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Irine Braklin

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Irine Braklin

Irine Braklin, Green Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron
Date of birth452 AV (aged 71)
Place of birthSyliras
TitleSergeant Knight
Gnosis marks

Irine Braklin is the Sergeant Knight for the 3rd Wing, Green Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron. She is stationed in Syliras, and patrols the Warehouse District.



Born to the prestigious Braklin family Irine has the natural grace and poise of a Konti, and a lithe body that has been honed from a young age for the Knighthood. Standing at 5' 4" puts her at about average height for a Konti, but still smaller than many would expect from a Knight. Her white hair, which falls midway down her back, frames a soft and smooth face that holds her violet eyes. The only marks upon her skin are her scales, the slightly glowing vortexes of Priskil's mark on the palm of her right hand, and swirling sigils of Rak'keli's mark on her collar bones and rising up the sides of her neck.

Most times Irine can be found wearing the light armor of the Knighthood, detailed with the Windoak on the chest and the Braklin family crest on her left shoulder, but even when not in armor she wears the two silver swords denoting her rank in a conspicuous location so all may know she is a Knight.


Among the Knighthood there are some who refer to Irine as "The Syliran Priskil", a title she denies, due to her personality being very similar to the Beacon of Hope. Modest and soft spoken, there are some who might feel her unfit to lead Knights as she does, but those under her command typically serve with an unwavering devotion drawn out by her polite and humble style of leading from the front. There is nothing that her Knights or Squires are asked to do that Irine either hasn't done, or is doing right alongside them. She treats each and every one of them as a close friend, and has been known to involve herself not only in their service to the Knighthood, but also in their personal lives as well. She does not push or force, but asks simply and politely for their service and work.

Even during her work patrolling the docks she prefers to ask politely first for a troublemaker to stop their actions, and will often only result to violence when in defense of herself or an innocent. Even when fighting she aims to only do as much damage as needed, and often uses her gift from Rak'keli to help assure that a vagrant will survive the wounds she gave them. She will kill only if she absolutely must, and even then it is with extreme reluctance and after every other effort has failed.

Aside from her devotion to the Knighthood Irine does have one other passion, and that is in providing for the health of the body. She has a plethora of folk remedies for pretty much any ill or trouble someone might have, and will eagerly share them with any who show a slight sign of interest. While most of these are valid and genuinely helpful there is the occasional one that has an unintended side effect or two.


Born to a first wing family of the Syliran Knights, bearing a gnosis mark from Rak'keli, many expected Irine to become a healer to the Knighthood. For many years Irine trained for just that, learning of simple remedies to help augment her healing, and swearing a healers oath to Rak'keli. Her two brothers, Akalak as their parents were a Konti/Akalak pairing, went through training and became Knights, and the three of them often saw each other during the early years of their service. At first Irine was satisfied with life, but as time went on her brothers started to give into their darker natures every now and again. They never let go and harmed an innocent, but there were more and more times where they would use excessive force on a criminal. When Irine tried to talk them into calming down and restraining themselves they simply laughed and told her she was too innocent and naive.

Determined to show her brothers that there was another way Irine became a Squire herself, and spent many nights contemplating how to pursue justice and safety for the innocent while still not resorting to excessive violence. One night, while she strolled through the Stone Gardens, she came upon an old widow standing in remembrance over the stone with her husband's name. Unaware this was the Goddess Priskil in disguise, Irine spent the whole night in friendly conversation with the woman, and it was only as the dawn broke that the Goddess revealed her true form. Marking Irine with her first Gnosis mark, Priskil encouraged the Konti to go and continue on her path, to bring hope to those who were afraid.

Irine did just as Priskil asked, and the remaining years of her time as a Squire passed with her using both her Healing and Luminance to help those Squires who were ill or had a flagging spirit. When Irine became a Knight she managed to finally convince her brothers as well, assisted by the light of Priskil, to curb their dark urges and reserve their killing blows only for those cases where no other option would work.

Irine herself continued to refuse to even harm more than absolutely needed, and spent years as a Knight without killing a soul. Her determine was tested fiercely one time while on patrol. She came across a man chasing a woman down, and the man was bound and determined that she die for her lack of faithfulness in their relationship. Irine's words could not sway him, and as the man caught the woman and prepared to slit her throat Irine did the only thing she could to save the woman and struck the man a grievous blow.

Devastated by the prospect of watching the man die, unable to be saved in time by Irine's lack of ability, she prayed desperately to Rak'keli, and the Goddess of healing answered. Granting Irine a second mark allowed the Konti Knight to save the man's life in time, and renewed Irene's hope to continue her quest to be a gentle, but unmovable, Knight. With her new determination Irine worked her way up in rank, and gathered a wing of like minded Knights. Together they all strive to protect what needs to be protected with as little force as possible.


Irine's Appearences
heightDancing Until DuskIrine steps in to sooth some flaring tempers
heightWatch Your StepA day patrolling and training with Xalet