From Mizahar Lore
![]() | "They live fast, high, and fiercely. I've never seen a people like them. And though they live so far away from civilization, it is well worth making the trip once a year to Wind Reach to see what they will trade. Their glasswork alone can make or break a trader's fortunes. If you can get a few apprentice bows or talons, then you will leave a wealthy man." - Talindav Atkins, Human Trader |
![]() The Eagleriders of Wind Reach | |
Height | 4'- 5'9" |
Weight | 100 - 200 lbs |
Lifespan | 60 - 80 years |
Major features | Pale skin, sometimes freckled, green or blue or gold eyes, auburn or red hair. |
Population | 2,000 mainly in Kalea |
Most common in | Wind Reach |
Reputation | Falconers and Archers - Eagle Riders |
Racial gods | Varies |
Racial bonus | +10 Falconry or +10 Weapon: (any one Bow of choice), or + 10 Glassworking |
The Inarta are the fiery haired people of northwestern Kalea who make falconry and the riding of giant eagles an art form. Renowned glass artists and archers, the Inarta live in isolation in the warm stony walls of Mount Skyinarta in their city known to outsiders as Wind Reach. They are a passionate people who speak their mind and know themselves intimately. They move fluidly between their castes based solely on their own merit, not on their bloodlines or associations. There are, perhaps, no more straight forward people in the world than the Inarta. And yet, they are a haunted people. For there are mysteries in their lives that they recognize are there but cannot, by their very nature, comprehend. These lingering questions and gaps in their understanding of the world often drive them to greater heights of ingenuity and determination in their day to day survival. They are truly a unique people - for they exist where no one else could and do so in a wholly unique way.
Contents |
The Inarta truly have no 'history' as many cultures know it. Unlike the Drykas who can trace their ancestry back thousands of years far beyond the epic events of the Valterrian, the Inarta cannot. They simply did not exist pre-Valterrian. The name Inarta means 'Risen' or 'To Rise' in the Old Tongue. Initially they were the Orika, a subset of the Suvan Nation, that had very little actual contact with Emperor Galifer Odalah and the mighty city of Suva. The Orika were always known for their falconry and their absolute love of the sky. The northern Kalea region was well known for its vast amounts of hawks, falcons, eagles and owls. These birds were all but worshiped by the Orika and treated as family. The Orika were so strongly bonded to these birds that they themselves were almost birds in truth. Zulrav, Syna and Leth were popular deities to these people as well. So when the ground started shaking and the world in the far east erupted with destruction - they assumed they would be untouched due to their distance. They were wrong. Though they were far away and uninvolved, the battle came straight to them. And when the war of the gods came and those gods beloved to them asked for their help, they readily agreed. No one, not even the Inarta, remember what was asked of the Orika. Their favorite among the deities, Sylir, used the last of his strength to bind the Orika into a tangled web that none have been able to unweave since. Half their strong population died, and through the quick actions of the goddess Caiyha, those dead rose again in the form of mighty eagles. They rose just in time too, for the mountains shook and Mt. Skyinarta was born as well.
No one knows why exactly - no one, perhaps, but the Gods themselves. The whole word, including the volcano's name (Skyinarta), means to rise and fall. The Orika gained wings they'd always wanted and shed the burdens of their former lives as the Suvan nation died around them. It is said because their hearts were so big, and their sacrifice for Sylir so enormous, that they were reborn incredibly large as well - becoming the Wind Eagles and absolutely refusing to leave their former people. The Goddess not only granted them access to the sky, but gave them dominion over it as well. So to this day both eagles and the people of the Inarta live together. Without the birds, the simple truth is the Inarta would starve. And without the Inarta, the Wind Eagles would die of loneliness for their kind are incredibly social and dependent upon scholarly interaction to thrive. And it is said to this day that Wind Reach holds a secret that the Inarta know but cannot remember.
The eagles themselves came to be known as Wind Eagles and hold at least as much intelligence as the Inarta people themselves. These eagles can speak with a form of telepathy that is as clear as a human speaker. Most Wind Eagles know only Nari however. Very few ever learn common, though it is possible they can speak the language if taught its intricacies.
Even though the Inarta are thoroughly human, they do have some special quirks as a culture, that makes them distinctive enough to be considered their very own sub race. These distinctions constitute physical, psychological, and magical parameters that will be described thoroughly below. They can, however, pass for normal humans in other cultures elsewhere easily enough.
Physical Appearance
The most distinctive feature about the Inarta tends to be their startling red hair. These people often have hair that ranges from red-black, to burgundy, to fiery red, and on into the realms of strawberry blond. Occasionally an Inarta is born with blond or black hair, but there are always incredibly deep highlights of red within these locks. Their eyes can range from blue, to green to a soft molten gold bordering on yellow around the pupils. It is said, among them, that those of the Inarta with yellow or golden eyes are closest to their Wind Eagles and have lived past lives as one. Otherwise, the Inarta tend to be among the smaller humans throughout Mizahar. Generally topping off no taller than 6'0", the Inarta are far more commonly found around 5'8" for the males and around 5'2" for the females. Throwbacks do occur, but it is rare to find them remaining in Wind Reach or thriving. Otherwise the Inarta are considered physically fit, hearty, and far more extreme temperature adapted than one might think.
The Inarta have two distinct styles of dress for the Chiet (Commoners) on up. They have a distinctive 'indoors' look and a distinctive 'outdoors' look. The indoors look almost always consists of a pair of Bryda which are loose flowing pants that often resemble skirts. The higher in rank an Inarta is, the more exquisite their Bryda can be - sometimes with beaded or metal strewn waistbands. Males prefer to go bare chested while females wear short halter tops called Vinati that leave their midriff bare. Vinati come in many styles - wrapping the neck, strapless, even tank-top like. Children under a certain age (and rank) generally tend to look alike for they simply wear Bryda and nothing more until the females start developing breasts. The Vinati are often decorated with glass beads or ornate pieces of metal which cause them to glitter and shine. In terms of footwear, the Inarta tend to go with low slung sandals or leather ankle boots with good solid tread since they normally are used to walking around on rough stone. The temperatures inside Mt. Skyinarta are often a very comfortable 70+ degrees (with temps soaring when the volcano starts acting up reaching well into the 90's in some places). Outside, however, there are permanent glaciers year round and temperatures that can plummet to well below freezing and stay there for the whole season. Outside the Inarta tend to wear long hooded overcoats called Katinu that are split up the back (for riding) and made from goat or mountain sheep skin turned inside out to keep themselves warm. Matching knee-length boots and mittens also accompany the outfit to keep the Inarta warm. They are great lovers of scarves for both their inside and outside wear - so often affection is shown by the gift of a highly decorated silk scarf for internal use while an unadorned by incredibly warm wool scarf may be presented for outside work.
Leatherworked bracers called Sontav, matching both bryda and vinati are often worn by the Chiet and ranks even higher. They allow the Inarta to conduct their falconry within the confines of the volcano or outside and keep their best birds with them. These Sontav act as a falconer's glove for they have a unique piece of leather that can be folded over the fist to protect the Inarta's fingers from sharp talons.
Dek, holding no rank, wear shapeless tunics called Lontev that reach just above their knees. They are often forced to go barefoot or wear thin soled sandals. Underthings are a luxury they usually don't have access too. And beings that none of their work takes them outside they often do not own or have access to Katinu which is a key factor to their ability to migrate out of Wind Reach.
Common Traits
The Inarta have no set style of haircut or techniques in braiding or showing it off. Long or short, they tend to hang ornamentation from tiny individual braids - mainly consisting of glassworked beads and blown animals (almost always birds). However, they aren't confined to long hair. The Inarta are slaves to trends in hairstyle within Mount Skyinarta and can be seen with both short hair, long hair, even shaved hair. Men can easily trim the sides and leave long ridges of hair along the crest of their head (mimicking some of their eagles' plumage), or hair can be trimmed back completely as in the case of most (though not all) of the Dek. However, there are no fixed hairstyles. The only common trait in Inarta hair is that they tend to have 'wraps' of fine silk or cloth ribbon or floss and braid a length of their hair. Then, they'll wrap this ribbon or cloth around the braid in colorful complex weaving until they reach the end of the braid. Then depending upon their rank, they will either have glass beads hung from the wrap or a raptor feather. Riders always tend to wear their own bird's tiny secondary feathers (which actually are the size of large eagle feathers). These feathers often are painted on as well, depicting scenes from Inarta life or animals from around Mt. Skyinarta and Bay.
The Inarta have an exorbitant fondness for piercings. While rarely is one found with a host of metal sprouting from ear lobes or noses, it is simply not uncommon to find each and every Inarta pieced in some way or another. Usually earrings are worn, but navel rings, nose rings, and even eyebrow rings can be considered common. Generally these are decorated with glass beads or are glass rings themselves. Often these rings are hung with painted feathers as well.
The Inarta are outspoken, blunt, forward thinkers. They do not engage in social niceties very well - meaning there is a noted lack of formality or ritual within Wind Reach. Their interaction with their birds have lead them to have forthright and direct dealings with people which have all but eliminated all the social intricacies similar to what the Eypharians or the Isur engage in. They are quick to laugh and come across by and large as intelligent, well managed individuals. They speak freely of their emotions, and are considered somewhat hot tempered to say the least. The most common cause of death in Wind Reach is not due to accidental falls but rather spontaneous knife fights or duels to uphold face or personal honor. They have a passion for physical contact and a lack of awareness of personal space or privacy. Family ties are not strong among the Inarta, especially among the Dek and their offspring, who often times have no idea which child was even theirs. This tends to lead somewhat to inadvertent inbreeding and closely related individuals among the lower class which can result in genetic diseases and physical inferiority.
The Inarta take a direct approach to life. They tend to be bold, adventuresome and can easily fall into the category of stupidly brave. There is a high mortality rate among young men who are often victims of youthful caste hazing or challenges that are too dangerous for their skill levels. They routinely love to repel and rock climb, so heights has never ever traditionally been a fear the subrace has been associated with. Hunting is a big sport among the Inarta, who do most of it along the coastlines of Thunder Bay where game is more plentiful than in the mountains. Young men often take it upon themselves to hunt large male walrus' for example to prove they are now men. Oddly enough, this tends to impress equally stupid young male wind eagles and can often amount to them garnering the attention of such a fledgling and acquiring a mount. Females are often far more careful and tend to survive their youth more easily.
Reproduction & Aging
Probably one of the most unique features of the Inarta is that they tend to produce multiple offspring in a single birthing event. Perhaps it is because life is hard on Mount Skyinarta or some divine intervention is causing them to repopulate faster than normal - whatever the cause - a single born offspring is rare. Mothers most often find themselves carrying twins and triplets. Birthweight is lower in general among the Inarta, but babies are not an uncommon thing among the Inner Warrens of Wind Reach. Strangely, whereas even among the normal population of Mizahar multiple birthings can be dangerous, the Inarta seem to suffer no such difficulty. Even having offspring of different races - such as the Akalak - the Inarta birthing stamina seems to shine through and provide no difficulty for these mothers. In almost every case of Akalak twins being born, an Inarta woman was the host female thus making the subrace much sought after in certain parts of the world.
Parenting is however, a challenge among the Inarta. Dek's often have no time to raise children, even though they are by and large the majority of the reproducing population in Wind Reach. This is due to their lack of status which makes them easy targets for sexual predation or recruitment as bedwarmers. If someone of higher rank seeks favors, the Dek are not allowed to say no in regards to anything - including physical attention. Many Dek's make it out of their caste via marrying above the Dek caste or impressing a skilled worker enough to earn an apprenticeship. Dek use whatever tools they have at hand - among which their looks and physical abilities can be powerful motivators. Once offspring are produced, they are treated according to who their parents are. By and large the vast majority of 'youth' come from the ranks of drudges and commoners. Most are byproducts of liaisons (either wanted or unwanted) from riders and artisans taking advantage of fair looking drudge women. Children stay with their parents (unless their parents are drudges and thus have no time to raise children) until they are eight years of age. If they are unable to be raised by their parents, they are then raised by commoners in large nurseries devoted to the task. At age eight, they are required to live in the youth section of the city under the supervision of commoners to learn to be independent. Classes at this point intensify and a youth is assigned to a caste by age fifteen based on their performance in training and academic studies. It is thought that by age fifteen any talent would have manifested and the child would be well on the way to becoming what he or she was meant to become. Artisans generally pick their apprentices from the youth anywhere from age ten on up depending on skill demonstrated. If a student has not showed any aptitude for important skills within Wind Reach by age fifteen, on their birthday they are assigned as a drudge and put to work. Some children are put into the drudge system earlier if it is evident prior that there is no way they will ever rise above the rank. If a Youth is not awarded an apprenticeship but is still intelligent and willing to learn, upon their fifteenth birthday the Valintar will assign them a 'position' among the commoners to work at for the rest of their life or until their circumstance changes.
While mortality is high among the Inarta, individuals do age and fall into an 'elder' category. Anyone over the age of fifty and a chiet caste or above is considered an Elder and may sit on the Council of Elders which advises the Council of Masters in Wind Reach. Dek do not sit on the elders' council as a rule - and their status does not change due to age. They will be worked until death or disease takes them because of their status. The Council of Elders has an Head Elder that is the direct advisor to the the Tavina (female) and the Tavinar (male) whom are the official leaders of Wind Reach. Sex has no dependency in terms of who is Head Elder. Head Elders are elected from the Council of Elders yearly.
Death comes to all ages in Wind Reach. When someone dies, there is a brief Departure Ceremony which acts as a funeral. Then, a Death Rider and his bird will deliver the corpse to the Tomb of the Fallen and drop it within the molten depths, thus sending the Inarta's spirit back into the mountains themselves. Dek are offered no departure ceremony or honors, though their corpses are disposed of in the Tomb of the Fallen.
Social Structure
Wind Reach is definitely divided into castes perhaps more so than any number of places that have social stratification. And while the memberships in these castes are firm, the ability to move from one to another is fluid. To rise in rank simply entails bettering ones life. If one does not have the ability to do so, perhaps because of physical or mental handicap, they remain frozen in their caste. Law in Wind Reach is fluid and incredibly dynamic as well, applying to one caste while not being applied to a second. Very simply put, unless you are the Valintar or one of the Tavina or Tavinar, you fall into the castes and have rank accordingly. Any caste above you has the right to tell you exactly what to do. The Endal are on top, the Dek are the bottom.
Endal - The Eagle Riders
The Endal hold the highest position in Inarta society. They provide the food and protection the city itself needs to survive. The vast majority of hunting is carried out by the eagle riders, so they often eat the best food, have the best quarters (the aeries) and enjoy the spoils of their lifestyle. Endal are often some of the most telepathic members of Wind Reach's society and tend to hold some of the highest intelligence and physical fitness as well. While they are incredibly gifted individuals, they also tend to have a strong sense of what is right and wrong, and aid the Valintar in their day to day duties. Among the riders, there are rankings as well. Flightleaders have more rank than a normal rider, while the oldest still fully functional mated pair of eagles and their riders have leadership over all of Wind Reach. This position is called The Tavina (female) and the Tavinar (male).
Avora - The Artisans
These are people with a trade skill that proves valuable to Wind Reach. These are the glassworkers, tanners, chefs, blacksmiths, and other artisans of the city. These individuals work set hours, contribute greatly to society, and have a voice in how the city is run on a day to day basis. They are respected, protected, and considered important for the smooth operation of the city. Laws apply to the artisans protecting them from drudges and commoners. They answer to riders and see to their needs first and foremost. Avora often pick the best of the best commoners and youth to teach their trades to. Very infrequently do they select drudges and elevate them. Oddly enough, hunting and hydroponics fall into the Artisan category as well.
Chiet - The Commoners
The Chiet are citizens of Wind Reach that have more status as youth and drudges but don't quite have a profession that elevates them to the level of artisan. They might mind the nursery or teach youth classes, or be trusted to copy or dust texts in the Enclave where a drudge would never be allowed. They are not ill treated, but they do tend to get the lesser quality living spaces and eat only after the riders and artisans have had their fill. It is from the commoner class that most artisans select their apprentices and most eagles choose their riders. So, in most cases, the commoner lifestyle is transitory. It is also to this class that riders fall if their eagles die and they become mountless. The spouses of riders who do not ride eagles and do not know a trade are often considered commoners. Unless married to a rider or artisan (in which case rank is borrowed), commoners have almost as little status as drudges, though both castes above them tend to treat them with respect. However, they understand where their livelihood comes from and will often not refuse a polite request for service or assistance via an artisan or rider. They also have full authority over youth and drudges.
Yasi - The Youth
By and large the vast majority of 'youth' come from the ranks of drudges and commoners. Most are byproducts of liaisons (either wanted or unwanted) from riders and artisans taking advantage of fair looking drudge women. Children stay with their parents (unless their parents are drudges and thus have no time to raise children) until they are eight years of age. If they are unable to be raised by their parents, they are then raised by commoners in large nursery devoted to the task. At age eight, they are required to live in the youth section of the city under the supervision of commoners to learn to be independent. Classes at this point intensify and a youth is caste by age fifteen based on their performance in training and academic studies. It is thought that by age fifteen any talent would have manifested and the child would be well on the way to becoming what he or she was meant to become. Artisans generally pick their apprentices from the youth anywhere from age ten on up depending on skill demonstrated. If a student has not showed any aptitude for important skills within Wind Reach by age fifteen, on their birthday they are assigned as a drudge and put to work. Some children are put into the drudge system earlier if it is evident prior that there is no way they will ever rise above the rank. If a Youth is not awarded an apprenticeship but is still intelligent and willing to learn, upon their fifteenth birthday the Valintar will assign them a 'position' among the commoners to work at for the rest of their life or until their circumstance changes.
Dek - The Drudges
This caste is the lowest of the low. They are unskilled, and hold no rank within Wind Reach. Many drudges have physical or mental ailments or diseases that make them unsuitable for other castes. There are no laws to determine how they are treated or such things as hours of work, food allocation, or where they can sleep. If a drudge isn't elevated out of their state quickly, their life expectancy is generally very short. Drudges do all the work no one else in Wind Reach wants to do. They clean hearths, wash pots, scrub stones, and are often victimized by higher caste members for they are not allowed to refuse service of any sort to someone of a higher caste. Conversely, most of the crime in Wind Reach is carried out by the Drudge Caste. Drudges can work their way out of their class by bonding with an eagle, marrying higher, or learning a skill or trade. They must do this, however, on their own free time of which they have very little. If they don't work themselves incredibly hard, they generally don't eat. Interestingly enough, drudges often have very few gifts in telepathy which is one of the reasons they are generally unable to bond with an eagle. Those mixblooded individuals that also have 'throwback' traits to purebred Inarta (meaning they lack red hair, abilities with birds, etc) are often automatically thrown into this caste and treated perhaps far worse than other cultures would treat their slaves.
Out of character note: Individuals wanting to join Wind Reach as an Avora should have at least competency in the skill necessary for their job. Those wishing to become Endal should write up an eagle and a bonding story which can be in the form of a flashback. Those seeking to become Dek must receive special permission. |
The Laws of the Inarta
Crime is not common in Wind Reach, but it does exist. Most of it comes in the form of theft. The most prominent type of theft is the stealing of food. The Inarta believe in capital punishment, but the punishment must fit the crime. Crimes such as stealing, especially of food, are often punished by the withholding of nourishment until the lesson is deemed learned.
- All birds are sacred. They are never to be mistreated or eaten. The Wind Eagles are the most sacred of the sacred and their word is law.
- Wind Reach exists and flourishes through the persistent labor of all. One must work to eat. If one does not work, they will not eat.
- Know your place - The caste system is to be respected. If you do not know your place, your place will be demonstrated to you.
- Mount Skyinarta is sacred. To live elsewhere is unthinkable - for Wind Reach needs all its citizens to survive and thrive.
- Outsiders must earn their place. Outside laws and outside traditions hold no power within Wind Reach or with the Inarta.
The Inarta speak Nari, the language of the Winds. Even the Wind Eagles speak Nari first and foremost, and only know Common if someone has taken the time to teach them or their rider has worked a lot on their language skills. Nari is a short clipped language that sounds a lot like the trill, whistles, and clicks of the Inarta's birds. It is difficult for outsiders to master though for some reason the Inarta pick it up like its as easy as walking or singing.
The Inarta rarely have anything but shorter, easier to say names. They do not keep surnames for the obvious reason that parentage isn't always easily determined. They tend not to take names out of nature like 'Rain' or 'Marble', and it is somewhat culturally taboo to have names like 'Wren' or 'Sparrow' or 'Raven' that relate to or depict birds. Otherwise, one or two syllable names are common, and so are pet names. The Inarta are often prone to changing their name as well, as they rise or fall in the caste system. In addition, Eagle Riders normally write their names or say them as Name (Eagle's name). So Endal Tavis rider of Ikavant would sign his name Tavis (Ikavant). So when spoken, the riders' often appear to have surnames 'Tavis Ikavant' even though Tavis is just honoring his mount by taking his name.
- Alori
- Uetea
- Chiniv
- Yantavi
- Vord
- Alecis
- Asaiva
- Lays
- Arila
- Tortiva
- Phaurd
- Sedele
- Enrid
- Eache
- Apola
- Vernta
- Ivesi
- Sheyrd
- Lyerd
- Maisa
- Rayt
- Nalivaka
- Kisa
- Ehati
Life in Wind Reach
Family life varies widely among the Inarta. There are no formal living arrangements or agreements like marriage. People do pair up in households (both males and females), though they tend to do so in terms of caste. Like caste often pairs with like caste or higher. Same sex relationships are not uncommon as well and called Zuvis (plural Zuvi). Members of the Dek cast do not often pair up unless another member of a higher caste takes a liking to a Dek and elevates them. Most Dek do not have living quarters as such, so cohabitation is impossible unless they are granted space by another caste's member. Children are kept with their parents (except the offspring of the Dek who are raised in communal nurseries) until they are eight years of age. They primarily live with their mothers, though in certain cases fathers can offer children shelter, if their parents are not still paired up. Parents frequently teach their offspring their trade skill or craft if they are an artisan. Chiet children often explore various places in Wind Reach, especially the Craft and Arms Galleries. Adults also tend to give children birds at a young age, so almost no Inarta youngster (even those raised in the communal nursery) go without learning Falconry or having a pet bird. There are no communal mews. Each individual keeps their birds in their own living space and cares for them like a falconer would. First birds often include bluejays and magpies, though the youth work up through crows and ravens until they get into the actual raptors themselves. Archery is also taught to almost every youngster as archers are invaluable and can often ride second seat on a tolerant rider's mount and help in hunts where arrows can be useful.
Children are also given duties - called Bendi - that places them throughout Wind Reach at various stages of their childhood. Each ten day they get a new bendi assignment. They get exposure to not only the kitchens, the glass furnaces, but the eagle aeries and beyond. They are even allowed to go out with the road crews and help clear snow. This gives them plenty of time to get out and explore the world around Wind Reach and decide what sort of career path they want to take. It also gives the eagles - both young and old - a chance to meet the children and decide who's most suitable to be seen again by their present and future chicks. It is not uncommon, however, for an eagle that has recently lost his rider, to pick a child whose bendi assignment is cleaning out the aeries almost immediately after a previous rider's death.
A child's performance at his or her bendi tasks also determines his placement caste-wise later in his or her life.
Everyday Life
The Inarta work hard. Their days are not dictated by sunrises and sunsets since activity goes on around the clock. Hunting is primarily carried out in the daylight hours (since eagles are diurnal). But when the eagles bring their kills into the volcano, the processing often goes on well into the night, especially if hunters are late getting back. Most of these more menial tasks fall to the Dek and Chiet classes. The artisans, with the sole exception of the Glassworkers, follow a more mundane schedule. Since Glassworks, a secondary and prominent trade within Mount Skyinarta is dependent upon the kilns heating and cooling day and night, that too makes the Arms Gallery a very busy cavern within the volcano. Food preparation, the serving of meals, cleaning, and working a trade all go on around the clock to support these prominent activities. All other denizens have a fixed schedule that generally follows the daylight hours. This would include the hydroponics, manufacturing, and Arms Gallery work.
Meals are served in shifts according to rank. Dek eat only twice a day and if they miss a meal time they will not be allowed more food until the next meal time rolls around. Other higher classes may eat upwards of three times a day (prepared meals) or cook their own food around the clock within the kitchens. This means that indeed certain places within Wind Reach are open at any hour on any day. Bathing is carried out in the evenings and after communal meals or activities that merit such work. Men and women bathe together, having no separate baths other than the Tisuma Baths. Eagle Riders have individual bathing chambers in their aeries and often make use of them with guests and family members alike.
The common currency in Wind Reach is a stamped piece of glass called the pinion. The Pinions are equivalent of the Gold Miza, though there are no 'lesser' forms or change. Most of the work in Wind Reach is done on the trade and barter system, however, with each citizen (even the Dek) being given a basic clothing allotment and (with the exception of the Dek) a place to sleep in the Commons. So, coin means very little in reality. Skill means everything conversely.
Weapons & Equipment
The Inarta as a people are incredibly talented archers. They must be in order to eat. Distance hunting is the only option when you dwell in a region where approach to prey on foot is incredibly difficult or nearly impossible. They have developed numerous hunting techniques that utilize eagles and ambush, of multiple sizes and species. Aerial hunting combines Wind Eagles and their riders, and often are subject to second seat riders carrying bows and firing from eagle back. Eagles can also drop ambush archers off on ridges and valleys where game is plentiful and return when the hunt is over.
In terms of weaponry though, the Inarta do have blacksmiths. They prefer bladed weapons, especially for duels, and most commonly a talon sword. Talon swords are long slim swords slightly related to khopesh's but slimmer and more flexible so they are easier to use in confined quarters. Talon swords can be dual wielded and make excellent additions to any Inarta's arsenal. They especially are useful in defending oneself and one's rank within the caste system itself.
The Inarta thrive in hardship. They live in a world where the road in and out is completely cut off for one or more seasons a year because of the snow. Their supplies are incredibly limited and they are dependent upon the weather and what they can grow within their volcano for food. Mount Skyinarta shelters them. It always has. The Inarta will claim the Mountain is a living, breathing thing full of spirit and infused with the essence of fire. They also believe the mountain itself, due to its volcanic nature, causes them to have a complete and utter inability to retain emotions via burying them. The Inarta normally feel they are quite emotionally expressive by nature, just like their beloved home. Outsiders will say that the Inarta are a volatile people, prone to sudden upwellings of ferocity or humor - capable of great emotions and deep insight.
While the Inarta are deeply devote when it comes to the worship of music or even the Sky, there is truly no set pantheon for them. Of note, however, is the fact that their understanding of divine lore does not include any mention of a God of Fire and Volcanism. They understand the Lore of the Valterrian to be a mysterious war between the Gods that ended up with a battle in the location of the current day Mount Skyinarta. If any of the Inarta - regardless of how disassociated from their people they are - are told of the Valterrian or the God of Fire Ivak, they will have forgotten the details of this telling and the knowledge therein as soon as the sun sets or rises (depending upon the time of day they are told). This is a geas on the entirety of the race. It is completely and utterly impossible - due to this geas - for anyone of the Inarta bloodline and most half-Inartas to retain this knowledge. It is for this reason that most fire and light is regarded by the Inarta as a gift from Priskil the lightbringer. The Inarta are, however, well versed in other deities and can actively worship them.
Active Inarta PCs
Endal | ||
![]() | Sira (Aidara) | Kelvic, Endal, Bonded to Aidara, |
Avora | ||
![]() | Azira | Hunter, Avora |
Chiet |
Dek |