Aiven shook her head passively, "I wasn't worried. What's a little ink to me anyways." She turned herself back to her own target, starting to remove those arrows that had seemed to distract of from the tricky holes in the ground. She romved one of the arrows, and placed it back in it's holder. "A hunter?" She answered with out looking at the girl, finding herself quite busy with removing those stuck arrows. "A foot hunter now. But I have had my fair share of hunting encounters."
She removed the last arrows, and turned to the girl, keeping her thumb under the strap on her shoulder. "And you? You don't look like you're from around here. You are human...yes?" She smiled at the girl, "How long have you been in Windreach?" She spoke as she started back toward her spot, not letting a little flesh wound get in th eway of her practice, and looked back at the girl for a response, and to make sure she didn't think she was just leaving her in the middle of the conversation.