A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

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Encompassing a vast wilderness filled with flora and fauna of immense proportions, the Northern Reaches include all the Talderian Forest north of the Suvan and stretch into the vast permanent tundra and ice fields outside Avanthal.

A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Montgomery Reinhardt on August 10th, 2011, 12:23 am

Timestamp: Summer 17, 511 AV
Location: Taldera (Nortern part of the Northern Reaches)

The night before had snowed heavily as it often did in the north, but tonight the snow was light, like a child's kiss. It was a crisp cool night, the few night creatures moved quietly. Most of the wildlife had settled down for the night, and not many a thing was stirring. This didn't mean there wasn't any danger, quite the opposite in fact. While most of the animals were asleep, it was time for the snow fox to make it's move.

The snow fox had been tracking its prey for two nights, starved and hungry, it had found a small deer that was weak. It wasn't the usual prey for a snow fox, who mainly dieted on smaller game, but this snow fox wasn't just any normal snow fox. The snow fox glided in and out of the trees, it's sense of smell leading it to the weakened animal. The deer had damaged it's leg in a local trap, but had escaped. It thought it was free, even though the fear was still in it's stench. The snow fox knew it had it's prey.

It darted through the trees and stopped on the edge of the clearing, the deer laying down quietly, it's ears perked up as it heard the little bit of sound, and the snow fox stopped moving. Both animals stood as if frozen in ice for a long while, a layer of snow covering both of them, causing the snow fox to feel a slight chill. The deer stood up slowly and walked over to a large pine tree, laid down beside it and moved it's head to another direction. The snow fox knew it was this time to strike.

The snow fox bounded out but was beaten by an arrow from out of no where peircing the deer's chest, piercing through the lungs and into the heart. The animal felt no pain. Before the snow fox could stop another arrow flew out and pierced it's eye socket, instantly killing it. In a matter of a few seconds, two animals lay dead, one prey, one predator. Both killed with one arrow. It was a feat for the man who fired them, he wasn't necessarily the best at archery, but he knew he was good to get so close.

Out of the woods stepped a small man dressed in hunter's hide, more practical with how it kept the man insulated than actually offering the man protection, he knew wasn't going to run into much trouble out here in the woods. He lowered his hood to reveal his white hair and cold blue eyes. He grinned at his work and lifted the snow fox up. His heart felt a small pang of guilt, to kill one of his own kind, but he knew it was survival of the fittest.

Monty whistled softly, and his horse, Elanor, came quietly out of the underbrush nearby. He removed his arrow from the snow fox, knowing that his shot would probably save his arrow, and in truth, it did. He then moved to the deer. As he pulled out his arrow, he knew that he could not salvage it. The tip was far too bent and the shaft was splintered. He threw it on the ground in anger, he didn't have enough money to be wasting arrows. He now had ninety nine left, it wasn't bad, but every arrow counted.

He began the grim work of skinning the deer, using his own eating knife, he began, very roughly, taking the skin off the deer. He sat for many moments, under the large tree he killed it at, removing the skin and some of the organs. He smelled the two snow foxes nearby, and he said quietly, "Come here, share my meal with me my brothers." The two snow foxes cautiously stepped forward towards the man, wary of this stranger that could speak their language.

They looked upon their fallen brother and then back at Monty, he nodded and the snow foxes grabbed up their dead brother and moved to the other side of the clearing, eating their fallen brother. They felt no shame scavenging and eating their own brother unlike the man, it made Monty slightly sad, but shook off his feelings and once more began skinning.

Soon, after an hour or so he began to feel the cold seeping in and he stood up, and went opened the saddle bag on Elanor's back. He kissed the horse softly on the mane and pulled out his steel and flint. He then proceeded to gather wood from nearby and clear out a small space. He then began to make a fire. In a few minutes the fire was going, and the snow foxes looked upon the man in curiosity.

Monty then placed a small rack over top the fire, then began cutting up and placing the meat upon the small rack. This behavior was normal of the humans that the snow foxes had seen. Monty however, began to strip naked, and this puzzled his snow fox companions, this definitely wasn't normal human behavior. After placing his clothes aside, he began to shift into his snow fox form, which startled the other snow foxes, while Elanor looked on as if it was a normal thing.

Monty turned towards the two snow foxes and said, "Come brothers, let us feast on this animal together." With those words the three snow foxes fell upon the deer carcass, now stripped of skin, and they soon devoured half the animal in thirty minutes. Soon, when the other two snow foxes had their fill, Monty shifted back, once again the snow foxes were startled, though slightly less this time. Monty replaced on his clothing, feeling the cold chill over his body.

He liked the cold, it felt like home to him. No matter how cold it got he felt safe, secure. There were not many things that dared brave the cold, especially up north. Only the bravest of men, the craftiest of animals, and creatures of the like dared to brave the North in conditions like this. To Monty, Taldera was the most beautiful part of the country.

After he finished placing on his clothes and armor, he returned to the meat that he left cooking on the frame and began eating that as well. Soon all the only the half eaten carcass remained. He picked it up, no where near as heavy as it was before, and threw it over his shoulder. He began trekking through the woods, with both snow foxes following in toe, and he deposited the body far from his camp ground.

He returned back into the clearing, sat against the tree, wrapped up in his fur cloak, and closed his eyes. He felt the snow foxes curl up next to him to help get warmth and Monty smiled slightly to himself. Elanor laid down beside them, all sharing the body heat. Monty soon drifted off to sleep, his hand upon his axe.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Renaria on August 13th, 2011, 6:56 pm

Renaria had been roaming for the entire day, and as the evening drew near, still she walked. The snow leopard padded through the tundra with ease, her large paws well adapted for the soft footing. She had travelled alone today – Atyvn was back in the Skyglow Hold at her insistence. She knew that she would be out into the night, and had managed to persuade him to stay back. She had felt his worrying through the Bond, but he knew she could take care of herself.

Earlier in the day she had satiated her slight hunger with a small hunt. The small leather pack strapped to the large cat’s back contained no food – she never took any out with her lest she attract something bigger than herself with its scent. She had found a rabbit in small clearing and after a short, uneventful stalking had pounced and fed.

She had then carried onwards, moving deeper into the trees. Clearings opened up here and there, but they were devoid of any creatures. She knew well enough to stay away from the oversized Talderan beasts, and the smaller ones had fled at the first signs the large cat was around.

The snow was deep and cold, but the leopard barely noticed. She was made for this weather; her whole being was attuned to it perfectly. Her fur, thick and soft kept her warm, it even covered the soft pads of her paws. Small ears, long thick tail and even her colouration were all designed to help her survive in the harsh conditions of Taldera.

As she moved fresh scents were picked up on the air. A canine had passed by recently, no more than a couple of Bells ago. Renaria paused, sniffing around, finding places where the scent was thicker. Yes, it was definitely canine. But it was not a wolf, of that she was sure. Silvy was a wolf, and this was nothing like her scent. It was curious, and the kelvic was interested. The only other canines she could think of were foxes or common dogs. But it didn’t smell like that fortune teller’s dogs either. Which left the fox.

On impulse, she decided to track it. Not hunt, just track. She moved stealthily through the woods, large paws barely making a sound as she stepped. Nostrils flared occasionally as she breathed in deeper, taking in the odd scent to ensure she was heading it the right direction.

As the scent of fox grew stronger, another smell joined it. The smell of meat. Immediately the cat grew hungry. It always happened, it was a natural reaction. All rational human thought left her, and she became completely leopard. The shift in her stance was one register; she lowered herself before continuing to stalk, and this time she was hunting.

It was not long before both scents mingled and became almost overpowering. However, as something came into view a little way off, a third smell joined it. Human. Lips pulled back over teeth and the faintest hiss escaped her. Closer and closer she crept. The human was asleep, two foxes and a horsesettled around him. If she had retained some of her human side, she may have wondered at why the two canids trusted this man enough. But she was a cat, a hunter, and she did not care.

She must have made a little noise, since the ears on one of the foxes pricked up, followed by the opening of its eyes. It sprang up away from the man with a little snarl, and the leopard immediately retaliated with a loud hiss. This awoke the second fox, who also rose. The cat was much larger than both of them, and with another loud hiss they seemed to decide she was not worth fighting. The pair of them scurried away with flicks of their busy tails. The snow leopard turned to the man. If he had awoken and was preparing to attack her, then she would not hesitate to fight back.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Montgomery Reinhardt on August 13th, 2011, 7:26 pm

Monty had been having a dream of snow, like many of his dreams. He was prowling through an open field as a fox terrorizing all the small animals. He had killed many rabbits, groundhogs, and other small creatures. The snow came down light at first, not bothering him at all. But the snow got heavier and heavier, the flakes coming down soon got into his fur, causing him to shiver. For an unknown reason, he was forced to his human form. The cold soon started to eat away at him, his skin turning blue, his eyes freezing over. He had dropped down to one knee and he begged for whatever god to bring him warmth. The only thing that was given was more cold. Then, hail came down from the sky, and as soon as he was hit, he awoke with a start.

As he came to, he noticed that the snow foxes had got up, and were now staring at a large snow leopard, which caused alarm to move throughout his body, the snow fox side telling him to take flight, not to fight such a large predator. But the human side wouldn't allow it. He jumped to his feet suddenly, dodging behind a tree. He grabbed a branch overhead and hauled himself up, hoping that the foxes kept the snow leopard busy enough for a few moments. As soon as he found a nice sturdy branch he slowly placed his axe upon his belt, taking out his bow and knocking an arrow slowly.

As he pulled the arrow back, he could feel the tension in his arms and in the bow itself. He smiled slightly to himself and began to look around for the snow leopard. He spotted it, but he was unsure if it spotted him. He was about to let his arrow fly when he noticed how majestic this animal was, large and fierce. In Monty's eyes this animal was beautiful. Such predators had always fascinated the snow fox. He was a small hunter and a scavenger. He didn't have anything against that, but before his eyes was a killing machine.

He shifted to get a better look at the animal and he started to take in every detail, the spots, the teeth, the eyes. Wait... eyes? The eyes itself looked different than most snow leopards. They looked more... Human. It was at that Monty had a sneaking suspicion that this animal was a kelvic, not just any animal. That however meant nothing to him, as he trained the arrow on the snow leopard, and at the slightest moment he would shoot the creature, hopefully killing it. His horse had gotten up lazily and trotted off, not taking attention to the snow leopard. This only furthered the suspicion that it was a kelvic, which was the only time that Elanor would be so calm around such an animal. He waited to see if the animal had seen him, or if it would calm down. If it wanted food, he wouldn't be much, though that half eaten carcass a few ways off could be some good meat.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Balthrezan on August 13th, 2011, 10:12 pm

The North was usually very cold, but on this night, the breeze was calm, just calm enough so one would be able to retain ones warmth. Balthrezan could speak to the winds on the odd occasion and would politely command for them to stay at bay, this was his power, the mark of Zulrav granted it so. This was fortunate because the nature of the winds of the north, had the tendency to be cruel and unforgiving, brave warrior or not, all would perish in the intense cold that the winds of the north brought. However Balthrezan's plea to the winds made life, in the desolate place a little more hospitable.

Balthrezan had been here two days, training his mind and body with his sharp spear called Tempest. Tempest the cold iron ranseur, beautifully crafted and gilded in a thin layer of pure silver and gold was magnificent, the edges of the blade that dominated the top portion of the shaft was sharp enough to cut metal like butter, but still light enough to perform a dazzling array of moves, even at a length of 8ft.

Standing in a clearing just on the edge of the wood, Balthrezan was practicing with his spear. Grasping it loosely so the attacks would be more sudden and unpredictable, Balthrezan thrust infront of him, twisting the shaft slightly so the blade became harder to parry away. A swipe came next as the lead hand let the power of the back hand move down the shaft so all the force was placed at the blade edge. A fine blow it would of been if against an adversary, but alas all there was, was the serenely floating snowflakes, the bright moon, the frozen trees and the whispers of shadows to keep him company.

As peaceful as this area was, this was still no place to lower ones wit, there was several bigger and more fierce creatures in these woods, keeping ones composure in an environment was vital for survival, that and also keep ones self hidden, for Balthrezan the brightness of the moon was enough light to move around.

After the various thrusts and swipes with his spear, Balthrezan stabbed the spear into in lightly frosted earth and lifted up his hand. Taking off his thick leather glove, it revealed his ethereal, ghost like palm and fingers that retained the shape and structure of his hand. Small sparks of electricity skittered across the hand, producing a pain that was constant and unrelenting, but through the years, Balthrezan had gotten used to it. This was his punishment and his warning of using reimancy uncontrollably, however Balthrezan still continued to use it and practice with it whenever the opportunity arose and this was such an opportunity.

Setting his feet apart and firmly in the snow covered ground, he held up his palm with his fingers spread, towards a tree. Blocking out everything from his attention, he started to grit his teeth, then tense his muscles. After some concentration, a ethereal, gas-like orb started to appear just before his palm. Giving a slight grunt, electricity started to appear around the orb, then more electricity, until it was pure lightning, crackling with power.

Lifting up his hand in the in night-time air, with the ball of lightning still levitating in his palm. He gave it a strong, stern throw directly at the tree he was aiming at. Sizzling through the air, the ball missed the tree just by a few inches, still carrying on, the ball soon evaporated with large crack.

Falling to one knee, Balthrezan noticed he was bleeding by the nose as the droplets of blood were being absorbed by the white snow. This was the danger of Reimancy, overgiving was serious but luckily the consequences this time was minimum. With a headache he slowly stood back up using his nearby spear to propel himself onto his feet, until he notice what looked like a horse trotting off into the distance. Picking up his uniquely designed weapon, he slowly followed the horse with his spear, ready to investigate or if necessary, attack.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Renaria on August 14th, 2011, 12:19 am

The large feline had been so intent on the snow foxes that she had not noticed the human move nearby. Only when the two small canines had left did she turn. And he was gone. Her small, round ears flickered atop her head and she picked up light movement from above. The leopard slowly turned, raising its head so she could see into the branches.

She scanned the trees for a mere second before she found him. Her sharp eyesight zeroed in on his form, and the sharp arrow he had pointed at her. A low hiss escaped her jaws, but she avoided sudden movements. She could see the tension in the string, in his arm, and she knew instinctively that it was a shot to kill. She had to move.

However, the man paused, as did the cat. It was so strange, so unexpected, that some rational, human thoughts shoved their way forwards. He was analyzing her, that much she could tell. Was he searching for the best spot to impale his arrow? Or perhaps he was admiring her coat, wondering how many mizas he would get if he skinned her.

This was not the first time she had been faced with an arrow. She vividly remembered Atyvn pointing one at her the first time they had met. And now they were bonded. So it didn’t always have to mean death.

From the corner of her eye she saw the horse move, and her instincts kicked back in. With another hiss, this time louder, she launched herself at the tree. She reached it in a single bound and, extending her claws, she grasped the trunk with her forepaws. Climbing a tree was not the best way to escape a leopard. She rose onto her back legs, extending her reach further. The man was on a low branch, but it was still just out of her reach. After a failed swipe, she made to spring, which would hopefully help her up onto the branch with him.

Her muscles tensed as she prepared herself. Right at the moment she moved to jump, a loud cracking noise resounded through the trees. A yowl sounded from her, fear evident in its tones. It was not the arrow, they didn’t make those sounds. It had come from further off. Not even a second after the noise and the snow leopard had dropped off the trunk and raced round to the other side of it. The human would not be able to see her, though he would know where she was if he had been watching. Hopefully he too would have been distracted by the horrible sound.

Sensitive ears pricked up again and she could hear faint footsteps. There was another human around. The steps were measured and even, exactly like the steps of a man. A low growl sounded in her throat. If a second man appeared she would have two options, the options every wild animal had to face. Fight or flight. Her feline mindset could not comprehend a third option, the option of peace. Fear was evident in her eyes now, and if no harm came to her, perhaps her original curiosity would show its face again.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Montgomery Reinhardt on August 14th, 2011, 12:57 am

Monty jerked back when he saw the leopard lunge and he let the arrow fly, streaking straight towards the snow leopard. As it flew through the air it made a whistle and it flew by the snow leopard, missing by only a fraction. The arrow embedded itself into the ground with a thud, obvious of the power behind the composite bow, which would have killed, or at least mortally wound the snow leopard. He cursed silently under his breath and jumped up to another branch when he heard the sound.

It startled him, and he looked around suddenly, scanning the surrounding landscape in case he saw a new threat. For a moment, his fox told him to run, and he started to, but he caught himself, his human self in control just like his old master had taught him. In his shocked state, he forgot to keep his eyes on the snow leopard. Fear gripped his heart but he calmed it with quiet deep breathing. He placed his bow upon his back, knowing that it would be futile if the animal came any closer. He began taking of his clothes, placing them in a dry place in the tree. After they were all in a safe place, Monty jumped off the tree changing as he jumped. He landed on the ground in his snow fox form, much bigger than those other snow foxes, more lean muscle. He was probably slightly quicker and more maneuverable than the snow leopard, but he knew he had nothing on her power.

He smelled the crackle of energy in the air, the scent of the man and the snow leopard. He knew the general area where she was , but he wasn't one hundred percent sure. He moved quietly backwards, away from her stench with his eyes always looking in that direction. Fear ruled the snow fox, but the snow fox was not ruling the human. For months his master had trained him to let the human control, not the animal. The thought that the snow leopard could be a kelvic as well crossed his mind once more, and if so, it seemed as if this kelvic preferred its animal side over it's human side. This thought was different for Monty, for he had been taught to never give into your primal urges.

The horse was startled by the sound and began to run back to its master who it could smell. Elanor, the Frostmarch horse did not notice the other man that was behind it, for it was only afraid of the loud sound that could kill it. It ran fast and easily through the snow and eventually reached the clearing. It bounded up to it's master, now in his snow fox form and whinnied nervously. Monty knew the sound had startled the poor creature. He placed his head on its leg trying to show some comfort to the frightened animal. When Elanor calmed down slightly, Monty returned to looking the tree. He saw her tracks and he knew where she was. He waited for her to make the next move, all the while he was aware of the man closing in on their position.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Balthrezan on August 14th, 2011, 11:21 am

Treading carefully on the snow-covered ground, Balthrezan followed the horse quietly as it ran, not to give away his position. It was dark but the moon was its highest in the night-time sky, illuminating the area with its bright lunar rays, making it easier to see and stalk the horse even as it ran. Giving his hand a quick flick in the air, he commanded a gust of wind to follow the horse to find its destination, the breeze brushed against Balthrezan as it went to fulfill its business, giving off an cold that was common for this area.

Silently walking through the tree's with still his spear in hand, he pulled off his hood that was shadowing his bald head and purple runic tattoo's that littered the area around his eyes. Rubbing his head with his hand that was contained with thick leather, he scanned his surroundings. The tree's glittered as they had been covered in a thin layer of frost, the ground was covered in a soft snow that emitted a minor squeak when trodden upon and the air was still and lifeless.

Gaining the returning winds information that there was two animals fighting just ahead, a smile crept onto Balthrezan's face was his deep purple eyes glistened with excitement. Training out here in the bitter cold wilderness of the north with no one to talk to or no one to fight, for the most part only the sounds of his spear cutting the wind greeted him with a grin.
This solitude did play tricks on ones mind, after all a horse wouldn't be able to survive out here on its own, the small layers of grass that would have been here, would have been deeply encrusted under countless nights of snow and ice and its coat would be not thick enough to bear the brunt of a cold night.

Upon reaching another clearly, he sighted two animals, one a snow fox and one a snow leopard, from the looks of it fighting over scraps of someones kill.
Kneeling down next to a tree at the opposite side of the area, with his spear placed on the ground beside him, he watched, ready to strike down either that threatened him.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Frost on August 16th, 2011, 12:12 am

White paws padded silently through the snow as the sleek wolf that was Frost crept through the frozen trees of Morwen's domain. The triangular ears of the arctic wolf turned, catching sounds too faint for normal humans. Ice blue eyes bore an intelligence that was both beast and human. Cold instinct and knowledge glimmered out of eyes the exact color of frozen water.

The young she-wolf didn't hunt alone these days. She had taken up residence in Avanthal and had been spending so much time trying to assimilate herself into a human society. She had required a reprieve, however, and had escaped the quiet city to stalk prey.

As she had hunted, hunger growing in her belly, she heard the sounds of an angry cat. Immediately Frost dropped to her belly, her fur matching the snow around her, and her black nose twitched as she inhaled the cold air, catching a jumble of scents that could only be compared to what she assumed was a zoo. A big cat scent, several fellow canine scents, and a few man scents. A horse was near, and fresh meat made her nose twitch even more furiously. Her body slunk more through the snow, carving a path as she made her way forward.

Eyes gleamed in feral intensity as the wolf kelvic found a man ahead of her, trailing a horse. She licked her lips, salivitating from thought of the meat she could gain from such a successful hunt. It wasn't like they had seen her anyway. And she was downwind. An added bonus for any hunters. Every gust of wind brought with her a scent of her prey. Her human nature was swallowed by her wolf nature. She was raised a wolf, and like this she was a wolf. A hunting pack animal with the colouration of pure, untouched snow and frozen water.

She stopped dead at seeing the battle in the clearing, and her human nature won over her beast one. Curiosity paused her hunting and she couldn't help but sit back on her rear in the shadow of the tree not far from the human to watch the dispute. It wasn't every day a fox and a leopard fought, and the wolf could enjoy the remains of the loser either before the fox or after the leopard. She kept half her attention on the human as well. She didn't want to get killed for her fur. Some humans found her pelt lovely.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Balthrezan on August 17th, 2011, 5:58 pm

The air was peacefully quiet, even with the commotion going on with the leopard and the fox. The glittering snowflakes, silently flew down with such elegance, that it was rare to find anywhere else in Mizahar, the smoldering sand of Eyktol or the grandeur of the windswept peaks of Kalea, in Balthrezan's opinion, could not compare to the elegance and serenity of Taldera's icy northlands.

Balthrezan did infact notice the arctic wolf, not far from his position, it also seemed that it stood its ground and was curious of the outcome of the little scrap between the two beasts as much as him. Such a beautiful creature it was, fur as white as the purest snow and as soft as the lightest cold. Gorgeous as it was, Balthrezan couldn't allow such awe to distract him, this beast had the potential to kill him and if it had another members of its pack nearby then, there wasn't another outcome, if a conflict did arise.

Balthrezan put one hand on his uniquely designed spear, just encase either of them caught his scent and tried something, like ripping his throat out. Balthrezan didn't fancy becoming a meal at the age he was, he had many things to accomplish. However even though the outward appearance of all three animals was wild and fierce, he noticed that all of them showed common traits, restraint and humanity.

Balthrezan knew that the beasts and even himself, were all showing some kind of respect. The fox.. admiring the power of the leopard. The leopard.. admiring the speed of the fox. The wolf.. admiring the courage of the two and himself, admiring the beauty of the wolf. They seemed to be human in personality but animal in appearance.

Continuing to look between the three beasts, Balthrezan continued to kneel there.. gazing with encouraged curiosity.
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A Night in the Snow (OPEN)

Postby Renaria on August 17th, 2011, 6:28 pm

OOCSorry it took me so long to post! Things have been crazy. I've tried to move things along a bit, since all you 3 are doing is sitting around :P
Almost immediately as she ducked around the tree, the scents in the air shifted. The smell of fox intensified and her sensitive ears flickered as a light crunching was heard. The man had jumped from the tree, that was certain, but it did not sound like a man that landed. More of the human shoved it’s was through into Renaria’s mind. Perhaps this man was one of her kin? It would explain why the foxes from earlier were calm with him. Maybe he was truly one of them?

Still she listened, for both the fox-human and the source of the almighty cracking sound. She could hear slight shifts of snow, presumably from where the fox was moving. He was heading away from her. The horse she had seen earlier returned through the trees ahead, moving at a quick pace. It made a beeline for something the leopard couldn’t see, and with that it told her exactly where this man-fox was. Not that she had any more plans to kill it. Not now she knew he was like her.

The crunching of more footsteps could be heard, and this time they really were human. Rounded ears swivelled atop her head and she located the new human also. His scent was coming from ahead of the two kelvic, and he seemed to have stopped. Perhaps he was watching them? It appeared that the three were locked in a game, a waiting game. None of them had made any move. Not yet anyway. Renaria knew she wouldn’t hurt her fellow kelvic, but if the man concealed by trees made a motion to harm either one of them, she would try and make sure it was the last thing he did.

The great leopard was about to move round to where the fox was when new steps sounded. Sapphire eyes flickered round the trees, and she caught a glimmer of white in one’s shadow. It was a canine, seemingly a wolf, the same as one of her kelvic friends. She looked directly at it, evaluating the creature. If it were a normal wolf, it would have turned tail and fled. If it were a normal wolf, it would not be alone. Another kelvic? She wasn’t sure this time, but it was a possibility.

Nobody but the wolf could see her, hidden behind the tree as she was, though Renaria knew that both the man and the fox understood where she was stood. She took a single step back, and then another. Her large paws were all but silent on the snows; she had been built for exactly this terrain. Carefully, slowly, silently, she moved around the back of the tree, away from the human and the wolf. She stopped after a few paces when she was sure that the fox-man would be able to see her. The pair of them would be hidden from view from both of the watchers.

She lowered her head before the fox could notice her, making sure that her posture told him she would not attack. Her human side had pushed even closer to the surface, and it reflected clearly in her large azure gaze. If the fox was in fact the man like she assumed, he would easily be able to tell who she really was. Kelvic. The snow leopard was trying to communicate to him silently. She flicked her head in the direction of the human, and then again in the direction of the wolf. She was unsure if he had picked up on the other newcomer yet. They would have to try and do something if they were to get out of here unharmed.

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Joined roleplay: June 11th, 2011, 8:34 pm
Location: Avanthal
Race: Kelvic
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Medals: 2
Artist (1) Donor (1)

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