[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~! (William Shadow)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~! (William Shadow)

Postby Dinnya on August 20th, 2011, 1:27 am

Time Stamp: Winter 28th, 510AV
Place: In the woods, a ways away outwards from the Whitevine holds residence.
Status: Closed to other players, only William Shadow please.

Okay, you can do this Dinnya, a small girl no more than four foot nine, warm winter furs snuggling into her small and childish figure, shielding her body from the cold. A white fluffy frayed hood hid her black hair and most of her coppery face, a definite contrast against the pure white color of the snow scenery around her. Hands gloved, she reached up for a low branch on a medium sized tree. The sound of snow crunching lightly under her feet, grasping the branch and trying to find a foothold on the trunk, pulling herself up. Her foot slips down, the sound of leather scraping against bark seemed to ring loudly through the air.

Looking around, Dinnyas heart was beating wildly at the thought of something dangerous and hungry having of heard the scraping noise. When nothing had appeared, as she thought there would have her heart slowed and her body relaxed. Lightly looking up at the trees branches, how am I going to scale this thing? Pondering how the others had done it, how.. How her brother had done it with such lith grace and ease. Her throat closed at the thought of Heran, a wave of tears threatened to break past a dammed wall as images of him falling backwards from a cliff entered her mind.

Wiping her eyes with a sleeve, Dinnya inhaled deep and hard as an attempt to keep the flood of tears from escaping. Pushing the thoughts of her older brother away and only focusing on what she had to. The problem at hand, trying to honor her dead brothers reputation by picking up his special skill- climbing. Again, Dinnya tightened her grip hard on the branch, finding a knot in the trees trunk and planting it firmly, or so she hoped it was firm against said knot. Pulling herself up again, the branch Dinnya held on to bent lightly from her weight, swinging her other arm around the trunk as an attempt to keep from sliding down again Dinnya pressed her face hard against the brown and cold bark of the tree. It stung lightly as her face rubbed against the course bark, as she slowly straightened her leg to stand against the knot her leg began to tremble and shake, making her balance uneasy as her nerves were being uncooperative.

Taking deep breaths, the white fog of Dinnyas breath came out in both long and short puffs of misty white air. Reaching up for a second branch, with the hand that was holding the first of the branches. Grasping it and pulling upwards again, Dinnya was maybe three to four feet up the tree. Shimmying the arm that was wrapped around the trunk upwards as she would reach for the next few branched. Dinnyas legs were now wrapped firmly but loose against the tree, shimmying her body upwards slowly, the light sounds of leather against tree coupled with the sound of snow falling off branches, birds singing their winter songs and the scamper of rabbits and deer. Although, Dinnya may be hearing these noises, but all she was really paying close attention to was climbing this dang tree.

Looking backwards to see just how far she had gotten, to Dinnya, it felt like it had been a million miles but in reality she was only up five feet in the tree. Dinnyas arms trembled lightly from the strain of holding onto the tree, not satsified at all with her accomplishment for having of even gotten that high up. She Pressed her face against the trunk again and slowly and carefully bringing her legs up while holding onto the branch with her hand. Pulling up as her breathing had become slightly uneven, a smile crossing her face as she began to inch her way up the tree. Even braving the chance of taking the arm wrapped around the trunk, away from it to reach for a branch from the other side.

Grabbing hold of it, not noticing the branch Dinnya had grabbed on to with her other hand was a tad bit dinky. As she pulled her weight up on it there was a loud 'snap.' With a surprised gasp Dinnya fell backwards while her legs had instinctively clamped tightly around the trunk. Big mistake, the momentum of her flip had caused her to flip down the trees trunk like a childrens slinky. 'Whack!' Dinnya's head connected with said trunk, making her release the block of wood from inbetween her thighs. Hitting the ground front first and hard with a loud 'thud' in the air, small snow mounds piling ontop of Dinnya's small body from the trees bushels of disturbed pine needles.

There was a shock of lightening to Dinnya's chest, or so it seemed. Her heart, her heart! It felt like it had stopped but at the same time jump around wildly in chest, trying to pound away at her flesh for air. Body curling up then suddenly writhing about as if Dinnya had been trying to restrain all the pain in her chest and back, her lungs, her heart, her head! She couldn't breath, it was as if the gods had stolen her breath and the ability to live. Dinnya herself pounded away at her chest from the outside, trying to beat the air into her lungs. How could she have gotten the wind knocked out of her just like that?

The pain was great enough to cause Dinnya's eyes to water like a overflowing fountain, hitting her chest a couple more times and willing herself to breath- forcing the air through her lungs painfully. Sucking in what seemed like bucket loads of air into her lungs, a sweet relief crossd over her body after the pain had subsided. Although, there was the beginning of a massive headache fumbling about Dinnya's head aimlessly. The adrenaline that had numbed most of the pain to her head was ebbing away. Thats going to be a killer headache, she groaned lightly at her stupidity. She was defently going to be a sore for the next few days.

What damage had been done, Dinnya didnt know, her limbs and body appeared to be fine, sore, but fine as she tested everything by slowly moving around, flipping onto her chest then back to her back, small pains shot around her back. Okay, pain is good, it's good, turning again to be on her back Dinnya let out a quiet and drawn out sigh as her head throbbed and seemed to burn lightly with a growing wetness on the back of her said noggin. Probaly just a small cut, Dinnya thought to herself as she slowly collected her bearings. Staring upwards into the sky, she wondered if she should get moving because of the possibility of a wild animal roaming around and picking up the scent of blood.

Maybe if she stayed still, then nothing would notice her till she was able to move around without much of a problem and get back home?
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[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~! (William Shadow)

Postby William Shadow on August 20th, 2011, 2:01 am

Solemn. Still. Calm. Will stood motionless in the freezing air of the north eyes closed hands in the pockets of his pants. Slow strides through frozen ground and across the snow leaving a trial behind him. Opening his eyes he had finished. Beneath him lie a giant glyph, one he would use to focus his power. Leting out a stream of breath turning to stream in the frozen air, it looked as if he was a man ablaze. His dark green eyes glared out bright and painful piercing all that he saw. His long loose brown hair flowed in the air as he took his form. Shifting the floor beneath him he focused his djed into the ground beneath him and made water ice slowly focusing himself atop it with frozen ice barges as he forze th whole circled glyph. Lifting one arm over his head and one to ht eside he took a sideways pose and swung an arm down fast and hard as he focused a line of djed along the edge halting his hand and sending out an explosion of ice spires.

Gliding his hand back the other way he sung his arm around again and along the edge of his hand and forearm, he formed a axe head of ice, melting them into water he let it set on the ice tablet beneath him. Almost instantly after he slammed his foot into the floor as he sent a wave of djed into it with his other, the slamming otion of his foot made a random plethora of ice spires towers shards and spikes shooting and streaming out of the ground. Smoothing his hands together and letting it loose again he turned the random scattered ice forest into forest of water letting it spill into the ground beneath the ice tablet. Thrusting punches forwards he shot spires of ice from his knuckles, launching towers of ice like they ware extensions of himself, which after all they were.

He parted his frozen lips his light beard adorned with snowflakes like it was studded with pearls. He spoke to himself in a language only he knew. holding his hands out in-front of him . Perfectly flat and perfectly paralel. he then swung his arms out and punched at the ice beneath him sanding it shooting into the earth at great speed, then. THUD. There was some one else here will could not see where but he knew. He scanned around with those piercing eyes of his. "Come out, NOW." His voice sounded colder and harsher than even the mightiest of winter storms. The scowling glare he wore was almost s vicious as his manner it'self.

The djed poured out of him, into the ground until a metallic taste rang in his mouth, Overgiven, damn. He cut his djed flow then and there as he looked around he sent the djed into an icy throne, as he sat in it, he awaited the intruders appearance...
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[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~! (William Shadow)

Postby Dinnya on August 20th, 2011, 3:13 am

"Come out, NOW" a male voice had rung authoritivly in the air. For a moment, Dinnya believed it had just been her mind playing tricks on her. But the sounds of ice were there, she looked to where the source of the voice had came. Unable to move, well, she could try but it was extremely painful to do so especially since the adrenaline had wore off. Moving slowly, Dinnya forced herself into a sitting posisition and taking in a short breath as the pain in her chest made it hard to attain air still. Having of hit the ground with her chest that hard was the reason for this problem she was having with her breathing, Dinnya expected this to be short term though if not longer than a few days.

Laying a small hand on her chest, she felt her heart race wildly while her other arm held her body up. Groaning, she piped up to whoever was nearby, hoping it wasn't anyone unfriendly. Dinnya's unused vocal cords made it hard for anything nearby to hear her "who are you stranger?" She asked this floating voice in common, the spin in her vision really not helping with her patience. Dinnyas movements were slow and careful as she turned her body to get on her knees. Hands on the ground, she began to push up from the ground with shaky limbs and stood up if not a little bit hunched over with her hand still holding her aching chest. As she breathed in quick spurts, the white fogged mist of her breath mingled about the air lightly.

Leaning against the tree with a arm holding her head, again Dinnya looked to where the source of the voice had been with her eyes "give me a minute, plea-.." voice cracking into nothingness, her vision had begun to swirl into a mass of color again. Feeling violently ill with this onslaught, she wondered if she had hit her head a little too hard. Dinnyas upper body slumped against the tree that she had just been trying to climb a few moments before, taking in short shallow breaths to try and level out her vision. The pain in the back of her head was making her feel loopy and tired, the exertion to move around was definitely making it worse.

When the rolling waves Dinnya's vision calmed and she could focus onto small things she reached a hand to feel around the back of her hood. Dinnya touched lightly where she had felt the wetness earlier and flinching as the burning pain in her skull had returned with crashing waves of imbalance. This was not the time to worry about this, when there was a stranger so close by and in the woods too to boot, why would he be in the woods.. Doesnt he know it's dangerous? But then again, why was Dinnya in the woods also? Looking at her gloved hand after her vision had settled again, relieved that it had only been a small bit of blood and not as much as she had believed she felt, just paranoia, sigh.

Slowly, Dinnya began to trudge to this stranger. If he's lost, I could give him directions to the hold and at the same time get myself home. Lifting each foot above the cold snow, it was only a hope, a simple hope, take the risk and hope for the best. If the best didnt happen, well there most likely wouldnt be a next time to do the correct thing.
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[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~! (William Shadow)

Postby William Shadow on August 20th, 2011, 3:15 pm

Walking over to the small girl, the soft snow crunching beneath his boots , his black outline silhouetted, against the white snow. Drawing close to the girl he watched her flail about lightly as if she was breathless, the green glaring scowl he wore coupled with his height must have made him seem like a demon to the girl. Drawing closer and closer he never flicked his gaze away from her untill he drew close enough to look at her features. The sight of a few drops of red snow caught his attention. As he watched the girl lift her hand to her head in pain he knew where it had come from. The cold air struck him hard as both a cold and icy wind and a sense of realization. Dropping down to one knee he glared into the girls eyes, hot breath jettisoned from his mouth and steamed. The smell of icy snow and blood filled the air as there was not much else.

The sound of a nearby town rang through the air as he listened, and his eyes spotted the trickle of blood from her neck. "Girl. Go home. Your hurt." the deep piercing green set in a black shadow against a white landscape. His gaze almost as lethal as he was, his black clothing rustled in the cold air and the metallic taste faded from his mouth as he rose slowly. As he rose he lifted the girl in his arms and carried her back to the town. Not a courtesy he'd offer for anyone. "Girl, Where's your house."

The crunching of snow getting lighter as he drew neared the town the lights glowing and gleaming in the darkness. Will was unphased by it all. Get the girl home, then i can return to training. The close cut whiskers and stubble that clung to his chin still caught snowflakes as they fell. The aura he gave off was cold and uncaring, with a large aura of intimidation. Many of the people he passed dimply waled well apart from him as he carried the girl into town. the glareing scowl never leaving his face as he looked on.
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[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~! (William Shadow)

Postby Dinnya on August 20th, 2011, 9:12 pm

Dinnya hadnt heard the mans footsteps, her head had been directing most of her attention to the throbbing burning sensation in her head. When the faint words fell on the wind, and the piercing gaze of another sent fear chills up her spine. Looking him straight in the face she paled at the sudden closeness, it was almost as if he had appeared out of nowhere. Falling backwards away from him to sit on the snow, her vision blacked lightly as her arse made contact with the ground. The numb feeling she usually felt before a black out, was what gave her the motivation to open her eyes. Looking straight at the man and into his frightening green eyes, he was tall and rather large in comparison to Dinnya even when he had knelt down to be at eye level with her she still felt rather small and helpless.

The man had told her to go home and inquired where she lived his voice uncaring and cold the same could be said for his eyes, shivers were spasming around her body from either fear of this man or from the cold- Dinnya hoped it was the latter as the idea of being seen as weak did not sit well with her. Dinnyas voice cracked, it was becoming a strain to even stay sitting up let alone reply with a stable voice "Wh-whitevine hold" if he had heard her, she didnt know. Have to stay awake, she thought desperately as her body seemed to float off the ground just randomly. It took her a few moments to realize that the man had picked her up as he moved to stand and begin walking, to where- Dinnya hoped it wasnt somewheres bad.

"H-hey what are" Dinnya started up, struggling lightly at being picked up like a doll "w-what are you doing?" This was unproductive though, as it had made her even more tired so she just leaned against him. He's cold.. Eyes shutting for a few moments as she listened to the noises around and in him, focusing on them as a odd energy came up to connect with his. Color exploded behind her eyelids like an aurora light of ice blues and dark almost black greens, feelings flooded her senses that were not of her own. Forcing her eyes open, the sensations ended and so did the indifference- Dinnyas body began to shiver constantly as if in shock, what the heck was all that about? Trying to shrink herself considerably, feeling as if her mind had been crushed lightly.

Not having of noticed they had entered the town, instead her attention was directed to staying awake and Dinnya knew that if she blacked out- something bad might happen. To prevent it, she looked upwards to the mans jaw and the sky past him, breathing very slowly- her pupils were dilated and the color that flashed around her irises was a fine gold with brown swirled into small spotted white patches, scattered black flecks almost like the desert sands to the far south that her father had talked so excitedly about every other night.
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[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~! (William Shadow)

Postby William Shadow on August 20th, 2011, 11:43 pm

Storming through the streets his scowl and glare roaring out. Following the signs to the whitevine hold. The black of his clothes a sore thumb in the middle of the colourful town. Breathing out raspy wisps of cold breath, the girl felt heavy in his arms by hat was because he lacked energy. He'd used a lot blasting out the djed training. He needed food if nothing else. Insomina had a firm grip over him, he didn't sleep much and didn't sleep often, which for him was a good thing. The dark eyes he had and the harsh green they held told a lot less than he was willing to say and he didn't say a lot.

As he reached the whitevine hole he kicked the gates too it. "There's a girl here, found her in the woods she's got a cut on the back of her head and she's not in the best of states. She says this is her home." Will glanced around as he awaited a reply of any sort if not he would freeze the wound and leave her there. He'd done his bit, now he really didnt care short of being fed.
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[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~! (William Shadow)

Postby Dinnya on September 3rd, 2011, 5:49 am

It was reality in a dream, or was this dream the reality? Dinnyas eyes were heavy like sacks of flour, body shivering lightly, the warning signs of sleep written all over her small body. The wound on the back of her head, throbbed still, burning just as bad as salt to a piece of meat. She thought to herself, am I home? It had to be, you never felt pain in these kind of dreams. Her body jerked lightly as she tried to wake herself up a little more, but that just made her head swirl even worse. What had been of the wound, was slowly closing up due to her hair matting together with the drying red liquid of her blood. It couldnt of been much, but maybe she had hit her head a little too hard on her topple down the trunk of the tree.

Through her slightly blurring vision, sleep coming on soon, a man dressed warmly in furs came up to her and the stranger. Pulling his hood down to reveal coppery skin, even more coppery than Dinnyas at present. His course hair had a few braids loosely on the side of his head, white face paint over his eyes and upper nasal made the pitch darkness, the blackness of this mans eyes stand out apart from his skin. Eyes strict, void of any joyful emotion with a look of aphrehension to the stranger holding Dinnya. Lips taut and spread thin, pride coiled around him naturally he looked between Dinnya and the stranger. If he had any accusative thing to say, he kept it to himself, maybe because he didnt know the whole story of the matter or maybe it was because of his prideful nature? Either way, he looked forboding.

The resemblance was evident, between this man and Dinnya. Jakar was a tall man, tall, and very dissapointed from the looks of it "you say you found her in the woods?" He questioned the stranger, his voice as irony as the metal copper color in his Chaktawe skin but very southern, an Ekytolian accent that seemed to cut a vanthas musical vocals down a notch or two. Whether people stayed away from the stranger carrying Dinnya or not, the younger of the onlookers eyed Dinnya with distaste, appearing to be a little older than her age group. Jakars voice cut in again, slightly strained but also relieved "many thanks for bringing her back," he started "my name is Jakar, I am husband to Yisali Whitevine and the father of Dinnya, the girl you happen to be holding in your arms as of now."

"Your name would be?" Her fathers arms raised lightly gesturing that he would take Dinnya off of the strangers hands now but the firm, prideful face remained intact "it is close to night, do you plan on staying here till morning?" Jakar asked with ease "stay for a night, rest, then decide what you want to do in the morning. As a way of showing my graditude, you are welcome to stay in my familys qaurters for the night if you wish." Dinnya was just barely grasping onto the conversation, her mind and body were thouroughly exhausted. All she wanted to do was be in a warm bed and sleep.. Or perhaps she could just sleep now and give up the will to fight the dark shadows crawling around the edges of her blurring vision?
Schools a drag, might have to work on threads during the weekends only.

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