Horizon Currentgazer (WIP)

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Horizon Currentgazer (WIP)

Postby Horizon Currentgazer on August 19th, 2011, 10:16 pm

Male, 18
39th Day of Summer 493 AV

Fluent: Fratava
Basic: Common

wingspan: 6'4

Background story:
Horizon was born as a child of the Reefdodger pod. He was given the name Horizon because when he was just born he already turned his head towards the horizon. The bigger part of his childhood was quite a happy one. He grew up together with only his father Eagle, his mother Pearl, and their tavan a dolphin on a small Casinor. As a child he learned all the basic skills of the Svefra, like swimming, sailing and fishing.Horizon is a bit of a dreamer, often he can be seen staring across the endless waves of the sea.

When he was ten, on the end of spring 504 AV is live took a turn for the worse. After spending most of the spring navigating through the dangerous Middle Suvan They had finally reached the Southern Suvan. That night however suddenly a storm came on. That night Horizon lost all he had. Their ship sunk and he never found a trace of his parents or their tavan. Horizon drifted ashore on a small island. During his time on the island Horizon met a young albatross who seemed to have lost his parents as well. Quickly a strong bond grew between the two partners in misfortune. Horizon survived on the island by making a small shelter from wreckages and eating fish caught with a fishing rod that drifted ashore. After ten days he was found by the currentgazer pod and he stayed with them for a long time.

At first after he was saved Horizon was very quiet. He had difficulties adapting to the live on the big Palivar of the Currentgazers and getting over the loss of his parents. Horizon took on the family-name of the Currentgazers but never took the pods tattoo. With the years passing he grew more and more used to the life on the Palivar however when he turned 18 he deemed it time to leave and bought himself his own Casinor. With the albatross still by his side he now chases the horizon.

Physical Description:
Horizon has the blue eyes of the svefra. He is 6'2 long and has a slightly tanned skin. His hair reaches to his shoulders and has a brown colour that has slightly faded because of the sunlight. Spreading across both his shoulders he has a tattoo of an albatross.

Horizon is a bit quiet compared to other Svefra and is sometimes thought of as overly serious. This could partially be blamed on the dead of his parents but is also part of his nature. Horizon is a dreamer, he spends a lot of time looking at the skyline. This doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy company of other people, but he it does mean from time to time he'll grow a bit quiet while the other people around him are speaking.

Fishing rod (family heirloom)
Dagger (2 gm)
Sewing Kit (18 gm)
Bone dices (5 cm)
Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
eating knife
Flint & Steel
A Casinor

addition/subtractionnew totalreason
+100 gm100 gmstarting money
-20gm 5cm79gm 95cmstarting expanses

Sailing1710RB +7SP

Svefra culture
Horizon Currentgazer
Watching the horizon
Posts: 3
Words: 1272
Joined roleplay: August 18th, 2011, 2:42 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
Character sheet

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