instance of commerce, she can choose to be picky with marking her followers. In order to gain Xyna's attention in the first place, one must display a superior business sense. This normally takes the form of not only establishing a business but also a successful business. Anyone with a good or service to offer can sell it. Not everyone can turn that good or service into a strong, prosperous business. Said businesses usually involve a unique, profitable idea that becomes the core of the operation. That said, an idea is only part of the larger picture. One must be able to grow that idea into something greater than the idea itself. The simple flower-cart operator offering some pretty flowers picked from the side of the street won't gain Xyna's attention nor would the average blacksmith who crafts and sells simple tools and implements. If said individuals found a way to make their businesses stand out from all the rest in a way that influences the greater trade and commerce of the city, they would definitely gain Xyna's attention.
Xyna is also not one to answer prayers or requests for her mark; she outright ignores them intentionally. Only through superior displays of great business sense and a desire to contribute to the concept of strong trade, commerce and even the acquisition of wealth itself will bring Xyna to one's doorstep. When Xyna turns her attention to a specific person, she will often approach that person as a potential customer. She will then attempt to engage in commerce with the person using any number of different forms, attitudes and conduct. This is how she makes her final decision whether or not to mark the person who gained her attention. If she is pleased with the interaction, she will reveal her true self and grace the person with her mark.
For those who have already gained Xyna's first mark, pleasing her enough to gain her attention once more for a potential second mark usually involves much more effort. Xyna only grants second marks to those who have shown that they are capable of expanding their business knowledge and ability to more diverse avenues. The merchant or tradesman who becomes a central point within a city where one can go for a number of goods and services, who has, through their superior grasp on trade and commerce, become a leading influence within the city, would be one who would gain the sort of attention needed for a second mark. For these individuals, Xyna will often appear to them with a deal of sorts. These deals usually involve some sort of trade between Xyna and the character. The trade essentially involves the character receiving Xyna's second mark in exchange for a service performed. Such services can take many forms and may involve the removal of false or counterfeit coinage from the local economy, helping boost or support a struggling merchant, cripple or shutdown a bad-businessman or even establishing a trade route with another city or discovering a new type of good or service that would benefit the local economy in some way.
Xyna's third mark and with it being named a priest or priestess, means that the character has established themselves as the most influential business entity within the city and perhaps even the region. Through their wealth, business influence and general connection with trade, they have stood out as being one of if not the most powerful individual within the city. They are the one's that people come to for loans. They are the ones that influence or even decide what businesses may exist within a city (depending on the cities political climate). They are the ones who, with a single word or action, can direct the course of a city's economy. These individuals, through their actions, may cause Xyna to come to them once more with a grand offer. Where as with previous marks, Xyna offers some sort of trade, with her third mark, she has already decided to mark the character with no trade required. That is not to say that the mark is given for free however. The offer she presents is her third mark so long as the character can tangibly show how they will shape trade and commerce in the city in a way they haven't before.
The Champion of Xyna is quite rare as one hasn't been known since some time before the Valterrian. Such an individual would have influence over the economic strength of an entire region as well as no small amount of influence in surrounding regions before being named Champion. They would be the single most influential economic force anywhere. Their wealth would be unfathomable. It is unknown what all is entailed in gaining such a blessing from Xyna but the one who succeeds would be mighty indeed.
There is no such thing as being negatively marked by Xyna. Trade, Money and Commerce is itself, neutral. A thief who steals wealth from others will use that wealth to benefit themselves or someone else. This contributes to an economy. The rich, merchant class of Ravok who take advantage of those less fortunate than they and who walks on the backs of others to gain more money is still engaging in Commerce. The ruthless slave-master who sells people to other people against their will is still taking part in trade. Xyna seeks balance in all systems of trade and commerce. There will be those who may do things that could be considered bad when it comes to business and/or economies just as there are those who do good. Xyna does not punish. If she sees a problem, she relies on her followers to help support re-balancing.
Mark Appearance
Xyna's first mark appears as a tattoo of a single copper-rimmed miza either on the part of the neck/upper torso where a medallion may hang or on the top of the wrist. The miza is accompanied by a elaborate weave that either wraps around the wrist like a bracelet or around the neck like a necklace.
The second mark of Xyna, on the wrist, takes the form of a silver-rimmed miza an inch further up the arm from the first mark miza. Around the neck, a silver-rimmed miza appears an inch below the first mark miza. The elaborate weave of the band or necklace branches out to encircle the second mark miza.
The third mark appears as a gold-rimmed miza. On the wrist, it is located one inch up the arm from the second mark miza. The elaborate weave that forms the wrist-band grows extensively and forms a tattooed bracer around the lower arm. Around the neck, the gold-rimmed miza mark forms one inch above the first mark miza. The weaving around the first two marks and the neck, encircles the third mark and expands to form a prominent piece that covers the upper chest in extremely elaborate weaving with the three mizas displayed prominently.
The mark of Xyna's Champion becomes three-dimensional. The mizas look like freshly minted, top-quality specimens while the weave looks to be made of woven silver, gold and copper. Of course the 3-D mark CANNOT be removed as if it were real jewelry.
What does the Mark do?
Those who gain Xyna's first mark will find that they get with it a heightened affinity for the entire concept of trade in general and more specifically numbers and mathematics and how they relate to trade. The marked are able to complex mathematical computations in their mind at an alarming rate. They can look at a pile of coins and tell exactly how many are there at first sight. This extends to just about any form of counting where the total amount of anything viewed is known almost instantly. This also grants the equivalent of an Expert level in Mathematics which includes knowledge of geometry (shapes) and trigonometry (angles). This extends even further in that the mark allows the character to be able to judge distance with great accuracy thus aiding in establishing trade/supply routes and travel times. This ability filters into the operation of the individual's business. The marked, using their new uncanny knowledge of mathematics, is able to further streamline their business operation in a way that provides a greater overall profit. For marked business owners, they are able to increase their final income total by 20%. For example, if a marked business owner makes 10gm/day from their business, they gain an extra 2gm/day (20% of 10) for a total final income of 12gm/day.
The favored of Xyna; those with the second mark, understand the complexed equations on a greater scale. They are able to see the complex mathematical patterns present in city-wide economic systems and use those patterns for their own ends. They are able to look at an object, animate or inanimate, and know just the right position, angle, side or direction that, once moved in just the right way, will grant it the most favorable perception by others. The favored's designs allow structures to be built with the pinnacle of beauty. Their clothing can be worn such that it looks much more valuable and appealing to the eye than it may otherwise be. They know how to move as to look more welcoming and trusting. The contents of their businesses can be positioned for maximized notice by potential customers while making said items look more appealing than they may really be. This is all a matter of knowing what sells and does not actually change any properties of an item or the appearance of a person. The knowledge of patterns extends further into the favored's business dealings. The favored is able to manipulate the economy of a city to create trends. By Trending a specific good or service, the favored creates a buzz around said good or service such that people are more apt to purchase it. This doesn't force anything upon anyone but can influence those already predisposed to purchase (those with the funds to do so or existing interest in related items) to do so. This translates into the favored being able to feature a single, specific good or service in their place of business and gain increased profits from the trend they've created for it. A trended good or service will provide the favored with another 20% bonus to their final income due to the interest they've inspired in said good or service. At least one of the character's two job threads per season must revolve around the trended good or service.
The character may, once per season, create a trend within the city where their business is located for a single good or service. The trended good or service must be specific. For example, general swords could not be trended however a sword unique to the character and the character's business could be. Someone operating an inn couldn't trend their establishment in general but could trend their rooms by promoting certain unique qualities. A masseuse may trend a specific massage treatment while an herbalist may trend a specific herb such as rosemary. Trending may be communicated with the city's Storyteller to be included in the city's Seasonal Announcements or Calendar. The player must communicate with the Storyteller for this and must include a detailed description, hopefully with a snazzy picture, in their business location thread as well.
A Priest or Priestess baring the third mark of Xyna becomes a Trend themselves. What they wear, what they eat and drink, what they do, what they carry or use in their daily life becomes trendy to others. They become a walking advertisement without having to do anything extra. While this will not force someone else to do as the priest does, it will influence those who would otherwise lean toward interest in the things the priest does, wears or uses and maybe make them more likely to go out and spend money on the same things. The priest or priestess is also entrusted with the ability to Mint token currency. It is through this mark that the Miza Minters, the central Priesthood of Xyna, create Mizas; gold, silver and copper. The priest essentially imbues a miza or some other coin-like object with a bit of Xyna's divine power thus granting it perceived value. What this means for the priest on a smaller scale in their own everyday lives is that whatever lifestyle and associated living expense they choose, they are able to Mint enough coins to cover the cost. The minted coins can be specially crafted and personalized by the priest from gold, silver or copper or a semi-precious stone/gem. Each coin must be roughly the size of a miza and be more-or-less coin-shaped but otherwise may bare any other details the priest desires. The priest can keep these coins for general use or they may write them off for living expenses. Either way, a lifestyle must be chosen and the seasonal living expenses must be paid; the coins are not total freebies. Note that the certain skills may be required to craft the coins before being blessed; they don't just appear out of nowhere. Jewelcrafting, carving, sculpting, metalsmithing, blacksmithing, these are all skills that could be quite useful to the priest.
The Minting process is not an easy one. The actual physical construction of the miza is done by skilled jewelcrafters and metalsmiths, most of whom possess at least one or two marks from Xyna. Once the physical form of the miza is complete, it is passed on to a priest or priestess to be divinely enchanted. Each miza is infused with a bit of Xyna's divine power through prayer. Each individual miza must be prayed upon and offered to Xyna for her favor. One can imagine the time involved in blessing each and every miza that comes out of the Miza Mint.
The priest or priestess is also able to boost or hold back parts of a city economy. The priest can bless a single business once per Season granting it an additional 20% bonus to the business owners final income. Conversely, the priest could harm a business by imposing a 20% penalty to the business owners final income. Only one business can be positively affected once per season per year however at the same time another business can be negatively affected once per season per year; Xyna likes diversification. The idea behind this is that the priest or priestess has the responsibility of strengthening areas of the economy when it's needed while weakening other areas to maintain balance.
Xyna's Champion is second only to the Goddess in their knowledge and influence over Mizahar's combined economy. They are most often found leading the minters of the Miza Mint in Syliras. They also travel across Mizahar to address extreme economic concerns in various regions and cities. The champion's mark allows them to reach into a coin-purse and pull forth whatever coin amount they may require to purchase anything they may need (so long as said good or service exists in the area the Champion is in). The worries associated with money or more specifically, the lack thereof, are no longer a burden for the Champion. Unfortunately, this can present problems when one no longer finds pleasure or challenge in the acquisition of wealth and material goods; it is the price one pays for mastery over money and commerce. Their mark and status as Champion allows them to travel across great distances. The Champion need only hold up a single gold miza and stare at it for the briefest of moments before vanishing. The Champion is able to instinctively follow the path of money from one place to another. By looking at the coin in their hand, they can travel to anywhere else there exists a miza crafted at the Miza Mint or by one of the Priesthood. He or she will instantly reappear a few feet from the target miza.
The Champion has the ability to influence the entire economy of the city they are in with a single thought. They can instantaneously manipulate the mathematical equations and patterns that make up a city's economy such that they can boost the final income of every business in the city by 50% or conversely lower the final income of every business owner in the city by 50%. The idea here is that the Champion can tell whether a city economy has grown too over-inflated with a flood of too many mizas or whether the economy is lagging to the point of being in danger of failing. This boost or penalty can be placed upon a single city once per season.
Mark Progression
See above for more details.
Marked [Cursed] - 1 Gnosis Mark | |
Heightened grasp of Mathematical Equations, Business Streamlining. Income Boost. | |
Favored [Despised] - 2 Gnosis Marks | |
Understanding of Complexed Mathematical Patterns, Profitable Positioning, Trending. | |
Priest/Priestess [Adversary] - 3 Gnosis Marks | |
Personal Trending/Advertising, Minting, Boost or Penalize Businesses. | |
Champion [Nemesis] - 4 Gnosis Marks | |
Infinite Wealth, Travel via Coins, Boost or Penalize Entire City. |